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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Who is another genius of the zodiac?

Written in 2014 like most of other zodiac signs, 

For a long time I could not put things in order in my room. I pretended not to want to see the mess. All later, “it’s okay, I’ll do this first, but no, I’d better listen to music ... but I still have to do this and that, there’s no time to get out ...” :-) These are excuses invented by Neptune, the planet that controls Pisces, which successfully swaddles the eyes of people, plunging them into the world of illusions and self-deception. But this is in a low manifestation or in an undeveloped version. Why did such a good planet as Neptune begin to work not for good, but for harm? Let's figure it out.

The first ruler of Pisces has always been Jupiter - the planet of optimism and idealism. Yes, Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, like Pisces, tends to idealize the world. But unlike Pisces, Sagittarians act more in the material world, creating the life of their dreams with the power of their optimism. The fish have had a bit of a hard time.

1846 is the year of the discovery of the planet Neptune. In that year, anesthesia was first introduced to alleviate the pain of people. It is believed that the year of discovery of any planet is the time when a person feels its influence stronger than before. So, after 1846, utopias began to be written, actively developed: esotericism, psychology, cinema, music, secret sciences. This is the legacy the Age of Pisces has left us! Uranus and Neptune are the higher planets, they are called trans-Saturnian because they are designed to raise the consciousness of caveman humanity to a new level. Uranus brings liberation from the limitations of Saturn, the withdrawal of man from the matrix, and Neptune inspires images and encourages people to believe in a miracle. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, opens a channel to the space of options, from where insights come that change stereotypical attitudes. Neptune, now the ruler of Pisces No. 1, draws us an image of an ideal world and opens in us the forgotten ability to visualize the goal. Uranus is responsible for astrology, and Neptune for esotericism. Neptune is the planet of the non-material world, responsible for the highest spiritual aspirations, such as compassion and helping those in need, idealistic love! The fact is that the transformation and bringing of mankind to a new level of development will take place with certain costs. Not everyone can become spiritually developed overnight, but the percentage of such people will grow rapidly, and this percentage will have a great influence on the consciousness of the majority. This is how the transition will take place.

It is known that thoughts are material. Neptune got through, this is already a shift, but at the same time, what are people doing? They do not apply this knowledge in practice or do it lustfully and occasionally. The other extreme is flying in the clouds and doing nothing. Pisces, on the other hand, are the most inclined to dream, they do it without intention, with some kind of disbelief that all this is possible to translate into reality. Hence the detrimental influence of Neptune. How are Pisces doing?

They dream with inspiration and idealize the world. Then they look at reality and see all its rudeness. The thought arises: “Yeah, sadly, what I want in my dreams does not come true ... I’ll go away from this rough material world to my world, I’m more comfortable there.” or “I’d better go drink or inject ...” Yes, statistics say that the largest percentage of alchoholics is among Pisces. The idealist Justin Bieber, for example, is known to use drugs.

Pisces, at best, say "I'll go listen to music or watch my favorite series." Music is great! Neptune rules music! There is one BUT here. I have met Pisces who listen to music too much, without parting with headphones, and this leads to a loss of awareness and atrophy of verbal skills. I know for myself that when I listen to too much music, I get a little slow. I listen to music to consciously visualize my desires, but sometimes I do it to distract myself from something oppressive or to get away from solving problems. In the 2nd grade, I could watch TV shows all day long. I thought these were real stories in real time. When I found out it was just a made up movie, I didn't want to believe it. I lived directly with the heroes of the series, worried with them, got angry and thought, what will happen next? This is how Neptune leads people by the nose.

Neptune is worked out when we embody all our dreams in reality. Any affected planet makes itself felt and attracts attention, requiring study from the owner. As a result, a person in this area always improves and receives a worthy reward for this. Neptune, as the ruler of Pisces, is both a gift and a punishment for them at the same time. It is important to learn how to combine the imaginary non-material world with the material. It often happens that Pisces in reality is engaged in something that alienates them from the world they imagine. There is some kind of division like “this is my f ... reality, but this is my imaginary world where I live for real” Pisces, why not arrange for yourself the life of your dreams in material reality?

Pisces is a stubborn sign. They are submissive and humble in the learning process. Diligent students. Perseverance in mastering the material is more than enough. For 4 years of study at the university, I noticed the following. Every year, the Valedictorian is determined, i.e. the best student. I didn't research all the years of graduation, but in my 4 years of study, out of 4 Valedictorians, 4 were Pisces!

It's hilarious, but I just googled "AUCA Valedictorian" (AUCA - American University in Central Asia) and there appeared the name of a girl who was the best student in one of the university's graduations. I open her Facebook profile and see that her birthday is March 14th! Here's another Fish-Valedictorian!

I studied well, but I didn’t differ much in diligence, I caught butterflies in the lessons, I didn’t listen to lectures. Then at home I figured out what and how. Pisces have always listened so carefully! They know how to listen and not only teachers.

Pisces are very empathetic individuals. They are often so emotionally involved in other people's problems that they literally live by them. They have a strong sense of compassion and are more likely to do charity work.

People, unfortunately, often use the gullibility of Pisces to deceive them or use them for their own purposes, and Pisces is one of those idealists who do not want to notice imperfections in people. The world also does not want to see the truth as it is. Better a sweet lie than a bitter truth. We need to know the truth in order to maintain awareness and not let people lead us by the nose. If you live by going with the flow and pretending that you do not notice anything bad, one fine day it can come back to haunt you.

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