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Sunday, October 16, 2022

Why is Aquarius a genius sign? Uranus and the Age of Aquarius!

I just listened with pleasure to Dan Balan's song "Freedom" and wanted to write about Aquarius. As you may have guessed, Dan Balan is an Aquarius and this explains why he sings so enthusiastically about freedom and shoots clips about it. Ok, now about our geniuses in more detail. Finally, you will find out why Aquarians are so special that they are considered brilliant people. Indeed, the facts only confirm that the largest percentage of geniuses and inventors are born under this sign of the Sun.

In a previous Capricorn article How is Capricorn related to the matrix? I began to talk about the planet, which is designed to free us from the shackles of Saturn. What are the bonds of Saturn? These are all our mental stereotypes and external limitations that prevent us from building our lives the way our soul desires. You can read more about Saturn and the matrix in the article about Capricorns. How is Capricorn related to the matrix?

I don’t want to repeat myself here, but I also can’t bypass Saturn, because Saturn was the first ruler of Aquarius before Uranus. Let's get back to Saturn, but for now, a little history about the first current ruler of Aquarius.

The planet Uranus was first noticed in 1690 and has already begun to be displayed on maps as a star. The official discovery date of the planet is 1781, that is, this year it was already called Uranus and declared a planet. The unusual nature of this planet was already noticed by its discoverer William Herschel. He wrote about her in his diary: "of an unusual appearance - either a star surrounded by a nebula, or a comet." Uranus is responsible for ingenious inventions and innovations, especially in the field of technology and electronics. After 1700, the world began to rapidly change and develop towards innovative technologies and inventions. In those years, astrology began to enjoy popularity and gained revolutionary momentum. By the way, Uranus is the ruler of astrology, so Aquarians have the talent for astrology, or at least an interest in it. Astrologer Sergey Vasilyevich Shestopalov - Aquarius according to the Sun. There are Aquarians who openly say that they do not believe in astrology. In fact, deep down they just believe in it. Skepticism comes from ignorance and misunderstanding of what this science is capable of. Astrology is not only 12 signs of the zodiac and not superficial predictions that newspapers and TV are full of, it is something more. Surely Aquarians feel this with an inner voice. The ability to astrology is the presence of the sign Aquarius in the cosmogram and the accented 11th house (the house of Aquarius) in the natal chart.

Uranus is not only about astrology. Along with Neptune (ruler of Pisces), this planet is responsible for clairvoyance. Neptune takes us more into the non-material world, it is more inclined to immerse people in the world of chaos and illusions, forcing us to ignore the material world. Uranus wants to transform reality and make changes to it. This is a channel to the space of options, from where brilliant ideas come to us. After all, all discoveries and insights come from there, it remains for us to correctly interpret them. Aquarians especially need to say thanks to Uranus for those non-standard ideas that he sends to his wards in the form of flashes of insight.

A typical phrase of Aquarius: “This is banal. We need to do something original." Seeing some kind of problem, they try to offer non-standard solutions. Everyone can repeat one thing and think in a stereotyped way, and Aquarius will say: “Maybe we will do it differently?”

Here it is better not to rush to criticize them for dissent. This Uranian channel is available to everyone in one form or another, but the excuse "more accessible" is especially suitable for Aquarius, because their current #1 ruler is Uranus. Now I will explain why Saturn used to be ruler No. 1, and now Uranus has become it.

Recently, we have seen a rapid development in the field of IT technologies. The faster the year 2000 approached, the stronger the influence of Uranus became. What is the reason for the strengthening of Uranus? The fact is that the year 2000 is the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius! The era lasts for about 2000 years, so I want to congratulate everyone on the advent of the New Age of Aquarius! This is really good news. In the age of Pisces, circumstances controlled people, external restrictions dictated what to do, people had feelings of hopelessness and disbelief in themselves. Reality ruled people, not people ruled reality. Now, by inertia, the trend seems to continue, but there are already noticeable pushes on the path to people's freedom, and many already recognize that their fate depends on themselves. In the Age of Aquarius, luck will accompany, first of all, Aquarius and all those who dare to spit on the stereotypes of society and go their own unique way. Uranus is the planet of change and transformation, which loves and encourages people who seek to change something in society, that is, to help people.

Aquarius is the most altruistic sign. They are ready to help people disinterestedly, even strangers. At the same time, Aquarians do not look at the status of a person, that is, no matter who you are, a homeless person or a deputy, they will be equally friendly with all strangers.

Aquarius is rather the only sign of the zodiac that allows a person to be himself. Aquarius doesn't just accept dissent, they encourage it! Ruled by the revolutionary planet Uranus, Aquarius is a true activist and seeks to protect people who are somehow different and rejected by society. These people can include disabled people, gays, lesbians, orphans, people with defects in appearance, exotically dressed people with piercings and tattoos, and, of course, raw foodists with vegetarians. This list can be replenished according to your imagination.

Once at the university, at one of the lessons of the Senior Thesis Seminar, I told classmate X about my plans to switch to a raw food diet.

She: “Cool! You can do it, I know people who did it"

Me: Yes? In our country?

She: yes

That was her reaction that inspired me. Miss X was Aquarius Sun. My relatives reacted sharply negatively to my eating behavior, some were surprised. And 2 of my relatives of Aquarius reacted normally, they were not even surprised. I like the company of Aquarius, because with them I can be myself, as well as with Gemini. Because one air element is a trine of 120 degrees.

Altruism is certainly cool and great, but there is one BUT. In Aquarius, the Sun is in exile. In an article about Leo, I wrote that the ruler of Leo is the Sun, so it is not surprising why Leo thinks first about himself, then about others. Aquarius is the opposite of Leo, so the Sun is expelled in Aquarius. This means that Aquarius is inclined to put the interests of other people in the first place, often above their own.

I agree, because I watched one Aquarius, who acted to the detriment of himself all his life. At the same time, he was not happy. The winner of the 8th season of the Battle of Psychics, Vladimir Muranov, is a prime example of this. In his season, there were stronger psychics, but it was Muranov who won. The reason for this is pretty good. It turned out that he had been treating people all his life with the help of his psychic abilities and did not take any money! They brought him food, clothes and household items so that he could exist. As a result, of course, everyone rushed to vote for Muranov, and not for dark magicians. It is also known that the wife left the psychic, because their house turned into a passage yard - too many people turned to him for help. Accordingly, such a person physically could not take care of the family.

How else does the Sun in exile manifest itself in the life of Aquarius? Aquarians may feel that people do not understand them and do not accept their unusual ideas. In addition, Saturn, as the second ruler of Aquarius, introduces a share of pessimism into their ideas. Aquarius is not inclined to seek support for their non-standard ideas, but often gets annoyed when people think stereotypically, rejecting everything unusual, just because it is unusual. Often we have a reckless rebel who is inclined to go against the current where it is not entirely appropriate (to excel for the sake of simply excelling). Everyone remembers the bite of Suarez (he is an Aquarius) at the 2014 World Cup? Yes, this is a non-standard move, but why such extremes? With his such behavior, he achieved the fact that he was disqualified from the World Cup.

The characteristics of two planets live in Aquarius, Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is the planet of friendliness, so modern Aquarians are friendly with almost all people, unlike the ancient Aquarius, prim and cold, ruled mostly by Saturn. Uranus is a trans-Saturnian planet that lifts people above the consciousness of Saturn, but of course Saturn hasn't gone anywhere and continues to influence Aquarians. The influence is manifested in a certain emotional coldness and cruelty of this sign (of course, you still have to look at the Moon, but still).

The negative point is that Aquarius is not dutiful. They hate owing someone and don't fully perfom obligations. They may ask you to work and take it as due. If you tell them the truth they will say they are just human beings and make mistakes. One Aquarius guy’s girlfriend brought the lunch to him everyday when he only started his business and was broke. Years passed, he became successful and did not give back to her. Moreover, he decided to break up with her. There are two types of Aquarius: one is altruistic and the other is completely undutiful. 

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