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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Synastry. Saturn and Sun conjunction

 Synastry Saturn and Sun conjunction (The Russian version of May, 2019)

Find your Saturn here

Very often in life, there are people who cling to each other with the Saturn-Sun link in the synastry. The astrological theory says that this is the "seal of misfortune" (Shestopalov). According to the theory, the person of the Solar Sign suffers.

Hilal Saral, director of the Endless love Turkish telenovela, has her Saturn in Gemini. She often criticizes the actress Fahrie Evcen (The Sun in Gemini), she is strict about her. Hilal Saral does not understand the behavior of Fahrie Evcen. What is the thing a person of the Sun does that Saturn just goes mad? Fahriye Evcen comes to work and if they have to wait for someone, she leaves the set, complaining they are stealing her time because she has other things to do.

Recently, I realized that when a Saturnian man deals with a Solar man, one must first consider the fact that the Sun will behave irresponsibly as if aligning the Saturnian’s overly responsible attitude. Who has to endure who is a big question. It is clear that no one likes to be brought up. The Sun wants to be loved just like that, for who s/he is, and when they begin to teach life, it is unpleasant. The Sun may be afraid of the owner of Saturn, obey, and keep a distance. Saturn wants to bind the man of the Sun, as it seems that the Sun respects and recognizes the authority of Saturn. In the worst cases, the Sun in every possible way mocks Saturn, since the Sun believes that it can do some things better than Saturn since Saturn is ossified, limited, and stagnant.

Saturn can sacrifice itself and its time, and the Sun accepts everything as due. The Sun can be childishly egocentric. Saturn, as a more powerful person, may lose patience and punish the Sun over time. The Sun may complain about the severity and greed of the Saturn. The Sun feels dislike and exactingness from Saturn.

After all, Saturn does something for a reason. He wants to conquer and acquire, and the philosophy of the Sun is cheerfulness and carelessness, sincerity.

Such ligaments are very often found precisely when the possessor of Saturn has power over a man of the Sun in any structure. In this case, Saturn acts as a patron and a wall. Communication becomes durable and strong.


Actor Sergey Bezrukov (Sun in Libra) fell in love with a film producer Matison (Saturn in Libra), in which he starred. The romance developed straight on the set. She was the leader, and he played the role. It turns out he recognized her power in love too. The owners of Saturn in Libra adore power in a relationship! The good reason was to "make" a handsome actor fall in love with her.

In general, the advantages of Saturn in Libra-Sun in Libra:

+ Shared values ​​- the ability to compromise. When "we" are more important than "I".


- Saturn in Libra can reproach the Sun in Libra for immaturity in terms of relationships and may not forgive innocent flirting. Saturn suppresses the Sun, reacts too critically to its self-manifestation, and is strictly restricted within its own interests. Fear of loss and envy in case of success of the Sun can make Saturn pessimistic and insecure. The Sun is suppressed by the feeling that a relationship is about work, not a sincere desire to bring joy to another.

Saturn in Libra is power, the place of the Saturn exaltation, the Sun falls in Libra, Saturn can take a leading role and give the Sun reliability and protection in society.

When David Bowie (Saturn in Leo) fell in love with his wife Iman (Sun in Leo), he was more popular than her. However, Iman retained the pride of the Lioness and did not fall in front of him, although she admits that she was his fan. David Bowie later wondered that it was the first time in his life that relationships had developed so easily and naturally! He had habitual thinking according to Saturn that love is hard, painful, and intense. Via the strong Sun, Iman triggered David Bowie's love feelings. She made his heart melt under the hot Sun. The Sun in Leo is strong, this is the best position for the Sun, Saturn in Leo is in exile, therefore the warmth of the Leo Sun disarms the Saturnian Sun. The Sun is the leader.

David Bowie had many fans, and his age was older. At first, Iman was afraid that the scandalous reputation of the singer would affect her too (Saturn in Leo often tarnishes his reputation)

However, despite everything, the couple was successful. The formal power belongs to Saturn, and the Sun is uniquely leading here. Another successful example: Ilya Shakunov (the Sun in Leo) and Anna Dyukova (Saturn in Leo). The actor is more successful than his wife and more popular, as befits the Sun in Leo - this is the strongest position, Saturn in Leo is much weaker. However, if the Sun in Leo likes to be the leader, then he connects to the Saturnian. The wife may have a formal power in love.

Advantages of Saturn in Leo-Sun in Leo:

+ Constantly in love and know how to love faithfully. The Sun gives warmth to the heart, Saturn gives a feeling of devotion. Generous and able to appreciate. Creative tandem. The Sun raises the self-esteem of the Saturnian.

- Saturn can underestimate the Solar Leo or fall into dependence on it. Saturn can see how the Sun behaves ungratefully, dramatizes in protest to some of Saturn's requirements. Saturn takes everything to heart. Saturn remodels and criticizes the Sun (Bowie often complained that "you can’t remake your wife"), and the Sun in Leo cannot stand criticism. In general, Saturn’s desire to “evaluate” the Sun provokes the latter, as this degrades self-esteem. Saturn does not like ostentatious shows of the Sun, the Sun can be carried away by the desire to live a vibrant life and dress expensively, elegantly. Saturn believes that there is no need to show off and you can save on entertainment.

When the famous Kyrgyz ballet dancer Cholponbek Bazarbayev (Saturn in Virgo) died, his wife (Sun in Virgo) said that she had lost the wall. Saturn in Virgo has memory lapses, the Sun in Virgo reminds, creates a schedule and order in his life and everyday life. The Sun cares about the health and hygiene of the Saturnian; Saturn is satisfied with this state of affairs. Saturn does the work carefully and perfectly, the Sun can be confident in Saturn.

Very strong connection. If the wife has Saturn in Virgo, then she keeps the house and works at a job. The Sun takes a subordinate role. Often there are boss-subordinate relationships.

There is an example of a boss with Saturn in Virgo with a subordinate to the Sun in Virgo, they had worked together for 7 years till 2015.

+ Common values ​​- health, hygiene, cleanliness.

“The Saturnian may be too petty and picky.” Excessive modesty of the Saturnian and self-assertion due to errors of the Sun can periodically spoil the self-esteem of the Virgo.

Saturn in Aquarius-Sun in Aquarius

He was frivolous and windy, his relationships always did not last long. Then he decided to get married! It turned out he had met a girl with Saturn in Aquarius. This is a real case from my environment.

Saturn is in Aquarius in my natal chart. Relationships with Solar Aquarius are such that I want something durable, but they protest and run away from obligations. In general, I basically break the heart of Aquarius, but I'm not a good girl either, I get it too. Saturn is strong in Aquarius, as in Capricorn, and the Sun in Aquarius is weak. Perhaps that is why the Sun does not withstand pressure. When a man has Saturn in Aquarius, he enslaves the Sun in Aquarius. Aquarius loves freedom and thinks about the costs of losing freedom or not binding at all. If s/he decides it is not worth it, then Saturn remains with  ((

The leader is any way Saturn.


+ Two want to work on innovative ideas, close to technology. If Saturn lags behind in technology, and the Sun is more progressive, then help comes from the Sun.

Two people love social activities.

- Saturn is inert and does not want to change, but the Sun pushes the boundaries of the Saturnian and breaks stereotypes. This process can be painful. The Sun in Aquarius appreciates sincerity and democracy, Saturn is old-fashioned and conservative. Restriction of freedom to the Sun, for the Sun - evasion of responsibility.

Saturn in Capricorn - the Sun in Capricorn

Saturn is strong in Capricorn, the Sun is in a more dependent position. Saturn in Capricorn is always serious and does not forgive betrayals. Saturn pulls the Sun behind it. Saturn in Capricorn always strives for the pinnacle of career growth and success. Saturn gives the Sun reliability in matters of career and status. It helps by reaching out a hand.

Barack Obama with Saturn in Capricorn is a husband of Michelle Obama, Sunny Capricorn.

She was right when she decided to marry a more potentially successful husband. After all, he took the highest post that a person could ever occupy - the president of great power, the United States.

Obama's Saturn was in any case more successful.

+ Both love high status and good posts. Two workaholics. They want great success. Sufficiently responsible and serious people.

-The Sun gains independence, can betray Saturn and leave or continue to use Saturn without return. It also happens that Saturn heavily loads the Sun and makes it work a lot. The Sun is ambitious and will not do simple work. The Sun loves to be appreciated.

Saturn in Scorpio-Sun in Scorpio

Atambaev (Saturn in Scorpio) dragged Jeenbekov (the Sun in Scorpio) first to the chair of the Prime Minister, then to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.

It turned out to be a long and devoted connection until 2018 especially. Atambaev’s feelings were offended when Jeenbekov decided to isolate himself and go on without the support of Atambaev. Words like "traitor", "I was his back, support, and when it became unnecessary, he decided to stick a knife" sounded in his interview. Saturn in Scorpio is hard in releasing all that is his own. Perhaps the time has come when Sunny Scorpio became independent and wanted independent decisions, which Saturn did not like and Jeenbekov made a mistake by arresting and imprisoning his benefactor. 

In general, Saturn in Scorpio is tenacious and knows how to catch the Solar Scorpio. Usually, Saturn in Scorpio is richer financially at the time of acquaintance with the Solar Scorpio. The initial hook is triggered and the fish is caught. 

+ Common values ​​in terms of a realistic view of the world, without illusions. Both love money and property.

- Saturn in Scorpio says "It's mine, I will make a decision," but not only that. Saturn decides when to give money or support and when to deprive. He deprives the will and does not respect the desire to independently decide what and how to do it. The Sun in Scorpio can rebel and break free. It also irritates when Saturn requires a report on every penny.

Saturn in Taurus conjunction with the Sun in Taurus

The Sun in Taurus interacts closely with Saturn when it either lives at his home or is on material security. Saturn in Taurus can restrain the spending of the Solar Taurus. The Sun in Taurus loves itself more than money and believes that money serves a person, Saturn in Taurus can behave despotic, demanding a report for every penny or giving not enough money, thereby showing that the Solar Taurus depends on money. The self-esteem of the Solar Taurus is falling, there is a feeling that a person does not deserve money and expenses for his needs. In the best case, it happens that Saturn acts as a teacher and sets the task of making the Sun rich. Having become rich, the Sun will be grateful to Saturn or take a breath from his pressure, will he be glad to be liberated?
Example of a long-term relationship is Andres Iniesta with Taurus and Saturn in Taurus Ana Ortiz. 

If Saturn is a female, then she is financially independent of men and earns for herself. Power is in a stable income. This Saturn by constant pressure ensures that the husband becomes rich.

+ The importance of survival with money. Saving. The importance of domestic issues: food, living conditions, clothing.

- A focus on money and rationalism. Money is the main indicator of the quality of people. Conflicts over money.

Saturn in Gemini-Sun in Gemini

Saturn in Gemini has power in the field of commerce/knowledge/communications. It may help with advice or give information. The Sun Gemini loves it all. Saturn subdues the Solar Twins. The case of Hilal Saral, a famous Turkish filmmaker, maybe an example. Her Saturn in Gemini has power over the actors. The actress Fahrie Evcen, Sun in Gemini, is forced to obey the director. We heard about her strict attitude towards the actress. The resounding failure of the Argentine series Wings of Love arose because Coraima Torres (Saturn in Gemini) did not get along with partner Mario Simarro (Sun in Gemini). There was no chemistry between the actors, and later they began to hate each other. The director had to glue the frames. Larry Page with Saturn in Gemini has a wife Lucinda Southworth with the zodiac sign Gemini (Sun) 

Saturn offends the Sun with severity and can speak out sharply. It hurts with words. The task of the Sun is to make Saturn’s thinking more flexible, not categorical. The Sun helps in collecting information and the necessary connections. Saturn gives patronage.

+ common values: communication, the pursuit of thought and finding smart solutions

- information power and possible abuse, mental cynicism, attempts to drive everything into formulas and schemes, fixation on verbal discussions.

Saturn in Sagittarius and the Sun in Sagittarius

Saturn in Sagittarius pushes the Sun to always develop and get an education, preferably abroad. It helps a person learn a foreign language, builds bridges abroad. Saturn serves as a spiritual teacher for the naive Solar man. The Sun, on the other hand, gives hope and faith to the pessimistic Saturn.

+ Strong faith in something specific.

- Saturn will set the Sun on pessimism with its presence, it can deal with the bridgehead. The Sun has a large scope and faith in itself; it is bad when its plans are always subjected to a sober assessment.

Saturn in Aries and the Sun in Aries

The Russian producer Joseph Prigozhine has his Saturn in Aries, Valeria - Sunny Aries. This relationship is reciprocal.

Valeria's Saturn is in Aries and Prigogine has the Sun in Aries. Mutual connection. Who is more powerful here is clear, this is Joseph Prigogine. He initially acted as her producer, then, as he admits, "made his presence necessary." The Linkage.

In business, Saturn occupies a leading position in the pair.

Saturn subjugates the Sun to its interests.

+ Focus on business, desire to be the best, self-interest is above.

- Selfishness, uncompromising, rivalry, high self-conceit

Saturn in Cancer and the Sun in Cancer

Saturn in Cancer was with Nick Lache, and the Sun in Cancer was with Jessica Simpson. According to Jessica Simpson, she only lost from the marriage with Nick - it was her worst investment as she recalls. In monetary terms, she lost in a divorce: she paid 12 million to her spouse. Although, when Jessica Simpson married Nick, he earned more. Initially, he was more powerful in a pair. She lost her virginity with him. I still think Jessica Simpson strictly evaluates her relationship with her ex-spouse, because at first there were feelings and love, everything was beautiful. Yes, and the couple made good money on the PR of their wedding and on the TV program "Newlyweds"

In the end, just the Sun, as a nobler star gave part of the income to Saturn. The situation is unpleasant for Jessica Simpson and for people because it is not accepted in society for a woman to leave her husband's property and income after a divorce.

Another example opposite to the previous one. Giovanna Antonelli got divorced with Saturn in Cancer from Murilo Benicio due to the fact that Murilo was the "coming" father in her words. Murilo with the Sun in Cancer turned out to be an irresponsible father and the entire burden of responsibility fell on Saturn's shoulders in Cancer.

+ Cancer Saturn usually respects women and even falls under its authority. The Sun in Cancer feels that it can give the man the care and tenderness he needs. Healing happens. If Saturn belongs to a woman, she takes responsibility for raising children and household chores.

- It creates problems in marriage in matters of life and parenting.

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