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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Man Leo and woman Aries

Leo man is Jason Statham and they seem to be happy with Aries  Stunington. However, in the following examples Leos and Aries often have difficulties in the long run. In 33% successful, 67% unsuccessful. 

Man Leo and woman Aries connection work in the short run and don’t work in the long run. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were married, but divorced. 
Marat Basharov had two Aries women in his life. Aries Olympic champion Navka Tatiana and Ekaterina Arkharova. Romantic relationship with Navka was not long, the same is true about marriage with Aries Arkharova. 

Here Aries woman and man Leo are happy, but it is a question whether they will still be together. I suppose they will divorce. 

Leo Sean Penn had a lot of pretensions to Robin Wright that she lived with him because of building a career. The couple divorced. 

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