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Thursday, May 30, 2024

About drunk Aries

 Bushimbaev killed his wife as a result of physical violence. 

March 27, 2016. “Aries are such active workers, they can easily be the best in any field and no one seems to be their competitor. It’s just that when they drink... it’s a nightmare, they can quarrel with their superiors, they start threatening the boss: “Hey, I’ll destroy you, do you hear?” Then they fire Aries from a very good job with a decent salary, so you can quarrel with everyone because of excessive self-confidence and straightforwardness, and end up left with nothing. But Aries is good because he does not lose heart, he knows how to quickly switch to something else... he behaves seriously and works conscientiously after lessons learned, and then they begin again... friction with superiors, disputes, reluctance to obey, and Aries drink especially dangerous, the tongue is not controlled at all, and the body just gets into a fight (especially Aries men)”

I wrote back in 2015 that Aries, when they drink, become insane. This is what happened with Bishimbayev. He was drunk when he beat his wife.

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