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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Moon in Virgo

 - I always take green apples. For health, they are more useful.

My friend said in 2014, looking at the green and red apples.

She has the Moon in Virgo.

This is the subconscious need of the Lunar Moon to eat properly. In everyday life, they are perfectionists. They cook no worse than any cool chef.

“Do you know how my wife cooks? With such perfectionism, every leaf, every little thing, everything was so cool, any chef just relaxes” (the husband praises his wife with the Moon in Virgo)

In everyday life, hygiene is also observed even in males.

"My mother had five children, I am the youngest. She taught, worked as a teacher, raised us and taught independence: washing, washing dishes. I think this is right." (Danila Polyakov, Moon in Virgo)

If the man / boyfriend has the Moon in Virgo, then the image of the mother is associated with hard work and what she could teach. Mom taught to wash and wash the dishes! - just greatly emphasizes the values ​​of the Lunar Virgos and the nature of their mom.

What is the image of a wife associated with? Fashion star Danila Polyakov answered this question so that he likes hardworking women with no makeup.

The daughter of ex-president A. Atambayev Aliya Shagieva is distinguished by her modesty in manners and clothes. Once she openly gives an interview that she cannot sit idle and feels that she is always obligated. The main thing for her is to make a day as effective as possible. She also has the Moon in Virgo.

It reminded me of how Elon Musk described it. He has the Moon in Virgo.

The recognized genius of our time is characterized by such personal qualities as perseverance, well-developed critical thinking, accurate analysis of events and personal actions, high industriousness and hard work. It is authentically known that Musk worked up to one hundred hours a week (Source:

Usually, I read an interview and can determine what is really true from what has been said. Elon Musk is really what they describe him.

The analysis helps emotions not to influence actions. By being angry, these people try to analyze everything and make rational decisions.

- I have math in my head and I divide the problem into several parts to deal with each separately (owner of the Moon in Virgo)

In everyday life, these are picky people, but not so negatively manifested in the case of one famous Russian comedian, Mikhail Shwartz and his wife Tatyana Lazareva. After all, they are attracted by one position of the Moon, which is in Virgo! Another confirmation is that when the Moon is in the same sign, people are ideally suited for each other. Arroyo is right.

"It was very difficult for us to adapt to each other. We were not young, each of us had established habits. And, of course, at first, we scandalized a lot: we could not get used to everyday trifles that could destroy an ideal union. Only mutual love saved us.  It was absolutely heady, we were all alone together.

I realized: except for this person, I don’t need anyone else, but I constantly tried to somehow adjust him for myself. And he screamed all the time: “Why are you remaking me ?!

Stop it, it's useless. ” And I still continue, at the same time, though, I shoveled myself somehow ... Yes, every year more and more things are noticed that you cannot change in a person, and you have to adapt to them. But if you do everything with love and understanding, it does not degrade at all. (Tatyana Lazareva)

Emotionally, the Moon in this sign is not feeling very well. Stiffness, pickiness, inability to console at the right time.
Moon in Virgo of Lev Dengov found a woman of Virgo zodiac sign to marry - A-studio group soloist Katy Topuria. The marriage date is 2020. They have a son.

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