Moon signs

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Friday, October 7, 2022

Generous and proud Leos!


As one of my friends said: "About Leos in the studio!"

In the studio so in the studio!

What can I say, it's hard to be objective here.

Firstly, I have the Moon in Leo and I understand them. Secondly, I always found a common language with them, they were pleasant people for me. Because Libra-Leo - 60 degrees, which gives good compatibility and mutual understanding! There are those who cannot stand Leos, but for me they are one of those people who personally will not do anything bad to me and will not hurt me. So I can easily contact them. So to speak, there is no malicious intent in the Lions, they are not touchy, in quarrels they are quickly quick-witted.

Sometimes it’s hard to communicate with a person, you don’t know how a person will react to your words, what he thinks about you and what to expect from him. As for Leos, the issue has been resolved, it is comfortable with them in this regard. We can quarrel, and after 10 minutes we can talk again as if nothing had happened. I can say anything without fear that Leo will hold a grudge or somehow will be sarcastic in response.

And now objectively. Lions do not know how to sting, but to argue - yes! They will argue with dignity and will give all sorts of arguments just to defend their point of view. They're not the type to say, "Oh yes, I'm wrong here." or "That's it, convinced." "Here I may be wrong." They are able to admit they are wrong if you present it as if they have won! It is enough to praise for some quality to get indulgence from the master. Lions always ask others: "What do you think about my project? Well, how do you like this? Tell me about me! Who am I?" Do you think they want to get an objective assessment of their work from you, such as what to improve, etc.? If you tell them what to improve or what is wrong, you will hear in response: "Eh, you don’t understand anything ..." but unlike Aries, of course, the Lions will still listen, although they will certainly do it their own way.

So, you should first of all talk about the pros! What do you appreciate about them, why do you love them. What good did they do in their work! For example: "You are already cool, but it would be even cooler if .... (and then say what is wrong). Here and here it turned out great! If you do something there, it will be even better!" In this way, the Lions will listen and heed the advice. If you do not periodically tell the Lions about their merits (it is not enough to notice and keep inside at the same time), the following picture may be drawn.

Commencement, 2014. Restaurant "Son-Kol"!

Me: Hi! Where are you from here?

He: I'm a classmate of the XYZ guys, I studied with them at school number N. That one and those are my classmates.

Me: Whoa! Are you here to support them?

He: yes

Me: Such a devoted classmate!

He: Yes, but they don't tell me about it..." (in a dull voice)

Me: Well, they know about it in their hearts and are proud of you!"

He: Yes, but they DO NOT tell ME about it!

Me: Come on, I'm sure they appreciate you!"

Him: I don't know...

I think the example is more than illustrative. Do not bring Leos to such a state! Of course, they rarely fall into this kind of depression, because they are most often self-confident and maintain a positive attitude, but still, after the incident in the restaurant, I conclude that my classmates just tried hard!

What's good about Lions? They are objectively generous! Yes Yes! This is the most generous sign (Sagittarius in 2nd place)!

Kind, naive, generous heart! Be careful, people can use your generosity and greed for flattery for their own selfish purposes!

And so, why can such a zodiac sign as Leo infuriate someone?

There are options here.

People can be annoyed by their tendency to stand in the center and command.

Pride and megalomania can annoy. 

Self-confidence and unwillingness to notice criticism in their address

Mmm ... I've got a bouquet, I'm looking. For example, none of these qualities touches me. Well, let them be self-confident and even self-confident (though sometimes it is to their own detriment). Pride even suits them. I have already explained how to express criticism. Pride is a terrible quality, but why exactly does Leo go to be proud? First, their pride does not put other people down. This is not a humiliation of status, not discrimination, not a desire to offend someone and make it clear that he is shit. Not! This desire to show their best side! Pride in this case means "I'm cool!" But this does not detract from the merit of other people! That is, by saying "I'm so good or good", Leos do NOT mean that you are bad! It's just self-love! Admit that their pride did not offend you in any way, but simply enraged you? The main thing is that it did not hurt, right?

I will explain why this happens. This applies only to the Sun in Leo (the heroes of this post). Mars in Leo is another story altogether. They do not need to show pride, as their pride greatly offends others.

There are 12 known zodiac signs. We call these signs solar. Sun in Aries, Sun in Taurus, etc. Each sign has its own ruling planet. Aries has Mars, Taurus has Venus, etc. Leo is ruled by the Sun! Therefore, when we say the Sun in Leo, we mean that the Sun is at home! That is, in Leo, the Sun is fully revealed! Therefore, we do not need to judge Leo for the fact that they often consider themselves the center of the universe. Because it is simply a fact! Considering themselves the center of the universe, they give love to everyone around them, are generous and quickly forgive enemies! Is it bad for others? In general, let them show off once it comes! Here is a conclusion.

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