Moon signs

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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

#1 stingy

The most stingy person in the world is Hetty Green, she has Moon and Mars in Cancer. Two main planets in Cancer. She used to wear only black dress her whole life, eat oatmeal and never used heating not to spend money. Once her son broke the leg and she did not address the good doctors not to pay money she went to the free medical personnel for the poor. They could not cure well and the leg was amputated. Estimated according to the current state including inflation - $2-4 billion. 

John Rockfeller wore the pants to the holes. He is Cancer zodiac sign. 
His former girlfriend said that Ilon Mask was very stingy and they lived in a house for $40000 in LA. When the mattress became old, he offered his girlfriend Grayms to bring the one from her own apartment. His zodiac sign is Cancer. 

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