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Saturday, November 25, 2023

Good relationships with parents

Famous father-son: Libra Fred Trump and Gemini Donald Trump - air signs match. The father did everything for the success of his son, president of the United States Donald Trump. President admits that you need to be born in the right family to achieve success. All the words dedicated to his father are full of respect and admiration. 

Cristiano Ronaldo’s father (Libra zodiac sign) worked as an administrator at a football club and earned money. The authorities still sent him to war. It was the father who sent his son to football and watched his growth in the club from the stadium like a maniac. For this reason, Cristiano says: “My father is the reason I am rich.”
After he won 5 golden balls, he comes to Piers Morgan where he shows a video how Dinis Aveiro, looking very exhausted from alcohol addiction, gives an interview to journalists:
“People, friends, everyone says it’s fantastic. I'm very proud of my son. I won’t go to the stadium, but will watch at home so as not to be nervous.”
This is during his time at Manchester United. Christiano Ronaldo is an Aquarius and his friend from childhood Ricardo Kuarezhma is Libra too. 

Former emperor Akikhito is Capricorn and the son, current emperor Narukhito has Moon in Capricorn. Moon in the chart of a child represents parents: mother or father. 
Mozart’s father was Scorpio and he taught his son everything required to succeed in music. Volfgang Amadei Mozart was a teacher in music. Mozart was born with Moon in Scorpio. 
Leo Elizabeth, the mother of Elizabeth 2 with Moon in Leo, Moon symbolises the mother (or father for a son) 
 Leo Queen Elizabeth had a good reputation. As sources say, they were pretty close. 
Neymar and his father are both Aquarius. Neymar speaks about his father in a good way, he always was acting in the best interests of his son. 

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