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Friday, October 6, 2023

Difference between twin flames and soulmates

I distinguish a soul mate from astral twins in that a soul mate is one element, but different signs. Messi (Cancer) and Antonella (Pisces) for example, Selena Gomez (Cancer) and Justin Bieber (Pisces). Astral twins - 2 planets at least in one zodiac sign. For example, one has Venus in Scorpio, the other has Mars in Scorpio, and plus they have similar Moon signs, and maybe also the person’s Ascendant with the partner’s Sun (main zodiac sings). Twins comes from the word identical, and soulmate is similar. Shakira (Moon in Cancer, Mars in Capricorn), Lewis Hamilton (also Moon in Cancer, zodiac sign Capricorn), Katy Perry (Scorpio zodiac sign, Mars in Capricorn) and Orlando Blum (Moon in Scorpio and Capricorn zodiac sign). Jessica Simpson (her Mars is in Virgo - Eric Johnson’s zodiac sign is Virgo), Eric Johnson (his Moon is in Cancer, Jessica Simpson’s zodiac sign is Cancer)

Astral twins 👯‍♀️ should be from one level or status, while soulmates can be out of different social circle. 

If a man has Mars in Cancer, and a woman has the Moon in Cancer, then the man has a very negative influence on the woman. He saves on her, takes a lot and does not give in return. This cannot be called twin flames, where each selflessly gives the other all of themselves mutually, and not one-sidedly. 

The main condition for astral twins: the presence of mutual feelings, appearance similarity. If the first two conditions are not met, then the planets in the same zodiac sign do not mean anything.

Simpson told Cheslie about their sex life, revealing, “With Eric, we connect mind, body, soul — it's a very spiritual experience… I call him my sexual shaman.”

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