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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Yuzuru Hanyu's personality

It's something to watch Yuzuru Hanyu skating (@yuzuru_hanyu_abroad)! He is a Sagittarius, this is a courageous and lucky sign, as he won the Olympics twice in a row.  Generosity and optimism, spirituality. 

 Many people started watching figure skating only thanks to Yuzuru Hanyu. Sagittarius is a very charismatic and charming sign, cause it is humble. The balance of elements: 
Sun (zodiac sign) is in the lucky winter sign Sagittarius, Mars in Leo - fire element leading. Sun and Mars are in one element - a good aspect for the sport. Fire signs are usually speedy (the fastest runners in history are fire signs) , the fastest is the eldest of fire signs Saggitarius. Look at how he walks! Very fast! The skating is also very speedy, the spins are speedy,  no preparation pause before doing the jump, he is the fastest figure skater in history. Saggitarius and Leo are in the top 3 generous people. In the case of Yuzuru Hanyu, it's the generosity that he showed on the ice and the emotions of joy and happiness he shares with people. Saggitarius. Watching Yuzuru's skating is like touching divinity! Mars in Leo - artistic! Venus in Scorpio - passionate and sensual!
Hanyu said in an interview that he was always criticized no matter what he said and they invented rumors. It is terrible to hear that even such a giant can be criticized. Sagittarians do not like slander, as they consider themselves good and Hanyu is really good. The bright, talented and kind always "get" from mediocrity.
Moon in Aquarius - freedom lover, not conventional, free from stereotypes. 

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