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Sunday, October 2, 2022

The karmic purpose of Libra

The karmic task of Libra is to find harmony, that is, to come to the unity of the soul and mind. Peace of mind without internal conflicts is in the most important place for them. The karmic task of Libra is also to maintain balance in everything. Often Libra is thrown into extremes - either they eat too much, or they starve, they can continuously work for wear and then lie down doing nothing for days. They can agree to avoid conflicts, and if they notice that they are giving in too much, they begin to specifically look for “against”, do the opposite in order to restore balance. As people striving for balance and justice, if Libra notices how others go too far, they may deliberately enter into a conflict in order to restore justice. For example, if they notice that a lot of bad things are said about a person, Libra usually specifically tries to find the good sides and justify him. If they see that they are offending someone, Libra intercedes. If they feel like they are giving a lot and getting a little, they start to rebel. It is important for them to maintain a balance of taking and giving, and they live according to the principle “You give me - I give you”, trying not to leave anyone offended and not allowing themselves to be used unnecessarily.

I was once asked the question: “Why are Libra so contradictory? If you tell them “Don’t go there, better don’t go”, they will certainly go there. If you tell them “Go there for sure!”, On the contrary, they will not go.” It turns out that in order to encourage Libra to do something, they need to be advised not to do it? No. You just don't have to be pushy. If you politely and unobtrusively give advice, Libra will do as you say. Libra has a need to always look at things from two sides! Therefore, when they praise something around,  Libras find flaws (everything is too great to be true). Or when they underestimate the value of an event, they immediately see what advantages they can catch on. When someone praises Libra too much, they try to find something selfish in it, or they begin to criticize themselves - that’s not it for me, it’s not like that. Or they are embarrassed and reciprocally admired in order to maintain a balance of acceptance and bestowal. They are used to weighing the pros and cons and finding a middle ground. If they go to extremes, lose their temper, or make hasty conclusions and actions, they hate themselves for it later. And all because their karmic task is to find harmony and balance, to have a sense of proportion in everything. Therefore, you should not be furious when Libra starts arguing with you once again.

Libras hate rudeness because it disturbs their inner peace. Sometimes Libra may not be heard and in response to rudely say “What ???” Libra is offended by such phrases and considers this rudeness. They value good manners. Libras treat others with respect and want to be respected too. Polite and tactful. Strive for harmony. They do not like swear, they try to avoid conflicts. They can even be hypocritical so as not to offend anyone. Often they will agree with someone for the sake of being liked. There is a desire to please everyone, and from this arises a desire to please everyone (it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to please everyone). They are afraid of being accused of something, so they do everything for the approval of others. In order to please others, Libra often puts the desires of others in the first place, forgetting about himself. Public opinion is important to Libra, so they are afraid to make a mistake, they think for a long time before making a decision. Always weigh the pros and cons, pros and cons to find a win-win. Thinking all the time and being afraid to make a mistake, Libra runs the risk of living in the middle all his life. It is useful to understand that people learn through mistakes. After all, in order to achieve a goal, you need to perform a certain number of unsuccessful actions. 

Libra does good or provide a favor in return for a positive opinion of themselves. Even when Libra does good, in return they want their good deeds to be at least noticed, and even better praised for it. If Libra notices that their good deeds are not appreciated by people, they may stop doing good for free: "Anyway, no one notices and appreciates." They need to get approval from others. It's hard for them to say "no" like that directly to any request. What will she/he think of me if I say no? They have a fear that by saying “no”, they will turn a person against themselves and stop liking him (Libra has a need to please everyone). When others like Libra, they begin to like themselves and harmony of soul and mind sets in, something that representatives of this zodiac sign have been striving for since childhood. Often Libra is fixated on beauty and external paraphernalia. This is due to the fact that the ruler of Libra is Venus, the planet of beauty and harmony. Hence comes the craving for everything beautiful, love for art. Libra girls look primarily at the guy's appearance. This criterion is a prerequisite for evaluating guys. The same is true about Libra guys - first, whether or not a girl likes her appearance, and then the rest. Libra girls are usually in a bad mood when they don't look good.

In relationships, they value ease and comfort in communication. They love freedom and strive to be independent. As representatives of the air element Gemini and Aquarius, Libra needs communication like air. Libra is an intellectual sign, so it is important for them to reason out loud, give logical arguments, prove and refute something. They are good at debating on various topics. They are diplomatic and strive to smooth out sharp conflicts, do not climb on the rampage when there is no good reason for it.

Since the Sun in Libra is in its fall, Libra often lacks energy, they have short breaths and do not have the strength to rush forward with terrible force, such as Aries (the opposite of Libra). In this case, working out is possible if you regularly engage in sports and energy practices.

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