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Friday, August 5, 2022

Split personality of Marilyn Monroe. Norma Jean vs Marilyn Monroe

russian version here

Yes, two people live in Gemini, and not necessarily one is good, the other is bad. It can be a self-confident lady in public, the soul of the company, and at home - a lonely and insecure girl, shaking with fear, with many complexes. And here the main thing is to make sure that the two personalities live in harmony and do not conflict.

Smart, well-read, unassuming Norma Jean was brutally suppressed by the stupid and immoral blonde Marilyn Monroe, who was loved only for her beauty, red lips, and curvaceous figure. Marilyn had many admirers and everyone was crazy about her seductive image, not wanting to accept the second self, which was distinguished by her ability to think competently and talk on serious topics. The unrecognized, abandoned, and lonely Norma Jean began to rebel ... Indeed, she was smart, and in any free minute she began to read, her husband said: “You always have something to do, you are smart, we have a whole library at home!” In general, remember one thing, the air sign Gemini is the fastest grasping, erudite and well-read sign of all 12 solar signs! If America knew that Marilyn Monroe/Norma Jean were twins, they would recognize her intelligence!

 Norma Jean's Soul Cry:

“I read, in any free minute I take up a book. Many believe that this is a game for the public, no one believes that I understand Freud's theory, I know Russian literature well, I love Dostoevsky, Joyce, Steinbeck, Proust, Ibsen, in general, I love serious literature, painting ... "

“It turns out that in those days I was Norma Jean on the outside, and Marilyn on the inside, and I had to choose who should prevail. Norma Jean really liked the classes at the Actors Lab, she liked serious roles in serious plays, she wanted to learn how to play professionally, become a real actress ... But nothing worked. Marilyn frankly pulled in the other direction. I realized that I could become successful quickly, just use my figure and not be too stubborn. The blonde whore wanted to get everything at once, and also to prove to everyone and to herself that it was not in vain that she decided to try her luck in the cinema”

Not only Norma Jean's mind remained unnoticed, but Norma herself remained abandoned, useless, with undeveloped complexes from childhood. Marilyn herself abandoned the insecure Norma Jean, ran away from herself into the image of Marilyn. But you can't run away from yourself... And fame increases the previous unresolved internal conflicts, makes you pay attention to them with even greater force. I can imagine how painful it was for Norma Jean that she was easily exchanged for Marilyn Monroe... when it was necessary to cure her, small, sad, with many childhood psychological traumas, to make her content... when it was necessary to reckon with her ambitions and desires, and not only seek fame and adoration of millions as an end in itself.

It was just necessary to create Norma Jean herself anew, build from scratch or from the place when she decided to abandon her.

I read her revelations and the story about myself with bated breath... I got great pleasure from Norma Jean, from the strength of her Personality, who would obviously become a famous and recognized writer all over the world if she started publishing her books... I discovered a lot of things from her horoscope and was surprised at how Astrology works))

Excerpts from the autobiography of Norma Jean: Marilyn Monroe. “Passion told by herself”

“We had to choose a name. Lyon absolutely did not like Norma Jean. Here came the moment when I had to give up myself for the first time... For some reason it seemed that as soon as the name was found, going back would be impossible. I think Lyon said I should be Marilyn Monroe because that was the name of the musical star.”

“Once, standing in front of a mirror, I asked my reflection a question: - Well, what did you achieve? The roar of the crowd, who do not care if there are brains under your hair, have you read something more serious than picture magazines, have you studied acting, which is enough that the chest is high, the hips can wag, and the legs are slender? Contempt colleagues and outright hostility of her husband? And it seemed to me that the Blonde asked with a grin in response: - What did you achieve? She's right, Norma Jean didn't have that either. I was unhappy, no success of Marilyn Monroe or the box office of stupid films added confidence or satisfaction to me, and the outright hostility of DiMaggio (note - her husband) deprived me of the last forces and hopes. There was no place for me anywhere: not in the studio, not in the acting community, not even at home. Nobody needs me, the audience adored the Blonde with her antics, the studio had enough box office, and Joe could not stand either.”

“Of two evils, you must choose one. The trouble is that both led to death, only in different ways. Doc, there are two of us in me, but the death of one will certainly lead to the death of the other. And I have to choose who to destroy first. Then the Blonde won, Norma Jean was strangled for a while, but, as you can see, she turned out to be tenacious, having reached the present day.

“Imagine an actor who, luring the audience, walks around in a huge mask of some fairy-tale character, or a clown with a big mouth painted on his face and a bright red wig on his head, or even Charlie Chaplin with his huge shoes, mustache and carefully made down the corners of the eyes. You know very well that behind the scenes the huge mask will be removed, the wig will hang on a hanger, the huge shoes will stand in the corner, the painted mouth will be washed away, and the mustaches will be peeled off. It never occurs to anyone that the actor has such a head, that he is fiery red, or that Chaplin's foot is one and a half times larger than normal. Or that he has such an absurd gait. I am perceived only as my role. Only Doc! This sexy blonde we created on purpose to get me some attention, because the stuttering, shaking Norma Jean would never be an actress, no way! And no classes from either Mikhail Chekhov, or Lee Strasberg, or Laurence Olivier would have helped Norma Jean to force the directors to give the role.”

“It turns out that in those days I was Norma Jean on the outside, and Marilyn on the inside, and I had to choose who should prevail. Norma Jean really liked the classes at the Actors Lab, she liked serious roles in serious plays, she wanted to learn how to play professionally, become a real actress ... But nothing worked. Marilyn frankly pulled in the other direction. I realized that I could become successful quickly, just use my figure and not be too stubborn. The blonde whore wanted to get everything at once, and also to prove to everyone and herself that it was not in vain that she decided to try her luck at the movies. And she succeeded in many things, and succeeded easily, whether it was someone's sympathy or a star role. You see, it was then, and not earlier or later, that I had to make the main choice in life. If I had remained Norma Jean, I could have found a second Jim Dougherty, remarried, given birth and raised children, occasionally visiting the cinema and sighing in the dark of the auditorium about an unfulfilled dream. So many girls who were rejected by film studios did just that, they turned into sedate women and condemned the girls who managed to break through: “We know at what cost!” The price was really known to everyone, it was not for nothing that they said that the roles of directors and producers were solicited in a pose on their knees and naked. For Norma Jean, this was unacceptable, Marilyn was not embarrassed. The choice was not too difficult. Yes, I really wanted to become a serious actress, but I just wanted to eat, and I had to live somewhere.
Marilyn won, Norma Jean obediently fulfilled all the requirements of John Schenk and those to whom he sent me. But everyone with whom I somehow communicated, with whom I worked, on whom I depended, everyone felt this duality - Marilyn and Norma, and I myself have always used it. When you need to be sorry, Norma stepped forward, and when you need to take your own - Marilyn. Here's what's agreed! But it is true, this duality has helped me a hundred

By the way, Marilyn Monroe is Gemini in the tropical zodiac (Western Astrology).

And sidereal - she is a Taurus. Judge for yourself which system is more correct in determining the nature of a person. I think the answer is obvious:

Tropical - works

Sidereal - DOES NOT work.

Marilyn Monroe, born June 1, 1926 is a Gemini, she is not a Taurus. And her revelations are direct proof of that!

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