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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

A woman Cancer and man Sagittarius

Sagittarius man and Cancer woman are definitely an unsuccessful union. Emin Agalarov Sagittarius and his first wife Leyla Aliyeva Rak. He left due to the fact that there were no feelings for his wife - so Emin said with the directness characteristic inherent to Sagittarius. 

Sagittarius Ashley Cole immediately cheated on Cheryl Cole, she is a Cancer. She was broken. By the way, Sagittarians do not consider betrayal to be something sinful, they do not understand how you can be offended by this. 

Sagittarius Diego Rivera cheated on Frida Kahlo, Cancer. 

Sagittarius Danya Milokhin and the first serious relationship with Cancer Yulia Gavrilina. Danya just left and said that something had ceased to suit him and he simply stopped dating. However, it is worth noting that Sagittarians love Cancers sincerely, but in the end, feelings go away.

Sagittarius Ian Abramov and Cancer Alsu - I think they also have a cheating problem. They are going to divorce. 
It's not in all 100% cases, but usually Sagittarius man and Cancer woman do not match. 

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