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Thursday, October 27, 2022

#1 prophet

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, a tough planet that limits us, punishes us for frivolity and sets us up for difficult trials that must be passed with perseverance and patience. In the karmic horoscope, Saturn is a symbol of heavy karma, debts that need to be redeemed through labor and trials.

It should be noted that in the list of the most famous prophets and teachers there are almost only Capricorns - Confucius, Zarathustra, S. Vivekanada, G. Gurdjieff, M. Nostradamus, Joan of Arc. 

Now back to our earthly personalities. When you look at Capricorns or communicate with them, one gets the impression that they bear some kind of burden, a burden of responsibility. Capricorn is Atlas in the story of the exploits of Hercules, who bore the burden of the whole sky with pain. People often meet gloomy Capricorns who have on their face written: "Depression, Despair!" But in fact, few of the Capricorns show their true state. In society, they are serious and prefer not to show weaknesses. But there is a lot of oppression inside them: they are always preoccupied with working on themselves and gaining a significant social status. It is always important for Capricorn to strive for a high goal and work is essential for him. Capricorn gets depressed when he feels that he is not important enough in the eyes of society. Social realization is essential for Capricorn: he needs to have a goal in life for which he will be ready to persevere over obstacles. Capricorn's motto: "Bad now, good later." Therefore, he is contemptuous of lazy people who live today. People born under the sign of Capricorn get used to overcoming the difficulties of Saturn from childhood. But after 29 years, when Saturn returns, if they have worked hard up to this age, Saturn begins to get kinder and a period of reward for their work arises.

Not all Capricorns are gloomy and serious. Personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars) in fiery signs, especially in Sagittarius, make Capricorns more optimistic and cheerful.

Jesus Christ's date of birth is disputed, the source The Urantia book, 1955, indicated his precise day is August 21. The real zodiac sign is not Capricorn, he is Leo. Leo is also a very brave sign! Capricorns and Leos came to work off the sins of Satan. 

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