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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber - soulmates?

Why was Selena Gomez completely broken when she found out from the media that Justin is gonna marry Hailey? There were directions that show 180 of Venus and Uranus, Moon and Pluto 180. Torn 180 degrees apart without a chance of coming back. Very devastating event. Men live in the moment, today they can be with one girl and tomorrow with another. Women want to love only one guy and she probably imagined Justin in her head as a possible future spouse. She invested a lot of her feminine energy and time into Justin. Love is more important for women than careers. Her internal intuition correctly says Justin is her soulmate (they are even very similar in appearance, Cancer and Pisces are water both) and what happens when you lose this type of person whom you identified yourself with? You feel crushed and you want to die because your closest person rejected you meaning that you are someone undeserving. She lost herself in loving him and did everything just for him to be happy. Water type of love, Selena told: when he is upset, I am upset, when he is happy, I am happy. It's the strongest feeling to feel needed and he tells you he doesn't need you anymore. She feels betrayed like if there was no love at all from his side and he was lying. The real reason he married Hailey is that he admired her humility and minimum of expectations. Marriage does not always happen between soulmates, mostly men are loyal to the need of a woman rather than to a woman. Hailey is just a destined marriage partner for having children, this is their duty as a couple. David Bowie and Iman are also not soulmates or twin flames, they were just comfortable for each other. His twin flame is the psychic Julie Vang, he wrote the song "Julie". I don't think Hailey will forever have patience with Justin though. Selena Gomez is a real soulmate of Justin Bieber.

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