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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Stock growth prediction. Part 2

Kumtor Gold company (Kyrgyzstan), stock strong growth in 2025 and close to autumn, end of 2024.
Cardamom Ada is likely to grow in 2025.
Now in 2024 it will be stable, without sudden fluctuations. 
It's possible that there will be growth by the end of the year. 2024
plus or minus six months
Ripple growth is strong, this year.
Growth in 2025 and 2026 too, stable. 
2024 growth sol. Stable growth in summer and autumn. 2025 strong growth, 2027-2028 big growth too. 
Dodge 2028 growth.
Pepe growth end 2026, end 2028-2030 growth periods, big growth.
Pls growth by the end of the year and the beginning of 2025.
2026 success with Xen.
Possible mistake =-6 months. Experimental purposes only. 

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