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Sunday, March 26, 2023

Wonders of Astrology. Part 8

Aries Rosie Stunington and Jason Statham with Moon in Aries. 

Vincent Cassel was born with the Moon in Aries, which means he needs an Aries wife and Tina Kunaki Aries.

The best woman in the life of Frank Sinatra, Ava Gardner Capricorn. Frank Sinatra has Venus in Capricorn, it is clear why Ava was his ideal. She achieved more than he did and helped him in his career.

Garrison Ford was married to Gemini Melissa Matheson for 18 years! Harrison Ford has Venus in Gemini.

Viola Davis Leo ♌️ has been married for 19 years to Julius Tennon, who has the Moon in Leo. The moon is the image of the wife.

Paul Thomas Anderson with Venus in Leo since 2001 has been together with Leo Maya Rudolf.

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