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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Squares and oppositions explanation

Squares and oppositions have a purpose to make you care about a sphere you neglected. You can only do it after pain sometimes.

Sometimes you really want something, but squares and oppositions can give you the answer no. Although this answer is not always final. Maybe now is simply not the right time to fulfill a desire, or there are external obstacles, someone is opposing.

It works like this: if there are oppositions or squares, then something is taken away from the person. If there are trines and sextiles, then they give or create favorable opportunities for future victories.

The most dangerous thing is to be in the role of a chaser at the beginning of a relationship. It doesn't matter girl or guy. Even if it is someone destined for you by fate. The guy courted the girl, and after a while she fell in love with someone else and went to him. At that time, the guy had a Sun-Pluto square in the directions. This is a broken heart. The Pluto situation often speaks of theft. A girl was taken away. The girl did not find in him what she wanted and returned to the person destined for her. He had already become more demanding, uncompromising and no longer trusted his girlfriend. In the end they got married.

At first, oppositions and squares seem unbearable, it’s as if someone has walked through the soul.

We need to take things easier. We meet squares and oppositions with shock, time passes and we learn to accept, the pain subsides, what we were striving for comes, but the sediment remains. Feeling of humiliation, rejection. Both in life and in relationships.

There is a concept of “competing energies” If one makes money through mediation and made a lot of money, but did not share enough, and the other does much more for people, then this other one takes the business away from the first. The depriving is the person in power. The president does a lot for the people, works and has the right to take everything from those who make easy money. Squares and oppositions reflect competing energies.

Sometimes squares and oppositions indicate that something needs to be changed. She had Uranus and Venus 180. Jessica Simpson earned much more than Nick Lachey, so she had to decide to divorce. Besides, she admits that she felt better with John Mayer, he was much better than Nick Lache. It’s good that she did it on time, then she would have had to give even more, since her fortune was 24 million dollars, but became 1 billion. If she had not left this relationship then, she would have already given away half a billion.

It is possible and even necessary to predict painful situations in order to play out all the scenarios in your head in advance and experience less stress.

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