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Monday, August 14, 2023

Aitmatov and Beishenalieva - twin flames?

Somehow easily and quickly we became close, felt an amazing mutual sympathy. It's impossible to put into words. Probably, you will not believe if I say that our feelings flared up instantly and blazed like fire. We were amazed that we had not met before." Aitmatov Chyngyz (Famous kyrgyz writer) 

I liked about "our feelings flashed instantly and blazed like fire"

Aitmatov is Sagittarius, and Beishenalieva is Aries (famous ballet dancer). Fire Duo.

Chyngyz Aitmatov and Bubusara Beishenalieva are also soulmates, fiery Sagittarius and Aries. They did not marry. It is not crucial for the soulmates to marry. 

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