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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Moon in Aries

Russian version, 2019. 

Find your Moon sign here

If your child is troubled, needs constant movement, cannot sit in one place, most likely s/he has the Moon in Aries. Perhaps this also applies to other fire moons. After all, I have the Moon in Leo, I am also almost like that. In childhood I was told that I was restless and difficult to educate. Now I can explain this with the highlighted fire in the chart. The Moon in Aries is a need for an excited state, hence the search for a constant novelty. The Moon Sagittarius is looking for constant adventure, and the Lunar Aries is looking for something new to admire, something to learn or adopt. Routine and the old bore quickly. In adulthood, these people are constantly in a hurry in almost everything, do not sit still.

What is interesting is full openness and straightforwardness in expressing feelings and needs. A man with the Moon in Aries can say directly that he wants to go to the toilet, wants to poop and he needs a toilet paper. Very open people who catch. Openly express admiration and anger. Hot-tempered. If they love, then it’s strong and crazy. Leadership and entrepreneurial skills are developed (Steve Jobs)

They want to be the best in something and generally love the word "best." A girlfriend and classmate with the Moon in Aries proudly said that the pizza with shrimp that I ate at that time was the best! That was interesting.

We can look at famous personalities to better know the manifestation of the Moon in Aries. Among them, by the way, rappers are represented. Rap is about rude self-expression. An example is the work of Assai. Let's also look at the other rappers, what they say.

“Child negativity is when a child without end, that is, in the literal sense of the word, constantly says to his parents and caregivers:“ No! ”,“ I won’t! ”,“ I don’t want! ”And he insists on his“ No!" even when he wants to say “Yes!” Why is he doing this? But he wants it, and that's it! But seriously, the “No!” that the child says to his parents and carers actually increases his self-esteem. with a different opinion, protesting, proclaiming his "No!", the child feels like a person. " (rapper Serega)

“It’s difficult for me to control my anger, and this is a real problem. My relationships with women would have been better if I hadn’t been so direct and sharp” (Serge)

Actor Vincent Cassel will talk about the irritability of the Moon Aries

Vincent Cassel: “As for all other aspects, then I need to ask my surroundings. In any case, I take into account the comments of others during the filming. I learned this from my wife. Everything always annoyed me, but her - on the contrary, never and nothing. Monica told me: “Stop taking everything so close to your heart. I, whatever happens, will feel good.” She was right. Sometimes, of course, you need to slam the door and let off steam. But I do not strive for this. 

Libra by the Sun Monica Bellucci, the opposite of Aries, the embodiment of calm.

They got along for a long time because the Moons of Vincent and Monica are in one element.

Bellucci has the Moon in Leo.

Steve Jobs had the Moon in Aries. He lived every day as if it was his last day. He felt that much had to be done, and his affairs were urgent.

What kind of image does the Moon Aries like?

Valery Meladze will probably answer this question best.

He summarized this image in his interviews as if it was with principles, said that there was no worse woman than an unprincipled woman.

It can be said that the ideal of Moon Aries is the Aries woman. Independent, with a bright image, with leadership qualities.

The wife of the current singer Valery Meladze Albina Dzhanabaeva is an Aries Sun. He fell madly in love with her and said he did not know why he fell in love.

- And what is the highlight in Albina that you could not pass by? After all, beauty is not enough here - you are surrounded by many very beautiful women ...

“I never thought about that.” I just fell madly in love. We men, when we fall in love, usually don’t think about why this happened.

He fell in love because the subconscious mind said Yes!

Tatyana Navka with the Sun in Aries is the embodiment of the Moon sign of the press secretary of the White House Dmitry Peskov, because he also has the Moon in the sign of Aries. Peskov's taste is an Aries woman, strong and independent. Tatiana Navka earns 18 times more than her husband. He had to conquer her.

Rooney Mara first sees Phoenix and admits he made a great impression on her while he thought she hated him. Her zodiac sign is Aries. His Moon in Aries shows his woman - zodiac sign Aries (Rooney Mara)
Love from first sight is about Aries. 

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