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Thursday, November 24, 2022

Don't insult this sign, it will get insulted easily

So, do not get ready to immediately be offended and take everything to heart, they say again Cholpon wets Virgos. It is impossible to soak you, you yourself understand this. You are doing everything so right that there is nothing to reproach you for. You have already criticized yourself so much that, frankly, I have nothing to say. You always grumble, criticize others, and even in the most beautiful, be it someone's article, painting, clothing, handmade creation, not to mention the characters of the people who surround you, you always find something to cling to. Woe from the mind? In principle, I understand you, there are a lot of boobies around and such circumstances that irritate, but will we still take care of our nerves? Let's shift the focus from other people to ourselves and find the reason in ourselves. I'm not only addressing Solar Virgos now, the Virgo diagnosis also applies to people with the Ascendant/Moon/Venus or Mars in Virgo. Why has it gotten to the point where you criticize others so much that you don't leave a wet spot on them? The nose is not like that, it's terrible, he has the wrong tie, he sings terribly, he doesn't know how to cook at all. Moreover, often for no reason, just to cling to.

And this happens because you hate yourself. You have great demands on yourself, because you have 100 and 1 shortcomings that you dug out through rigorous analysis. You somehow coped with 50 of them, you somehow fight with the rest 50. And with such soul-searching in your head, go out into the world and then naturally you see the same shortcomings in other people. Why don't they work on themselves, why do they misbehave, why do they make mistakes? Let's put them in their place, let them hate themselves the way we do. Do you see your shortcomings? We will point them out to you! You have to be so blind!

It is worth recognizing that in some industries, criticism of the Virgo is just what you need! For example, if there were all politicians with a virgin conscience and honesty like Lee Kuan Yew (he is a Solar Virgo with Venus and Mars in Virgo), an inveterate fighter against corruption, the state would flourish! Yes, Virgos are conscientious, they suffer for a long time later if they take bribes. They can’t sleep, so Virgo teachers tend not to take bribes. And those Virgos who hire staff in the company conduct the competition honestly, and even when they are offered large sums of money, they are one of those who usually refuse: “What are you doing! We are correct!

And in medicine Virgo is simply irreplaceable! There, the slightest mistake can cost someone's life, but in the food industry? Where are you, Virgos??? Where is your criticism, where it is so necessary! Why is it all around synthetics, they poison us, and we pretend not to notice anything? More precisely, we notice like, but do nothing? But food is what enters us directly and forms our body, brain and degree of awareness, but here, of course, we won’t solve anything with Virgo’s criticism, we need Scorpio, who knows how to expose lies and put all the bitter truth on display. Here the cruelty of Scorpio is just what you need! 

So, back to our topic about Girls. Virgo, yet you are so preoccupied with the idea of ​correctness of your actions that when I write to you about you, I receive in response:

“Is it right to be like this/him? Or wrong? Bad or good?

What does right or wrong mean? Let me ask the Aquarius question: “Who sets the standards? Who decided that this is right, but this is not? Is it hard to accept yourself the way you are? Well, yes, the desire for self-improvement is a plus, without it nowhere. For example, people of Aries  consider themselves alpha males, the best in everything and from this Aries “I!” and self-love begins. This is the beginning of everything, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, without it nowhere. Then you should not be surprised that Aries achieved high results, became a financially successful businessman, and you were so right that you were afraid to make a mistake, so you stood in the shadow all this time while Aries was acting, and the main thing is that Aries is famous for is their ability to take everything from life to the maximum, to enjoy everything without Virgo's troubles. As soon as we begin to analyze, it will work out / it won’t work out, and what will happen if we do something, we are already losing energy, we no longer want to act, but still, if Aries had Virgo’s modesty, he would be perfect! Ok, let's allow ourselves to be ourselves, and others to be different, which is extremely difficult for Virgo to do.

So, let's get closer to the mystery that Virgos tend to get offended quickly without much effort from other people. Let's say Virgo is sitting and around her people are whispering among themselves. 

“Maybe I’m doing something wrong, I don’t look like that, or what?”, Virgo thinks. Someone has a stomach ache, and Virgo is already all worried - what does he think of her! Someone is just shitty today and he sits all gloomy, and Virgo takes everything upon herself - what has she done this time! Why did the Virgo cut her hair, and no one around noticed? Bad haircut? Damn, bad hairdresser! The truth is that people don't really care about each other, they really don't care if you have new jeans or a haircut or anything. Not everyone is as observant as Virgos. Relax, do not think that everyone around you attaches the same importance to your shortcomings as you do. Although there are other Virgos around, but they, like you, are most often busy with themselves and their n-th cockroaches in their heads.

Another problem is that you often criticize yourself and deliberately look for something in the actions of others that could hurt or offend you.

"You got away from me! Am I bad? Ah, so you don't like me?"

“Hey, you’re doing it like this to hurt me on purpose! You're laughing at me even though you don't show it!"

I have Venus in Virgo and why should I care that some person in my Facebook friends deleted me? No, you have to think again - what did I do to him / her? Then I get angry and make a decision: “I left, because they don’t like me. Well, get out! I won't take it back." They were offended, as they say, and all this is due to the fact that the Virgo people, tend to devalue themselves and their merits too. We get compliments, we are embarrassed. We don’t take our awards into account: “Well, everything is bad, it’s not worth anything. Those are better.” That is why you should not be surprised why there are often people who want to instill in you that you are rubbish. Here it doesn’t seem to you, people really think so if you don’t have a better opinion of yourself.

You Virgos are always ready to take the blame. It always seems to you that you are doing something wrong and could have done better, but at the same time you are working well and conscientiously. That's just the manipulators right there. They sense your tendency to become guilty quickly and play on it. They point out your shortcomings, accuse you of all sins, and so on. From this, the consequences are such that now we do not allow weaknesses, we do not love ourselves and, accordingly, we do not know how to love others, we criticize everything and everyone, everywhere we are only looking for something to cling to. It also seems to us that when we are perfect, we will be loved, but for some reason this time does not come.

Virgos often write to me that they criticize others less. That's right! I also criticize less. If only we could all love ourselves now, because without this we will project our own shortcomings onto others and this circle will begin again. Here, perhaps, that's all. Love yourself and then others. All the best!

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