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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Water sign and fire sign born in winter

James Blunt was born on February 22, in winter. Pisces is his zodiac sign, water element. You can see the ocean and snow here in his “You are beautiful” video. He probably didn’t know about his zodiac sign features.

Yuzuru Hanyu known for his ethereal and divine skating had the grand ice show in Tokyo Dome. Born on December 7, 1994, in winter. Zodiac sign is Sagittarius, fire element. In the beginning we see the phonex firebird and appearance on cold ice, symbolising winter. Figure skating is a winter sports. Fire signs take energy from the Sun. 
Hanyu: The Sun! It gives me much energy. That’s nice. I want to be like the Sun, giving everybody energy and making the world warmer for everyone. But why isn’t the sun always with us? At night it becomes dark. I love and cherish the sun. The sun won’t always provide energy. I can’t shine on my own, but the sun gives me light. 

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