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Thursday, August 17, 2023

A man Pisces and woman Capricorn

Very successful match. 
Zoya Dechannele is Capricorn and her beloved Pisces Scott Taylor. They are engaged. 

Pisces (w) and Capricorn (m) are a perfectly compatible couple! This is a sextile, between these signs 60 degrees. Pisces seems to be the only sign that Capricorn can show weakness without fear of being judged. Who, if not Pisces, can take pity on Capricorn after a hard day's work and relax?
Pisces will justify Capricorn and defend against his own accusations, Pisces will make Capricorn's heart softer, and his character more sensitive. And Capricorn, in turn, will serve as a strong support, a shoulder that you can always rely on. Capricorn will protect the fragile Pisces from the problems and rudeness of the material world. With him, Pisces can afford to be feminine and soft.

Boris Grachevskiy is Pisces and his wife Katerina really loved each other. Capricorn women always love passionately and are loyal. They said that Kate is a very mature and responsible woman. He was very happy with Kate. He liked how she used to meet him with joy after he returned home. 

Gorbacheva is Capricorn and one of Russian presidents Pisces Gorbachev were married till the death split them. 

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