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Saturday, January 28, 2023

#1 inventor in medicine

Top 10 inventions in medicine: 2 Scorpio, 2 Taurus, 2 Sagittarius. The same zodiac signs were the best in What? Where? When? , "Our game", "The smartest"

These signs are also good inventors (not only facts). Air signs are inventors in the majority of sciences, in medicine “Surgery” (later discussed) 

Anesthesia for teeth curing was invented in 1846 by a dentist Scorpio William T.G Morton in the United States. Scorpios are very sensitive to pain, sometimes they exaggerate pain. Maybe that's why Scorpio invented anesthesia to alleviate pain. 

Scoprio Frederich Banting from Canada saved the life of a man who had sugar diabetes by inventing insulin.

The first artificial heart was successfully placed by American scientist Jarvik Robert - Taurus zodiac sign. American Paul Winchell is said to be an inventor of an artificial heart, but it was not implemented. He is Sagittarius.

Taurus Edward Jenner invented the vaccine against smallpox. 

Sagittarius Robert Kokh invented the pills against tuberculosis. 

They lie saying that Americans are stupid, Americans are the smartest in medicine and IT. 

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