Moon signs

Луна в знаках зодиака

Venus in signs

Mars signs

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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Moscow terrorist attack

In 2021, according to information, the deep state was preparing an attack on the president and Russia, the scouting learned about this and in February 2022 the war began. Saturn can influence the divergence, so discrepancies in terms of several months are acceptable. 

I read articles claiming that Yeltsin made a mistake in choosing V.V. Putin for the presidency. I have the rectified time of birth of V.V. Putin. I look when V.V. Putin was elected to the post of president and there in the directorates: an exact trine of Mars and the Sun. This means a good choice. The period of Vladimir Putin's reign is objectively successful. At the end of 2020 there is an excellent trine between the Sun and Pluto, which becomes exact at the beginning of 2021. This means glory! Recognition of merits and achievements. By the middle of the year 2021, malicious aspects are already beginning: Saturn makes a connection with Mars, Venus squares Neptune. At this time there may be either a loss of power, or injury and deterioration in health.

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