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Saturday, September 3, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Sagittarius

Sagittarius ♐️ is the sexiest among all. I consider not only appearance, but charisma and passionate nature. 

Legendary, #1 figure skater in history, two-time OCH Yuzuru Hanyu. Figure skating is a very complicated sports, you break everything you can to show the result. He is the number 1 sexy man in the world. 

 Brad Pitt, Theo James, Ian Sammerholder, Danya Milokhin are other Sagittarius men in this category. 


I will say one new thing. Sagittarius is a humble sign. In principle, Sagittarius has never been among the most conceited. For example, Yuzuru Hanyu is very modest. He bows before the audience and shows respect in every way, he smiles.  Justin Bieber speaks of Hailey in such a way that he admires her humility in her. She is a Sagittarius. It is how humble they are. There is a type of vain, but they are still not as vain as the top 3: Aries, Capricorn and Scorpio.
 The fastest element in terms of movement and learning is fire. Especially Sagittarius. In running you need to be the fastest, fire is number 1 in running. Record holder in the women's single Sagittarius Griffith-Joyner, Leo Usain Bolt in the men's sprint, Aries in the marathon and 10,000 m, Aries - number 1 in the number of Olympic gold medals in women's running. In "The Smartest" program Sagittarius (Vetchinov, Belozerov, Shipachev) is number 1 - there you need to answer the question faster and give the most correct answers in a minute. The fastest figure skater in history is Sagittarius Yuzuru Hanyu.
Yuzuru Hanyu is the first two-time OC in FS in 66 years. The last one before him was Dick Button with the Moon in Sagittarius. It took 66 years for Solar Sagittarius to repeat the achievement

The Taurus are very lucky in the women's singles, while in the men's singles, ❄️ winter Sagittarians are more lucky. Yuzuru Hanyu is a two time Olympic champion, he puts 100% effort in each movement, passionate, energetic self-expression. All elements are done at a high speed from difficult entries, jumps are without preparation pause. Transitions and movements are the most complicated. Yuzuru Hanyu is the best figure skater in history. He has shown the best gliding, smooth, effortless. Yuzuru Hanyu and Malinin are Sagittarians who brought something new to the men's singles. Quad revolution author: before him
men did only 1 quad, Hanyu landed 4 quads in the 2017 World championship and 5 in 2019. Hanyu brought smth new to the sport, was the first to jump: he made the quad Rittberger, the quad toe loop and the triple Axel in the cascade, he set 19 world records. The fastest in history. Plus, he has the best gliding in history among all, the most component skater in history (one foot skating, choreography, highest speed and gliding)
Malinin was the first to jump 4A, but Yuzuru jumped in training. Hanyu dominated from 2013 to 2018, becoming a two-time OC. Malinin will dominate from 2025 to 2028. We get 2 of the only and immediately best Sagittarius in the history of FS (winter sign dominates the men’s winter sports/figure skating) 
Both Malinin and Nathan Chen will never approach Yuzuru Hanyu in components and only Yuzuru Hanyu’s skating can be called divine. 

Tyra Banks and Oksana Fedorova. Key characteristics of women of the Sagittarius sign: brightness and cheerfulness, vigor. In her modeling show, Tyra taught girls how to smile with their eyes. This is her trademark - a smile with her eyes. Oksana and Taira are united by charity work. Oksana Fedorova in an interview about finance told how she manages money. She says that clothes are given to her, and makeup can be done for a barter exchange, but she lets the excess go to charity. And it is clear that money is not the main thing for her. Sagittarius in general is a very spiritual sign, she often talks about God and quotes spiritual teachers. (interview Very generous.


Mark Twain, Walt Disney, Jonathan Swift. They are all Sagittarians. The authors are united by the adventure genre. Mark Twain wrote two books The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Jonathan Swift wrote about Gulliver's Travels. Walt Disney is known for creating adventure-style cartoons (Tom and Jerry, Alice in Wonderland)

The word "adventure" can be associated with the sign of Sagittarius. Another brand difference.


The best man in the life of Marilyn Monroe was Joe DiMaggio. She admires him, saying, "He's real!"

Saggitarius is real, yes.


- Do not swear with your daughter, she will then close and will not be able to trust you. And trust between mother and daughter is very important! Without trust anywhere, then she will not tell you anything at all.

Damn, it was necessary to record word for word on the recorder. She said cool, like understandable things, but so convincingly and with charisma ... only Sagittarius can do that!


Sagittarians are such moralists. In the store of acquaintances, if they suddenly owe money, they ask you to remind them and they rush to return it themselves. Even if it's a very small amount. Always trying to live right.


The fact that Sagittarius loves to teach and instruct is normal. It's bad when it becomes a habit))


It's a great privilege to be always right. The privilege given to teachers, in other words - Saggitarius people.


Sagittarians guide people and charge with positive. Sagittarians seem to have no right to feel bad. But when they get tired of pretending that everything is fine all the time, they say: "Damn everyone, I feel bad!"


Sagittarius is the sign of philosophers and sages.


The thirst to be among the intelligent pushes Sagittarius, who has left the village, to study a lot, to receive prestigious master's degrees such as an MBA, etc., to study different languages, to travel a lot.


The strength of the spirit lies in faith (c)



Sagittarius is a fiery lantern, a symbol of hope and faith! A sign of positive thinking, a celebration of the soul and the pursuit of knowledge.


Somehow easily and quickly we became close, and felt an amazing mutual sympathy. It's impossible to put into words. Probably, you will not believe if I say that our feelings flared up instantly and blazed like fire. We were amazed that we had not met before." Aitmatov Chyngyz What I liked about the story "our feelings flashed instantly and blazed like fire" Aitmatov is Sagittarius, and Beishenalieva is Aries. Fire duo.


Sagittarius loves to give advice. Such a need.

You can immediately see when Sagittarius gives advice. This is a deep, relevant truth based on long reflections on reality. Sagittarius himself came to this life wisdom. When Gemini gives advice, it looks like a generally accepted universal phrase read somewhere, that is, this seems to be the right advice, and for some reason it doesn’t catch. Unconvincing. But Gemini is strong in their erudition and when they give advice, it is better for them to turn to the source, advise a good book or say exactly how they came to a certain conclusion. Sagittarius does not need to stick a book with words - this author will help you. It's a Gemini thing. Sagittarius himself is the bearer of authority and from the many books he read, through critical thinking, his experience and observations of reality, he brings out what is deep and true, challenging superficial advice and conclusions. It often happens that a Sagittarius can read one article and already consider himself an expert. This happens because he asked questions about life inside himself for a long time, and some teaching or article gave answers to them. Now Sagittarius has become an expert for himself in a certain area. Geminis read more Sagittarius and also know how to solve this or that problem, and their advice is very practical and easy to understand for people. It’s just that Gemini doesn’t need to build Sagittarius out of himself, trying to read morality to others. Their job is to give practical and useful advice from the many books they have read, to convey an elementary fact, information to the unknowing (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini).


When Sagittarius says "This is not right!" The Gemini are indignant: "Do you know everything to say what is right or wrong?" That is, Gemini does not understand Sagittarius's confidence that this is correct. How do you know? the Twins ask. Have you been reading a lot? And if you read somewhere, tell me where? But Sagittarius did not read anywhere, he just delved into himself and through his experience found the truth.

Opposites... (Gemini-Sagittarius, 180)


Igor Krutoy about relations with his wife:

“Probably, in moments of disagreement, I need to keep silent once again, let something go past my ears, give in to a woman, but I don’t always do it. Being Leo by the zodiac sign, I often explode - I instantly boil up, so much so that I can jump out of my shoes. But I'm quick-witted - I deflate very quickly and ... return to my shoes. And Olya is a Sagittarius to the fullest. She definitely needs to tell the truth. And even when no one needs this truth, for some reason she simply has to say it - exactly in - just like a truth-seeking parrot in Khazanov's miniature, who shouted: "At the zoo, the tiger is not getting enough meat!"


He has such a gift to convince that it is impossible to argue with him - they say about Sagittarius.


- Do you want to be happy or be right?

Sagittarius: be right.


The relationship between m and f))


Pacifist, agnostic, polyglot, quintessence and many more such buzzwords in the Sagittarius vocabulary that emphasize his intelligence))


Jupiter is kind, even when there are tense transits of Jupiter to personal planets, it does not give evil, just during such periods there are unreasonably high expectations and a feeling of not getting something. I mean, Sagittarius, whose ruler is just the planet Jupiter, are mostly kind and positive people. Yes, they are idealistic and tend to criticize everything that is not consistent with their ideals, but at the same time Sagittarius in a highly spiritual development understand that the problems of society have always been and will be, you just need to treat them philosophically without condemnation.


- You are a Sagittarius according to the horoscope, and Sagittarius is characterized by strong energy, honesty, courage, love of freedom, purposefulness, thirst for knowledge ... Do you feel that this is your sign?

Yuri Vasiliev: Yes, I feel like a Sagittarius, I have never doubted it: I don’t like to sit in one place, I must definitely try everything, experience it for myself. Maybe creating my own theater is one of those things. After all, it was possible to vegetate normally, to play quietly in the Theater of Satire. Fortunately, I have plenty of roles there, but I still have energy, a desire to learn something that I still don’t know how to do.

Yuri Vasiliev, director of the new film "Hero"


Naive not only Leos, childish naivety is inherent in fire in general, including Aries and Sagittarius.

Libra is loved for their delicacy, Leo and Sagittarius for their nobility.


Sagittarius' favorite word is "intelligence"

Of course after the word "authority"


Sagittarius is harsh in his assessments, communicates with a certain circle of people who meet his moral standards. Gemini (180 Sagittarius) communicates with everyone and is not so critical of human vices.


Sagittarius does not deceive, because he understands that after one lie, no one will believe him anymore, as a result, he will lose credibility. Authority is an important thing for Sagittarius, he wants to spread his views and be respected, he loves to be considered wise.


If Sagittarius is a fan of exclamation marks (!), then Cancer loves emotions of this nature))))

I have already noticed it many times. I usually use Cancer emoji when I get softer.

Capricorn loves neither.


Sagittarius spent a lot of time to get to the bottom of the truth, having passed everything through himself. That's why he's so sure he's right.


Think big! Like a Saggitarius, that is.


Wise, personable and beautiful speech. Mature Sagittarius would often give the brightest speech. 


A frequently used Sagittarius word is "honestly"

Other signs do not use this word so often.


Sagittarius is the king of flirting)) Sagittarius is the king of slogans.


Sagittarius is joyful even when he has problems up to his throat. Sagittarius is a symbol of faith and hope. These are two powerful forces that help a person to move forward without looking back.


Gemini knows how to ask questions, and Sagittarians know how to give answers.

Sagittarius: I have an inspiring ideal - I want to instill in people a love of life, I want more goodness in the world, I believe in the best qualities of people. God created man to be happy, I want to live every moment of my life, enjoying life and doing my own thing. You know, I also understood that God shows us that we are not going our own way in life through illness and failure, and a person stubbornly insists on his own and does not listen to what God tells us. The soul and the mind must be one, if the mind, following its selfish whims, locks the soul in a case of conditioning, the soul becomes unhappy. She is silently forced to follow what her mind tells her. The soul in a weak voice wants to declare its talents and inclinations, but the mind does not even want to listen to it. He climbs to power and wealth, ignoring the elementary principles of morality and the desires of his soul, and in the end, having achieved his goal, he realizes that this was not what he needed, it did not make him happy.

You know, I recently read Osho, he talks about unconditional love, I support his views on this matter. I have a goal - to give love to the world unconditionally, because my soul requires it. I want to be better than I am.

Gemini: your conclusions are certainly interesting, but you are speaking in an abstract way, I did not understand anything from what you said. How can I put this information into practice?

Sagittarius went nuts.



Sagittarius is able to clearly express thoughts, he pushes speeches at a high level. She who should be given a toast.


Sagittarius and Scorpio are the most straightforward and honest signs.

Sagittarius can be harsh, rude, thereby offending people who are softer and more tactful, but he makes comments with good intentions, he wants to make people better. And Scorpio, like a black teacher, wants to be sarcastic and hurt, he simply speaks out for the sake of truth, in order to put a person in his place, pointing out his weaknesses.


Do not ask others, look for answers to questions yourself!

Sagittarius say to Gemini.


Saggitarius people are a generous soul.


One psychologist about Sagittarius Andrei Parabellum who passed away:

"For the first time in my life, Andrei Parabellum himself gave me an interview!

Andrey Parabellum - dad of the domestic infobusiness, the person who raised this direction in Russia from scratch

a multi-millionaire who has already raised several dozen dollar millionaires. What do you think: can such a person think globally?

I've always been struck by:

with what a BIGWAY Andrey manages to think and set goals!"

Sagittarians... always think big and really boldly set goals on a grand scale. They are so optimistic!

Andrey Parabellum said that he doesn’t care how much it costs “if I need it”

Sagittarians are definitely generous people.


Sagittarius cannot live without joy. He is stressed and depressed for a short time, immediately comes to his senses and finds a reason for optimism.


People who give advice are considered respected. Therefore, Sagittarius is an authoritative person.


The word "ideal" is suitable for Virgo, and the word "idealistic" for Pisces and Sagittarius. "Ideal" means correct in all respects, without errors or shortcomings. Therefore, Virgo always strives for perfection, she easily sees flaws and loves to poke at them to make something or someone better, more ideal. And an idealistic person is dreamy, inspired by some ideal in the form of conviction, faith in a better future. The idealist does not try to be perfect, often does not notice his own and other people's mistakes, tries to justify the shortcomings and treats problems philosophically. The ideal person (Virgo) is here and now, he does everything rationally, makes the right decisions, lives from his head, does not build illusions, looks at things realistically. The idealist (Pisces, Sagittarius) is inclined to build illusions and be deceived, but on the whole he lives happier than the ideal, as he is more likely to see the beautiful, and skips any imperfections. The ideal person builds realistic goals and plans everything in advance, knows what he is doing and why. The idealist is not inclined to plan, he dreams and believes that somehow it will turn out well there, lives in his own world and makes the ideal one twist his finger at the temple. And this is where the idealist takes a risk... On the one hand, he can fall hard and become disillusioned with life, throw his dream in the dust, come to the ideal and listen to a 2-hour lecture on how to live "correctly." On the other hand, having an unshakable faith in his illusion, he can materialize it and achieve great success. Can the ideal and the idealistic teach each other anything? Yes, the ideal corrects the goals of the second in the direction of practicality, corrects somewhere and says the best. The idealistic helps the ideal to become more sublime, he teaches him to dream and see the best in people and in the world. You can also say that the idealistic is inspired by the idea, and the ideal is taken to execute.

Here's another twist...


Sagittarius women are fiery, bright, energetic, with an instructive look. You look at them and you just want to light up and shout: "Life!" Sagittarius, after all, also know how to inspire optimism!

Gabriela Spanic, Tyra Banks, Miley Cyrus, TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, psychic Elena Yasevich.


Fire attacks and is set to attack. In the famous animated series Avatar, the element of fire unleashed the war first. Therefore, it is better for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius not to run into conflicts and be less quick-tempered.


 Saggitarius's harsh phrases often hit the target!


Two Sagittarius, if they are colleagues, like two Jupiters, cannot get along on one Olympus. Each is already an authority and will not allow another to impose his opinion.


Sagittarius likes to emphasize or be sure to mention the principles of morality in a speech. Let's say he praises someone and says: "Just don't be proud, pride is a sin"


Not only Leo, but all fire signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) are boastful. Leo loves everything branded, status, secular and always emphasizes his positive qualities, which necessarily indicate that he is above others. Leo hates competition, he wants to be unique and incomparable. He likes to assert himself through acquaintance with stars and other unique personalities, popular people. He also claims to be a star.

Aries is because he loves all the best in the rating, he always wants to be the first, therefore, unlike Leo, on the contrary, he loves competition, tries to break the record, jump above his head. He asserts himself through victories and understands the laws of natural selection, where the strongest survive. He likes to humiliate another not by status (Aries is not secular at all), but by specific parameters "The best in this, I do this cooler than everyone else, I "did" that one, I won this one."

And what is the pride of Sagittarius? The answer is not entirely obvious at first glance. But if you look closely, you can see that Sagittarius clearly loves authority and prestige. He likes the guru, respects excellent students at school, because everyone respects them, listens only to authoritative people and authoritative media, but the opinion of the rest does not matter. Arrogantly looks at the illiterate and low-spiritual. He himself claims authority, loves when his opinion is listened to, therefore he often teaches and instructs, likes to act as a spiritual leader, loves to give advice. He considers it necessary to have a higher education, and a prestigious one. He loves to learn and expand his horizons to say: "I know more than you and have seen more, so listen to me!"

He also chooses places of work, focusing on prestige, authority.


Persistent moral convictions, worldview, ethics. Among Sagittarians there are many religious people, spiritual teachers, deep thinkers, so in the presence of them, do not even dare to challenge something from his faith or philosophical principles.


Sagittarius perceives information only from authoritative sources. He is so selective that even among the authorities he is looking for such a guru whose thoughts would coincide with his life experience. This is not for you the Gemini (the opposite of Sagittarius), who eat all the information in a row, listen to everything that a neighbor or girlfriend says. Here Sagittarius is more arrogant in this regard, he considers the media a stupid source of information that does not carry the truth. In this sense, Sagittarius also rushes to extremes - he thinks that his truth is unshakable, and all other sources are simply lying. But there are good media that speak the case. This is where Sagittarius lacks the flexibility of Gemini, he cannot easily rebuild his outlook on life. Sagittarius rests on his truth, he has answers to many questions, he has strong convictions and tends to idealize anything up to fanaticism. As Justin Bieber complained Hailey Baldwin is too religious. 


In general, Sagittarius is an open and direct person. He does not hold evil behind his back, if something bad needs to be said, he speaks directly.

What captivates in Sagittarius is their ability to be real, straightforward, open. They say directly what they think about you and speak about everything quite openly, without complexes, and most importantly, convincingly. Yes, they are harsh, rude, tactless, but all this is covered by their self-confidence and charisma.


Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, endows his wards with the ability to accept in people both good and evil, immorality. Although Sagittarius teaches and generalizes, he has an all-forgiving and accepting heart. He sees everything and is philosophical about the weaknesses of people, in no hurry to punish. His words: "There is a lot of bad in society, but it has always been and will be, so let's focus on the good!"


What I like about Leo and Sagittarius is generosity and the ability to live in a big way, without trifles.


Adventurism is characteristic of many Sagittarians, including Osho.

"It's so beautiful to take risks, walk on a razor's edge, where every step is dangerous. The more dangerous you lead, the more alive you are.

And if there is an opportunity to live, in one moment, the whole eternity, if you are ready to live totally, risking everything and always. I don't want you to be a businessman, I want you to be a player. And when you play, bet everything. Don't leave anything for the next moment. Then whatever happens will bring great blessings to you. Even if you become a beggar, you will have more self-esteem than the emperor "(c)


Sagittarius is a symbol of hope and faith! Sagittarius Sergey Svetlakov is the kindest judge on "Comedy Battle"! He gives hope, in most cases he says "YES", because he does not want to break the enthusiasm of the participants.


Is it difficult to be a diplomat?

Chingiz Aitmatov:

- Difficult! And I won't say that I'm such a brilliant diplomat... Diplomacy is understood by many as some kind of obligatory trick... No, I always act openly, honestly, sincerely. If people feel that there is no evil background, that everything is open, why not trust? I think it helps me to establish normal human relations and diplomatic contacts.

Sagittarius ♐ (honesty!)


Sagittarius - the wisest, honest.

Plus, positive thinking is very developed in this sign! ♐ I need more Sagittarius friends.


Britney Spears has the song "Lucky" Sagittarius are lucky and even sing about it. "She is lucky" - sings about herself in the 3rd person Sadyr Japarov is also lucky. He became president from the prison. Yuzuru Hanyu is Saggitarius, two-time Olympic champion and his coach Brian Orser is Saggitarius

"Somehow, we quickly and easily became close, felt an amazing mutual sympathy. It's impossible to put into words. You probably won't believe it if I say that our feelings flared up instantly and blazed like fire. We were amazed that we hadn't met before" Aitmatov Chyngyz The writer is Sagittarius, and the ballerina is Aries. Fiery duet
Fiery people hate dependence and always want independence. Fiery pride. It is difficult for them to lose dignity and obey. Often the fire works for itself. If this is a woman of the fiery element, she works no worse than her husband and strives for independence. In a relationship, she can become a leader and manage her husband.
Guess Justin Bieber expected too much from Hailey and is now into bullying and abuse. Aquatic people have the ability to idealize people, and people are fiery, that is, different. It makes me sad to watch Justin Bieber not understanding his wife and trying to foster. Fiery difficult to foster
Many years ago, Sagittarius Scarlett Johansson sued the writer for writing in his book that the main character looked like Scarlett Johansson. Sagittarius is the opposite of Gemini. Gemini stands for freedom of speech. Fortunately, the courts (Libra) were adequate and Scarlett received only 2000 something dollars in compensation. For a bestselling author, that's a trifle. Still, there are almost no problems with democracy in the United States. There are many self-confident among Sagittarians.
Almost all Sagittarians flirt with other women while already in a relationship. I haven't seen any exceptions.
Angelina Jolie demanded sole custody of the children during the divorce, as she was dissatisfied with her husband's upbringing methods and outbursts of anger. Brad Pitt is a fiery element and therefore often gets angry and may not be democratic, like Angelina is an air sign, Gemini. Fiery are not strong in raising children, they simply do not have enough patience
Fiery ones usually do not see when someone treats them badly until there is obvious damaging action. They are naive and filled with a sense of significance. It is also often inherent in fire to be deceived and to protect those who are unworthy of it. They cannot recognize a contemptuous attitude towards themselves. After all, they think good things about themselves and sincerely cannot understand why people hate them. Perhaps this approach is a protection from the negativity of other people, this fiery positivity, faith in yourself and the ability to ignore hate.
Fiery ones usually do not see when someone treats them badly until there is obvious damaging action. They are naive and filled with a sense of significance. It is also often inherent in fire to be deceived and to protect those who are unworthy of it. They cannot recognize a contemptuous attitude towards themselves. After all, they think good things about themselves and sincerely cannot understand why people hate them. Perhaps this approach is a protection from the negativity of other people, this fiery positivity, faith in yourself and the ability to ignore the hate.
It is known that fiery ones love independence. Even being in a dependent position, they do not seem to recognize this, and they have a difficult relationship with their parents. For fire, respect is important primarily for oneself, and in a dependent position this cannot be achieved, and hence the desire to get away from any dependence at all
There are many comedic characters among Sagittarians: Ozzy Osbourne, Red Fox, Stephen Wright, Billy Connolly, Woody Allen, Tiffany Haddish, Sam Kinison, Richard Pryer, Sarah Silvermack, Bill Hicks (10 Sagittarius)
James Belushi with Moon in Sagittarius. Brian Orser and Stanislav Shipachev are not comedians, but they always have a genuine cheerful smile on their faces.
The very first Sagittarius. The rest are 3-4 maximum
Eight-time OC Usain Bolt, the fastest runner in history - Leo, 3-time OC Griffith-Joyner, fastest female runner - Sagittarius. Fire signs. Tyson Gay Lion is the second fastest after Usain Bolt, although not OC The two fastest runners on the planet under the sign of Leo
Why water and fire are difficult to get along. Cheryl Cole appreciated Ashley Cole very highly and even took his last name. Cancers in personal relationships are self-sacrifice. It turns out Sagittarius Ashley did not appreciate this and began to cheat. After the breakup, it was too late to say that he couldn’t live without her. Fiery ones are not strong in the manifestation of feelings; moreover, they cannot appreciate the feelings of another. Conquest and courtship - yes, but maintenance is lame. In ordinary everyday relationships, fiery ones infuriate with their uncompromising and explosive nature. In order to compensate for moral damage, fire must provide well and not be greedy, and this is within the power of fire. If you don't know how to love, then know how to share

Another example is an almost mirror situation. Frida Kahlo Cancer always loved Sagittarius Diego Rivera, and he enjoyed causing suffering to the artist with his constant betrayals. Cheryl Cole immediately filed for divorce, but Frida suffered.
Forecast for Sagittarius: in this year, infidelity will be discovered and there will be a scandal
- Smile from ear to ear
Sagittarians tend to explode if they hear from others about their shortcomings. This is a sign that can afford a lot and still think well of itself. Sagittarius can unfairly humiliate. 

- How would you name the story of your life?
- Strength of spirit. 
This is Gabriela Spanik, beautiful actress of my childhood. Strength of spirit - is most often about Sagittarius, a fire sign

The Russian show "The smartest" existed between 2002-2012. Schoolboys and girls have to answer questions on different subjects per minute. There was one superfinal twice a year (two seasons) among winners. 9 championship superfinal titles belong to Saggitarius, 5 - to Capricorn, 4 -to Aquarius, 4-Taurus, Leo -2, Pisces -2, Virgo, Aries and Scorpio -1. (about 20 superfinals)
Speed was very important in the game (within 1 minute they had to give as many correct answers as possible) and the fire sign again is first. 

Alexander Vetchinov won 4 times (the most titled player). "I am Saggitarius, therefore I can be hot-tempered and scream at everyone"
Stanislav Shipachev - 3 times champion 
Boris Belozerov - champion (according to the brightest player, absolute record - 46 correct answers for 2 rounds)
Marina Mincikovskaya - champion


Saggitarius and Leo are in the top 3. The most generous is Taurus.

Among top 20:

1) Taurus - about 4226% 2) Saggitarius -966% 3) Leo - 388%

4) Gemini - 190%  5) Scorpio - 108%  6) Capricorn - 77%, 7) Virgo - 48% 8) Aquarius - 48% 9) Pisces - 5%

There is a formula of generosity: amount sacrificed/current financial state. 

2) Saggitarus

According to the sourceSheikh Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi is Saggitariusborn on November 30.
Saudi-Arabian philanthropist sacrificed $5,7 billion and his current wealth is $ 590 mln = 966%

According to the ranking's top 10, there are 3 Saggitarius violinists (not composers), all women. I'm pleasantly surprised to see a lot of women in the ranking. Among women, Saggitarius is the 100%
Hillary Khan, Sarah Chang, Victoria Mullova
In the adventurous genre of writing and animating, Saggitarius is the leader: Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain and Walt Disney 

I looked at some rankings of film directors and revealed that in the top 5 and 10 are 80% fire signs (Saggitarius, Aries, Leo). The top 5 are generally stable: usually, Alfred Hitchcock Leo is the first according to several rankings (at least in the top 3), Saggitarius Spielberg is also first according to some rankings (at least in the top 5), Leo Stanley Kubrick is second or third (at least in the top 5), Quentin Tarantino Aries is fourth or fifth. The top 5 were diluted with Scorpio Martin Scorsese. #1 is Leo! Leos among the top 5: Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick.

The American athlete Malinin has a big chance of becoming the next Olympic champion. Now he is doing a 4-Axel, which no other man has ever done in a competition. Only Yuzuru Hanyu did it during training. Yuzuru Hanyu and Malinin both share the same zodiac sign, the lucky winter sign Sagittarius. Ilya Malinin has favorable indications for the 2026 Olympics in Milan.
In one Sagittarius forum, a guy writes about the experience of relationships with all 12 zodiac signs except Sagittarius. Here is a womanizer, he didn’t miss a single skirt.
If Sagittarius has little money, then he can patronize the weaker ones. Here we are talking about spiritual generosity, responsiveness. A good friend, knows how to be the soul of the company, a good attitude towards subordinates.
Sagittarius cannot stand criticism, you can’t criticize them at all and be angry.
Sagittarius is an honest sign, unsophisticated and has no evil intentions about you.
Shoma Uno is also a Sagittarius, as is Yuzuru Hanyu - the first two places in the 2018 Olympics. Nathan Chen Taurus and Yuma Kagiyama Taurus are the two first places in the Beijing 2022 Olympics.

Sagittarius are not faithful, but they are great lovers! You don’t even need to guess whether he likes, doesn’t like, they are amorous! The ideal romantic partner. Leo, too, of course, but he is for a long-term relationship.
The strongest players in the Own Game project
Lieber is the strongest in terms of the number of wins. He is a Taurus. Like Taurus Druz #1 in “What? Where? When?"
The second is Aquarius Zhdanov. They also say about Sagittarius Wasserman that he is the greatest player of all time, with 15 victories in a row in one tournament. He is like Sagittarius Vetchinov in the transfer of schoolchildren "The smartest"
Taurus Druz also participates in this game and one of the strongest.
Hanyu and his fire element: "Rise like a phonex!"
Tokyo Dome “Gift” show. Phonex was right behind him presenting his fire element.

People and the athletes themselves were surprised at how Yuzuru Hanyu could perform for several hours without getting tired? The Gift show contained all the programs in the career of the best skater in history. Fiery ones take energy from physical movements and the sun. The more you move, the higher is your energy level. He eats little, but moves a lot.


Taurus is very lucky in women's singles, while Sagittarius is luckier in men's singles. Taurus Nathan Chen is strong, he was the first to land 5 quads, but he is not a two-time OC and has not brought anything new to the sport. Yuzuru Hanyu and Malinin are Sagittarius who brought something new to men's singles and they also can jump 5 quads. Hanyu was the first to jump: 4 Rittberger did a quadruple toe loop and a triple axel in a cascade first, was the first to score more than 300 points in total, and set 19 world records. The fastest in history. Plus, he has the best glide in history among all, the most component skater in history (choreography, speed and glide) Malinin was the first to jump 4A, but during training Yuzuru jumped. Hanyu dominated from 2013 to 2018, becoming a two-time OC. Malinin will dominate from 2025 to 2028. We get 2 of the only and immediately best Sagittarius in the history of FS, Malinin stands behind Hanyu Yuzuru, there is no one so far better than Yuzuru, and will not be in the near future.


Wonderful Sagittarius in Figure Skating: there was no single Olympic Champion with Sagittarius zodiac sign. The only Sagittarius in women’s singles was Katarina Witt, 2*OCH, the only Sagittarius in men’s - Yuzuru Hanyu, 2*OCH. Following this logic, we can assume that Sagittarius Ilya Malinin can also become an Olympic champion, twice or not we will see. 

Mostly Sagittarius men are unfaithful in the marriage, the only way to keep them is - more successful woman near like Maryl Streep near Sagittarius Gummer. Sagittarius men rarely have bad intentions, they cheat with superficial women that don’t intend to own them. 


Sagittarius women are usually strong and successful. As Taylor Swift sings: "I am the best party here"

They have adventurous nature and have relationships that do not last long. Sagittarius women are explosive and it also creates problems. They often find themselves with weaker men. 

Sagittarius always acts by force. Imprison, write to the media, sue. Also a conflict sign, but not in trifles. There are many explosive people among them.
I also want to be like Sagittarius, to have a relationship, but not to register.
Sagittarians are always very charismatic. They enter and you feel their energy, they also have a voice and such confidence, purely masculine.
In general, Sagittarians are very open in relationships. Of course, they may secretly love someone during their teenage years, but sooner or later they always open up.
Sagittarius is a rather obstinate sign. Especially women and therefore are lonely. Gabriela Spanic, Scarlett Johansson, Tyra Banks.
Miguel de Leon beat up Gabriela Spanic because Sagittarians have such a trait of telling the truth and not feeling sorry for the feelings of others. Pisces are sensitive. I'm not defending her ex-husband, but the reason is clear. It is advisable to say things not directly, but in a different way, so that the person himself becomes ashamed.
Sagittarius is a lucky sign, but also prone to bold adventures. Sadyr Japarov made Kumtor popular. Justice prevailed, as Canadians mined gold in our territory and enriched themselves over the years.
Sagittarians never envy anyone. They love the lucky and the strong.
Taylor Swift's new video is also on the Mastermind cover of the constellation Pisces and Sagittarius. Pisces is Joe Alvin, Taylor Swift is Sagittarius.
 Sagittarius is the least stress resistant. President Japarov almost committed suicide in prison, although everything was fine afterwards. Hailey Baldwin received a lot of threats from Selena's fans and she complained that these were the hardest months of her life. Taylor Swift cried when she remembered how people hated her and wrote that they did not want to listen to her songs. She disappeared for a year and did not release anything. They just want to disappear. Prokhor Chaliapin got up and left the hall after a DNA test showed that the child from Anna Kalashnikova was not his. I don't think this is the way to react to the opinions of the press or people. The main thing is not to harm yourself.
Sagittarius is really generous, Taylor Swift donated $50 million to her staff. In addition, she sang songs about Joe Alvin, although without mentioning his name. She shares her feelings in her work, writes songs herself, she is a songwriter. Joe Alwyn is much more modest compared to Taylor Swift, he should be pleased that both talented and rich people sing about him. Pisces Joe Alvin also certainly had great merit in terms of generosity of feelings. Sagittarius is a very generous sign in terms of money; in terms of feelings, Pisces is more generous.
The big boss Sagittarius in especially stressful situations could use foul language with his subordinates. One woman got a job and quit after 2 months. Other employees respected him and said that it was just such a stressful period. The most unstable to stress.
Sagittarius is a male sign, so it can often talk a lot and not think about the feelings of another.
In the men's singles, winter signs came and changed the FS. Sagittarius Hanyu is the best figure skater in history, Sagittarius Malinin will still show himself, but he is already confidently doing 4 axels, steadily. Capricorn Alexander Plushenko can also do something interesting.
Taylor Swift released the Fearless album. Sagittarius yes… fearless.
It can be said with a high percentage that if a Sagittarius, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a woman or a man, gets married, there will be a divorce in a few years. Examples: Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Gabriela Spanic, Mila Yovovich, Scarlett Yohansson, Brad Pitt, Ashley Cole, Jamie Hince, and Tyra Banks and Taylor Swift prefer not to enter into an official marriage at all. 

The first marriage in the vast majority of cases ends in divorce for Sagittarius in a few years or even less. Another Sagittarius Scarlett Johansson, her first marriage lasted 3 years, her second marriage also lasted 3 years, her third from 2020, which means the 3-year mark will be crossed and how long will the marriage last... Will watch.

Sagittarius Milla Jovovich has been married 3 times. The first marriage broke the record, about 2 months. She got married too hastily. Second marriage 2 years. Only 3rd marriage managed to last a long time. On the 3rd attempt, her personal life improved.
I also found examples of Sagittarians who have so far managed to stay married for a long time. This is Amy Lee and Katherine Heigl and both have been married since 2007. So 2007 was a good year for Sagittarius to get married. Sagittarius Milla Jovovich has been married 3 times.
Obstinate and humble - sometimes at the same time, and some Sagittarius have more obstinacy, some have more humility.
There are many modest people among Sagittarius, Hande Erçel understands the superiority of Hakan Sabancı and goes down, bowing her head, as if showing humility.

It was also difficult to call anyone from the yard kind. One Sagittarius girl was kind and positive. Several times she had cracks on her hand from falls, she did not make any sounds, and the tears flowed quietly. Even if there are problems, Sagittarius tries to look positive. 
Kylian Mbappe is also a humble Sagittarius. How he looks at Cristiano! As a child, Mbappe covered his room with photographs of his idol.

Sagittarius is one of the most promiscuous signs of the zodiac! Always in love disappointments, they choose much weaker ones, think about people better than they are, and rightly believe that there is someone better. If you come across a strong woman who can help, then of course Sagittarius will not leave. He has someone to compare with.
The best runners in history come from hot African countries (Jamaica is hot too). It's no wonder why fire signs lead the race. They take energy from the sun, and there is a lot of sun in Africa. Running itself as a sport is included in the summer sports.
Sagittarius Britney Spears's first marriage lasted only 55 hours. In her memoirs, she writes that she married Jason Allen Alexander while drunk. 55 hours is actually a record; it beat Mila Jovovich, who had it for 2 months. This is the most suitable word that shows how Sagittarius get married or get married - drunk.

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