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Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Is Astrology a science?

Science is an activity aimed at developing and systematizing objective knowledge about reality. This activity is carried out by collecting facts, regularly updating them, systematizing them and critically analyzing them. On this basis, generalizations or synthesis of new knowledge are made that describe observed natural phenomena and indicate cause-and-effect relationships, which makes it possible to make predictions. Is Astrology a science? The answer is obvious. 

Principles of science: repeatability, applicability, statistical reliability. Astrology, in my understanding, has all this and therefore should be considered a science.

Astrology (from the Greek astro... and...logy), the doctrine of predicting the future, based on the study of the movements and visibility of celestial bodies; in a broader sense, a concept of the universe that assumes the existence of a connection between the movement and visibility of stars in the sky and the events of earthly life.

Let’s look at what is written in Wikipedia about Astrology

“Despite the large number of attempts made in parascience to provide a physical basis for astrology, none of them were successful, and modern science completely denies the effectiveness of astrological techniques, qualifying astrology as a pseudoscience.”

Let’s change this tendency.  

Astrology has been proven as a science. The regularity of happening events (marriages, prediction for politicians: fall of Nazarbaev’s regime, death of Elizabeth 2, loss of position and health problems of Gorshkov, resignations of the Kyrgyz politicians (prime-minister Maripov), exemption of political opposition (Atambaev, Aspekov, Moldokmatov) career achievements and sports, especially MMA predictions) 

There were also some other things proving Astrology is a science. For example, research of zodiac signs in science (there were certain coincidences like air signs succeed in all spheres except mathematics, Pisces and Aquarius are GOAT in science, earth sings in sports), sports proving that winter signs succeed in winter sports (Capricorn in hockey, first Capricorn and second Aquarius in skiing, Aquarius is #1 in biathlon, #1 in mountain skiing downhill), Sagittarius in men’s figure skating, Aquarius, Capricorn and Pisces (some Pisces are winter) coaches in figure skating, Pisces - mountain climbers), water signs in water type of sports (Cancer in swimming, Pisces in surfing, water signs Cancer and Pisces in water polo, Scorpio in academic rowing, Pisces in boating in canoe and kayaks), water is number 1 in navigation (Scorpios: Christopher Columbus, Fernan Magellan, James Cook, Pisces Amerigo Vespucci) air sign Gemini is in parachute jumping, fire takes energy from the Sun, the best in running where athletes are from the sunny countries etc. It was long known that Leo is a theatrical sign and it was proven that Leo is number 1 the most titled in acting and number 1 in history film directing. 

Moreover, I also present Astrology as an art, not only a science. We can see the wonders of Astrology in couples match when a man’s Venus or Moon sign (archetypes of a woman) coincides with a woman’s zodiac sign. There were 10 articles about such couples (Wonders of Astrology). They find each other and live for a long time. 

Ideal friendship compatibility formula: people of one element (football friends from childhood, top 10 Hollywood ideal friends)

I would also say that Astrology shows the presence of God. This is a spiritual teaching.

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