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Friday, August 25, 2023

Shakira and Pique drama

Shakira and Pique were celebrating the World Cup victory together, this fact made Shakira very proud of Pique. At that time I actually had doubts about them because of big age difference and football players rarely are faithful in the relationship especially at such a young age as Pique. They had also some things in common, like speaking one language. There was a Saturn and Venus opposition in her directions (method of prediction) at the time she found out about cheating. I can imagine the level of betrayal she felt. It is even more embarrassing that this story went out in public.  Mostly couples break up due to financial misunderstandings. Shakira accused Pique of leaving her with the Tax Office at the door. This is another reason for divorce, not just the girl. Oppositions of Venus often directly affect relationships and money, since Venus is also responsible for money. You see how money and relationships are interconnected. Jessica Simpson also lost money during the divorce, and Shakira received less.

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