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Thursday, April 28, 2022

#1 astrologer

I will not divide astrologers by zodiac signs. Just to clarify that there are two types of astrologers: consultants and researchers. Unless an astrologer makes an input into science, h/she cannot be considered an astrologer-researcher. School founders, discoverers - they are those who move the Science. Among researchers in my opinion air signs prevail. Stephen Arroyo Libra, Shestopalov Aquarius, Daragan Libra.

For me and for many #1 astrologer is Stephen Arroyo. He is the most popular astrologer in the United States and in the world. Arroyo made a number of discoveries in karmic astrology, everything related to elements, the astrology of compatibility. Stephen Arroyo is also a consultant who intensely practiced Astrology all his life. 

I bought his book and it influenced me to write about astrology.

My zodiac sign is Libra too. 

Among astrologers consultants, #1 is Elina Carfi, who taught me the basics of Astrological prediction. Elina Carfi lives in Italy and takes 40 euros or so. The price is very democratic and affordable. I would suggest increasing this price.@astrolog.elina.carfi 

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