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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Moon in Aquarius

 In grade 5, one of my classmates answered the question in the questionnaire: "Which celebrity would you like to be?"

- Myself

At that moment, when almost everyone had idols, such an answer was rather wayward and impudent.

Then I thought: "Hmm, rude!"

Now I analyze and think that this is the most logical answer of Lunar Aquarius. Independence and the desire to be yourself.

As for the relationship of the Moon in Aquarius - not the best position. These people want a free and unconditional relationship at best. In the worst case, they are expected to be forgiven for everything and accepted as they are. They probably confused friendship with love. As Konstantin Daragan said in the analytic book "Compatibility Astrology" he writes that in friendship you know everything about a friend and nevertheless you treat him well, but in relations, you usually need agreements and obligations. The type of wife-friend most of all describes the ideal woman for a man. The woman with the Moon in Aquarius wants above all freedom and acceptance. For a male with such a moon,  a woman should not press and require anything. The author of the site (a trainer for making money) about success, who from scratch became a millionaire, tells about his wife.

I asked Anya: “Why were you with me? When we met I had nothing, I was not ready for a relationship, I did not know how to build a long relationship, I thought only of myself! ”
Honestly, the first year was extremely difficult for us.
Anya answered me: “I loved you and I saw a perspective in you!”
I really appreciate Anya! I remember that difficult year and I remember how, even in the most difficult times, she remained positive, forgave me and believed in me. There was a lot to forgive. On her part, there was no criticism, no requirements. I don’t even remember that she expressed dissatisfaction on this or that occasion. She just accepted everything as it was and dreamed. Her patience is very good. She endured and believed. (Andreev Alexander)

Personal space is holy. Attempts to establish close and personal relationships can be subconsciously accepted with alienation. Lunar Aquarius does not like to let anyone into their private life. This is a generally friendly person who strives for humanity but builds a solid wall and does not let anyone close by. This sign for the Moon is not the best, detachment from the emotions of one's own and others. Everything is hidden from view. Such a person rarely shows feelings. This position is good for researchers and observers. When communicating, Lunar Aquarius understands that as long as there is a mystery, people will be interesting, then when they become like a read book, they will cease to arouse interest. Each new environment or company will be new and therefore interesting. When the time has passed, people get bored and want loneliness again.

Perhaps that is why Stephan Arroyo found an occupation to study people through astrological psychology. He has just the Moon in Aquarius. Aquarius is a sign of Astrology, and the Moon is about psychology. Arroyo is a psychologist by education, he found astrology a more perfect tool for studying people than psychology with its generalized theories, which do not take into account that people are different. Stephan Arroyo - the chief astropsychologist in the world, author of the book on the elements and compatibility. There is also an astrologer Carol Rushman, who wrote a book about the progressive moon. She also has the Moon in Aquarius.

Lunar Aquarius does not like emotional attachments and addictions, but they value friendship. Marilyn Monroe with Moon in Aquarius wrote that friends in her life always had played an important role, more important than family. She gave advice: "You should always have friends, as they will help in difficult times"
In this case, they become dependent on their opinions and do everything to win the favor of friends. At school, a classmate with Moon in Aquarius once began a conversation with me about the fact I had no friends. - How so? You are without friends.

Those times I really had no friends. There were friends in the yard, but not at school. Here is the only one who expressed concern - it was a girl with the Moon in Aquarius.

In general, the people of Lunar Aquarius are humane. One guy with the Moon in Aquarius had a friend whom he helped as he could. However, upon learning that this friend left his girlfriend, who had been with him for 4 years, he ceased to be friends with him. She always brought him food to work. When he was just starting his business and there were no orders, the girlfriend lended him a laptop for free. When this ungrateful friend began to engage in new projects, orders went and money too ... different girls appeared. He became bored and decided to change his girlfriend. After this incident, a guy with the Moon in Aquarius decided to call a friend to say: "You are a complete bastard and to behave like this is inhumane!" Since then they have not been friends.

An interesting reaction to the betrayal of her husband by the actress, wife of Maximilian Shell, Andreichenko.

"I didn’t want a divorce. All the time I said to him: “Well, why should we get divorced? Well, live with her, if you feel good, for God's sake. " When he first came to me openly with her, I asked Crystal, our wonderful assistant and housekeeper, to pick up a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Absolutely sincerely, I said to Max: “Take these flowers to your woman from me and tell her:“ Welcome to the family. ” He thought that I was mocking, and I was absolutely serious. After all, if you truly love a person, then you wish him the best and do not want anything bad ... I was not going to conflict with anyone, I just thought: well, that means she deserves to be loved by my husband. Maybe this woman makes him happy ... Poor Max! He was so shocked. He did not know where to put this bouquet. He even thrust it into the trunk. (Andreichenko)

Unpredictable reaction. The Moon in Aquarius gives freedom and respects the choice of a man. Wisely.

Moon Aquarius holder Arnold Eret is the founder of such an innovative food direction as a raw food diet. In Astrology the Moon stands for food, the stomach, Aquarius is a sign of innovation.

Always something progressive and modern usually fight. Michelle Obama dresses as she wants, defying conservative views on formal attire.

As noted in one article, Michelle Obama dresses as if she wants to say "if you want to be closer to the people, then dress like people."

Often in politics, you can find these people. Two main people of the last 7 years in politics - Almazbek Sharshenovich Atambayev and Sooronbai Sharipovich Jeenbekov have the Moon in Aquarius on the astrology chart.
Alicia Keys (zodiac sign Aquarius) has been married to Swizz Beatz (Moon in Aquarius) since 2010.
С 2010 женатые. Alicia Keys says they are very honest with each other and her relationship with Swizz Beatz is the most sincere one.

Lennon about his wife Yoko:

"From the very first day, she demanded equal rights with me, equal space and time. She entered my life when everyone served me and every whim was satisfied. I think that's what killed Elvis Presley and many others. Kings are always killed by courtiers, not enemies. She made me feel like I was Elvis "Beatle", so to speak, surrounded by flatterers and slaves who were only interested in ensuring that the state of affairs never changed. And this predicted death. "

John Lennon, October 9, 1940, Moon is (image of a wife) in Aquarius.

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