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Friday, September 16, 2022

Zodiac sign (Sun) Gemini

 "I know everything, even if I don't know something, I know someone who knows" (Gemini)


Let's explore the world together! Noah Wyle is Gemini and this sign really likes studying 


Stunned... Gemini students have the same GPA for the first semester. They think and learn the same way.

Twins with a capital letter, because besides, they are both Gemini according to the horoscope))


One Gemini student said:

- The main thing for me is that my wife is smart and thinks like a strategist. One that is always evolving.

Me: Mmm, what are you willing to do for her in return?

-Yes, anything! Anything that asks.


The most remarkable quality that Gemini possesses is the ability to easily forgive insults. Here I, for example, move away from quarrels for a long time, take it to heart, but any quarrel departs from Gemini like water off a duck's back. These guys don't tend to get hung up, they move on. They are devoid of guilt or revenge. These are the people who love lightness and are quite willing to engage in verbal dialogues in order to discuss possible solutions to problems. As I understand it, it’s useless to put pressure on them and you shouldn’t expect anything from them either, but you can always talk. Smart interlocutors with whom you can discuss everything.


The twins are unsinkable. They have a high opinion of themselves, so you can’t hurt them with ordinary criticism, and attempts to put them in their place will not bring results. Hence the advice: do not praise them often, otherwise this high opinion of themselves will reach the point of no return ...

They are unable to recognize their bad deeds as a mistake, brushing aside ... They pretend that they do not remember that they did such a thing at all. It's like they're taking the rest for fools.

But that's what smart - that's for sure!


Gemini love to say:

"Surprise me!"


Gemini told me:

Just let things happen.


Student Gemini:

"I can immediately assess who is which person, just watch him a little"

-Wow! What am I?

"You are closed ... somehow connected with metaphysics"


No comment.


The split personality of the Gemini also affects his personal life: Sergey (Kirill Safonov) is torn between two Tanyas (in Telenovela ). An experienced womanizer does not immediately understand that Tatyana Razbezhkina is the love of his life, so he begins to play with both, knowing that they are friends. Sergey himself complicates everything, after betrayal with his best friend, Tatyana Razbezhkina does not forgive him for this, and our Gemini understands that he cannot forget her ...

Actors often play themselves.


Basically, the story reflects the character and tastes, desires of the writer. A great example of this is the sapiosexual Sherlock Holmes, the passage is a reflection of Conan Doyle's Gemini Sun sign. Orgasm from intellectual games ... Can you become a worthy and eternally interesting conversationalist for Gemini? Tough job, but doable!

“As for Sherlock, Irene Adler entered his heart, of course, not thanks to her overt charms - the “dangerous flaw” settles there later, when a skillful intellectual game unfolds between the two parties interested in each other. The consulting detective, in turn, is fascinated someone else's mind, which paradoxically lives in the body of a beautiful woman.When he finds out that she is no longer among the living, he falls into a real depression.When he is convinced that she is still alive, he falls into a love madness in his own way: for Miss Adler, a state secret, without knowing it. "A lonely naive man, a desperate braggart, and an intelligent woman with whom he felt special" (Sherlock and "his" women, livejournal Piskunov_Vitaly)


Why make a scandal? If you want me to leave, just say so.



We once discussed with the girls a list of banal compliments that Gemini makes. And they noticed one pattern - they tell all the girls: "You are the best!"

And the girls start loving them


What needs to be done to keep a Gemini woman / girl? Give her freedom!


I was ashamed when Gemini made a remark:

- You did not know, what ____ it is called?

Gemini probably think that everyone around is as knowledgeable as they are?


- It's so easy with you! You can talk about anything!

Gemini women are always surrounded by admirers. It's easy to make acquaintances and they always have someone to choose from! They attract with their relaxation and easy attitude to problems. And outstanding erudition and the ability to listen with interest to the interlocutor! Plus the ability to be fun and groovy! When necessary, she will take and organize a whole event, gather the right people! He does not demand anything, he praises and admires even the smallest trifles in the character and actions of the male part of the population. How can you not fall in love? And how beautifully she knows how to seduce with words?


Mind games, the eternal question - to remain silent or give out? I will not say anything, I risk being betrayed by another person. Then he will be released, and I will be behind bars for a whole year! No, don't be like this! I'll give it out first! Then there are 2 scenarios:

1) he will remain silent, and I will go free

2) he will extradite me, we both get 3 months

The other one thinks the same way, and as a result, both betray each other and get 3 months in jail.

And the ideal option is naturally the first quadrant - both go free, subject to keeping silence!

The genius of economics and mathematics, John Nash, Nobel Prize winner in 1994, well, just Gemini 👑. Author

"Game theory", which is also used in oligopolistic models when prices are formed by several participants who own the majority of the market and have a certain agreement - to keep prices high. Each participant wants to break this agreement by lowering prices and getting more profit))

Gemini are great players!


Trustworthy ranking here and the opinion show in the top 5 two Gemini economists. Adam Smith is considered the best of all times, the founder of economic science. Keynes (author of the Keynesian model) Gemini is among the top 5. 

Two Taurus is in the top 10: Karl Marx and Friedrich Hayek. 

#1 is Gemini, second is Taurus (the most mathematical sign)

The top 10 include 4 air signs (Ludwig von Mises Libra, Joseph Stiglitz Aquarius, Adam Smith and Keynes Gemini)


- Twins mature later than others, while maintaining boyish enthusiasm for a long time)) I'm a twin, I'm 25, an engineer by education, I know exactly what I want, I change interests from time to time. I see one negative about twins! But how much positive we bring to this world! Who can figure out the situation as quickly as we do?! Give out an idea and agree that everything goes smoothly! Russia is not a country where twins show themselves! The ideal country is the USA, where people are easy to communicate with and polite!

Written by Gemini (on the forum), who does not even suspect that the country of Gemini is the USA!

England is the country of Libra. The British look down on Americans, as well as Libra on Gemini - down)) Well, yes, a strict, conservative kingdom.


What he has externally and internally are 2 completely different people! So said one fortuneteller, not knowing the sign of the zodiac of a person!


- I'm leaving

Gemini: ok

- Yes go you! Don't show up again!

Gemini: mmm, ok

Damn, did you take everything literally?

Gemini: Well, you said leave, I left.

Gemini is not one of those who will insist or persuade you) They are unobtrusive. They said "I'm leaving", they will let you go. Yes, they get ahead inside, but firstly, they will never show it, and secondly, they will quickly forget))


The hero who played himself.

Many people around say about Gemini:

- Oh, how good he is!

It's really true! 2 people live in them, one good, the other bad. In society, they mostly show themselves on the good side. They behave like angels. But often you can observe a change in the mood of Gemini - he was good and suddenly became bad! Are you really like that? People will ask.

This second person is waking up!

In telenovela La Traicion ("Betrayal")

Mario Simaro (Gemini in the Sun, June 1) - the main character, acts in 2 roles - 2 twin brothers, Hugo and Alcides. Hugo is a good character, Alcides is a villain. What unites them is that they are both in love with the same girl - beautiful and incredibly kind Soledad)) ❤

Mario Simmaro himself is Gemini according to the horoscope, so playing the role of Gemini turned out to be natural for him)) 👏

Reviews and reviews about the game Mario Simmaro in the TV series:

"Mario Simmaro, who plays the twin brothers, was so different and convincing in these two roles that you even doubt that this is one person."

"At first I distinguished Alcides and Hugo by their ties, then by their hair, and when there was an explosion in the mine and only one of the twins began to be shown, for a long time I could not believe that it was Hugo, and not Alcides. I liked the first 5 episodes more Alcides, my female pity for men is probably to blame for everything. But then, when he decided to kill Hugo, he immediately sank in my eyes. Here Hugo is a real caballero (gentleman), the fact that he wanted to take revenge is completely justified in my eyes, though he later repented. I would have looked at Alsides if they had buried him alive. It is very difficult to resist such a man, especially when he looks at you with a squint."


Two signs that are immune to Scorpio bites are Gemini and Cancer. Gemini defends with low importance, they don't care, they don't react. Moreover, Gemini is the 8th sign of Scorpio, it is they who manipulate him! "I think the Scorpio charms do not work on Gemini," the Gemini girl said, that's why. Since Gemini is the master of Scorpios, the 8th sign.

Cancers are related to Scorpio, the element is one - water. Cancer is great at dissolving the negativity of Scorpio. It does not reflect, but simply accepts and dissolves. Cancer protects its inner world and has a protective shell. It is easy to hurt him, but it is precisely from the Scorpios that he gets the least. Maybe also due to the fact that Cancers are still masochists)) They always speak well of Scorpios!


The twins are very polite, in order not to offend a person, they would rather remain silent than refuse sympathy.

- I'd rather wait and show that I don't care, then she herself will fall behind and leave me. That's what the Gemini say.

Inspire of all their frivolity, a truly deeply in love Gemini will never allow themselves such a spitting attitude! If Gemini is in love, he won't let you pass! He will find out your phone number first of all! He will fill you with compliments, surprise, write long letters every day, being interested in what new happened to you during the day. They will want to share breaking news or links to important articles/books, they love sharing information and gaining knowledge. Geminis love to hang out, they will ask you to get out of the house, take a walk, and go somewhere, even when you are busy. Gemini's favorite words are interesting and curious)) And this means that after Gemini achieves you and the topics for conversation run out, you will immediately become uninteresting. They conquer very actively, but as soon as the stage of stability comes, everyone start to disappear, they are in no hurry to write first, and they react to your attempts to achieve a serious conversation with even more elusiveness.

On the other hand, they are open to communication and to everything new. Always ready to be led and you can guide them, with a special desire - to marry yourself, taking advantage of their indecision and carelessness in this area.


Gemini will never show resentment, so much they want to keep in touch with all people and are afraid to appear bad in their eyes! Therefore, they are hypocritical and say that everything is fine, that you are the kindest and coolest, amazing)) And inside they are full of skillfully hidden hatred. But Gemini is not a vindictive / vindictive sign, so insults are quickly forgotten and they easily start life from scratch. Why, they have a new day every day)) If there were no vivid impressions, the day was wasted. Every day passes so intensely that there is no time left for past memories. This leads to another consequence - quick forgetfulness.

Do you remember how we used to play basketball then?

- Nope, I don't remember...

Oops, failed!

True friends and good acquaintances are treasured by Gemini. They can't live without people, you understand? If people turn their backs on them, it's practically the end of the world! There will be no connections!

Once Gemini schoolgirl sat and cried, literally roared!

I come up and ask - what happened? She says I'm bad! Everyone hates me! Well, it's not my fault that I was born like this!

You see how bad it is for Gemini when everyone hates them! They can't live without people. Geminis are ready to just sit and do something meaningless just to please the environment. They do not particularly value their time, they are easy to distract and captivate, surprise. Therefore, they are quite easy to manage. They are always in a hurry, full of things to do and cannot do one thing for a long time, the brain works so fast that you can do several things at the same time.

Remember one thing - Geminis are still masochists. They love when they are tormented, they ignore when they are denied, then they begin to be active)) Do not mind listening to nasty things in their address, just to get their way. Shout at them, be offended, push, take out the brain, it's useless! They will pretend to listen, in fact they will not react at all. You can envy this quality! The word "do not care" is the very first in their lexicon. How easy it is for them! But ... for several stories in a row I hear that the Gemini are sincerely perplexed why girls leave them! They say - I was busy, said in six months I'll come. And in response - how can you do that? ... Accusations of frivolity are pouring in, Gemini is in shock))

And you've been worried, haven't you?

- Why isn't he answering? Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong? Or offended him? For what?

And you begin to torture yourself, analyze your actions. You study a person and try to do well, but the answer is that he simply does not care. Such a relief! I'm not to blame! She did everything normally, it’s just that a person really doesn’t care. On the other hand, indifference and a frivolous attitude give rise to enmity.

For example, one observer told me - they don’t take you seriously! Have you seen the girl's face? She laughed and was not serious!

What? She was a Gemini 

One case surprised me. Hoping to take revenge and provoke a feeling of anger in Gemini, the girl marries another, unloved! And the Gemini learn about the news and rejoice! Horror ... and the girl so wanted to see the suffering Gemini! The whole plan collapsed damn it!

The twins are unbreakable, guys. They don't care about almost everything and you too. And to cause their jealousy also does not make sense. You know, the Twins are not worth your nerves. Haven't met a single Gemini yet that's worth any special treatment. Almost all are the same.


Twin style post:

Just to share what they wrote to me, without expressing any attitude to the information. Geminis are not judgmental, they accept people and do not set strict boundaries - good / bad.


Gemini knows how to extract the most truthful information. This makes them valuable and important.


Oh, this innocent and submissive look of the guilty))



Gemini is perhaps the only sign that manages to get a person out of himself without making any effort, without doing anything.


The last time I got caught was a young guy, a taxi driver Gemini. He speaks:

“My girlfriend recently left me. Usually I always left first, and then they left me!

-Oh, why? What did you do?

- Did not do anything.

Well, she couldn't just quit!

-And I was just indifferent, such a frivolous ... didn't give a damn on her. Then she said that she would go to study and that's how they parted. And I'm an unobtrusive person ... said - Well, okay.

- Now it’s clear, you can’t treat everyone so indifferently!

- Yes, she was good, I wanted to marry her! It's a pity, but she herself left me.

- Well, now you will be more serious in the future, and even more so you, Gemini, will forget it quickly, it's okay!

- Yeah, I forgot...

That conversation was great! I always enjoy communicating with Gemini


And a tattoo all over the body, reflecting the plan-structure of the local prison!

Wenforth Miller Gemini, the protagonist of the Prison Break series.

His origami puzzles in order to set up a meeting place with Sarah. I also remember how he left a blank sheet of paper on Sarah's desk, and she somehow guessed to color it with a pencil to see what was written with a colorless pen 👏✨

And a tattoo all over the body, reflecting the plan-structure of the local prison. 



I thought about him several times a year, about how cool it is to be so super smart and well-read like the protagonist of the movie "The Librarian"! And then today I think - Well, let's look at his zodiac sign, maybe he's Gemini? I google "movie librarian", Noah Wyle comes out, June 4, 1971

The twins are also good improvisers and parodists with an excellent sense of humor! Have you seen how Noah Wyle imitates Steve Jobs? Audience neighing... 😄😄👏

“You always have something to do, you are smart with us, there is a whole library at home!” (husband of Marilyn Monroe, Joe DiMaggio)

Gemini, Marilyn Monroe:

"I read, in any free minute I take up a book. Many people think that this is a game for the public, no one believes that I understand Freud's theory, I know Russian literature well, I love Dostoevsky, Joyce, Steinbeck, Proust, Ibsen, in general I love serious literature, painting ... "(c) (excerpt, M. Monroe. "Marilyn Monroe. Passion told by herself")


In fact, in their highest study, Gemini values ​​relationships very much! I have Gemini neighbors who will always say: "This is my man, skip the line ..." They should ideally be like that.


"I would be glad not to gossip, but gossip finds me)) Everyone just talks about someone, shares information, but I have to listen."

Said Gemini 


I don’t even participate in the competition who will outwit whom, because I know that the Gemini will win))


Capricorn: It has to be that way!

Gemini: Not everything goes as planned


Scorpio Gemini:

- I was upset that we had a conflict, and you - that people around saw it.

Scorpios don't care what people think anymore, while Gemini wears a mask.


Geminis are very smart, quick in their reactions and quick-witted.


Geminis are eternally young at heart, and Libras look younger than their years.


It is difficult to speak out so that you are understood correctly, sometimes you want to be understood from a half-word or pick up a thought and continue it. That's what Gemini does. That's what I call sociability. Even the most closed, according to people, Gemini knows how to keep up a conversation with anyone, you can say anything to him, he will not be offended, will remain silent, wait out your anger and will again communicate as if nothing had happened. He even apologizes.


Even if Gemini has no planets in earth signs, this is a practical sign, Gemini is frugal and buys everything at a reasonable price. Their ruler is Mercury, the planet of commerce.


- I'm sorry I let you down by being late to the presentation. It's the first time with me. I feel so bad and uncomfortable.

Gemini: Never mind. It happens to anyone. Everything is fine.


No, they are not boring, they are great wits!

1.5 years ago, a school graduate advised me to read Sherlock Holmes, he says the work teaches you to understand people))) What a surprise it was when I saw that Conan Doyle was Gemini, and the guy who advised me the book was Gemini))


So many tragic events happened in life, the mother died at a young age, and then a nephew, after him the sister jumped out of the window, then this stress with Cancer at the age of 30, they discovered a brain tumor, although fortunately during the surgery it turned out that there's no tumor. Who if not Gemini can go through all the difficulties and remain cheerful and light! If we talk about the fact that despondency is a sin, then Gemini is deprived of this sin.


Gemini and Aries are two signs that are interesting with each other, as everyone is fond of novelty and hates routine. Here you can still take Aquarius for company, it will be...


Gemini, Aquarius is a constant way out of the comfort zone. They always try new things without any inconvenience.


They do not have rigid plans for the future, today they have one idea, tomorrow another. They took it and rushed to another city on a momentary whim or on the way home after work they decided to visit a friend, and then stayed with him for the night. Well, that's just what they wanted. It is difficult for them to come to the meeting on time, because urgent matters come out 1 hour before it ... and they have to be late for 3 hours or even postpone the meeting for the first time that comes to mind, which will need to be changed again in a day. It's Gemini, folks. They have such a mode of life, they do everything to make their every day interesting and eventful. Geminis are children who trust the world and live for the sake of the interest in life, having no attachments to the material world. Today they will lose everything and will not be upset. Tomorrow they will win a million, the day after tomorrow they will easily part with them. In a week they will come up with something else to entertain themselves, they often look for adventures on their ass just to get away from boredom.

Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus will look at Gemini like that and twist a finger at their temples, but in fact they envy their ability to live here and now, enjoying every moment of life, no matter what.


Gemini is the most erudite sign. They know a lot

read a lot, they have a need to learn new things and share knowledge with others. Gemini is smart, well-read, democratic, diplomatic. They make good teachers and journalists. They know how to get along with everyone, so they sell easily.


Capricorn cannot understand how Gemini can chat for hours just like that. He does everything with a focus on results. Empty chatter he considers meaningless. The Gemini get pleasure through communication, plus they make connections with the right people, so everything is not in vain.


Gemini compliments so easily, I feel good with them. Words of support mean a lot to me.


Cancer lives in the past, Gemini lives in the present, Aquarius lives in the future.


“At that time, there was no more avid reader in the Hollywood library, although no one there advised the best examples of literature, did not ask how exactly I read. enduring from it, but this is because of the desire to read as much as possible, to quickly catch up with those who are well-read and educated. (With)

Marilyn Monroe, "A Passion Told by Herself"

About the superficiality of Gemini


Sagittarius is categorical and tough in his assessments, communicates with a certain circle of people who meet his moral standards. Gemini (180 Sagittarius) communicates with everyone and is not so critical of human vices.


I would have Gemini ease


Musician, TV presenter Sergey Sosedov:

"... I'm a Gemini by the sign of the zodiac..."

"I am a bird of free flight. Freedom-loving. I love freedom, I'm not a family person to be tied. I'm pretty windy! I need variety. I'm a Gemini by the sign of the zodiac. I need some kind of mystery in a person - I don't like routine "When family life turns into a routine, there is nothing worse! Maybe I'm just not made for a family. There may be many different problems in me too, which I have not yet solved."


Gemini, like children, never get tired of being surprised by the new. They are easy to captivate, distract and impress.


It's good to be Gemini. They do not become slaves of any particular egregor. Beliefs are not constant, which helps them develop from all sides, and not get hung up on something narrow. Playful and  adventurous, easy to deal with problems and generally a lucky sign.

Roberto Di Matteo (came to Chelsea and immediately won the Champions League), Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool coach)


One of my Gemini friends once wrote to me:

“Only today I found out about LGBT people… that’s what informational isolation leads to!”

On June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that from now on, gay people can enter into official marriages throughout the United States.

Answer: I don't watch the news at all.

Gemini: Haven't you heard? I thought I was behind.

Gemini try to keep abreast of important news, well, unimportant. (Later added: Gemini is number 1 gay zodiac sign)


“A blog in a newspaper is an opportunity for self-expression for me. When I want to say something about my civic position or something else, I address from the pages of the newspaper. The newspaper comes out once a week, it does not oblige me to tell people something every day. One of the goals is to get people used to the fact that I can write something.”

(c) Maxim Galkin, Gemini

Gemini is more fond of conveying the words of others, which is why a complex of their secondary nature arises.


“I think the most important thing is the ability to love people. It implies the ability to communicate, the ability to sometimes negotiate, the ability to seek compromises - that is, the ability to be in human society.

(c) TV presenter Maxim Galkin, Gemini


Gemini born under the sign of Gemini. Famous singers and football players of Russia. 


Watch the clip of the Brothers Grim. There one of the brothers - Boris Burdaev glows directly from the pleasure of the song, and the second, Konstantin - who is more serious, is the darker of the twins.

In life, Boris is more talented than Kostya. Kostya was always jealous of Boris and even appropriated his work, copied his voice and music. When Boris made money on the Brothers Grim, he registered property on Kostya, and Kostya decided not to share anything with his brother when the commercial success of the brothers passed. Good Borya! - Boris Burdaev says to himself in an interview. Boris didn't even have 1,000 rubles a week. Siblings. One is good, the other is evil - it's like the personification of twins in one person - when one person is strong, the other is weak and envious. The brothers Grim have a zodiac sign - Gemini.


What can you say about Gemini? These are rebellious people. Often they can go against the authorities. Segizbaev went against the authorities and therefore is in prison. Segizbaev said everything about the case, but it would have been better for him to remain silent. In terms of the fact that Gemini harm themselves due to the fact that they often go against stronger ones. I am for Segizbaev, because I am for freedom of speech.


A person knocks on friends and begins to communicate with me.

I look, such a nice guy in the photo, the name and surname are like, there are common friends. We talk about Astrology, and then it turns out that this is a fake account, his name is different, the photo is not his, but everyone was added to him as a friend because of a beautiful photo. Well, when he provided his birth details, I understood the reason - he is a Gemini.

Another Gemini misled me with a wrong date of birth

on your profile in the "info" section. Then I learn from his friends the real date of birth. There were 3 such cases.


Gemini knows how to ask questions, and Sagittarius how to give answers.

Gather everyone and organize some kind of event -

it's twin. This is especially true for entertainment gatherings. Trust them with this! They will appoint a place and time for the meeting, collect money from everyone, buy everything necessary, notify everyone in time, introduce strangers to each other.


Mercury, their ruler, gives business acumen, the ability to make useful connections and put information into practice. Gemini does not like theories, abstractions and generalizations, which of course does not add glory to them, because one must be able to philosophize and take into account the moral side of things (which Sagittarius, the opposites of Gemini) 


Heaviness is created by excessive attachment to material things and to certain people. Attachment gives rise to the fear of losing what you have. In this regard, Gemini is in a winning position. They do not tend to become attached to anything or anyone (exception: Gemini with a pronounced earth element), for which they are called unreliable and changeable, inclined to live today. Geminis do not attach much importance to the material side of things, they are fearless, adventurous and easy, because they are not attached to anything in this world.


Geminis take life and problems lightly, so it is very difficult to catch them in depression. Criticism is unable to shake them, they turn everything into a joke. They have excellent emotional intelligence, they rarely lose their temper in the presence of people, although their mood changes very often and it is not easy to recognize them in the circle of loved ones.


Gemini can't live without people. They value human relationships. Even the introverted Gemini. Therefore, they are often humiliated and tolerate other people.


They want to know everything about you, so they will always ask you how you are doing, what news, what interesting things you will tell about yourself and about others when they meet, during correspondence. They know everything about your acquaintances, former classmates, friends, even though they themselves may not be familiar with them. They just want to know everything about you.

Gemini, they are.


Do not ask others, look for answers to questions yourself!

Sagittarius say to Gemini.


Do you want more compliments? Go to the Twins!


Eh, Gemini, I would like your easy attitude to life. I really like your sense of humor and ability to play with words so skillfully, to be so eloquent.


Air signs (Libra, Gemini and Aquarius) can chat with each other about anything, even when it would seem that there are no more topics for conversation.


Air signs (Libra, Gemini, and especially Aquarius) are very unpredictable, you never know what to expect from them.


Geminis ask a lot of questions all the time. This is good for self-development and erudition. But it seems to others that Gemini is stupid.


Probably Gemini and Aquarius are the easiest to communicate with. They can talk to everyone, no matter if you are a homeless person or a deputy.


Geminis are pleasant, easy-going and sociable. They are harmless. Made from air. Next to them you feel that you need to live here and now, you need to flutter like a butterfly and forget about problems / fears.


For Gemini, the world is ruled not only by information, but also by connections. Therefore, they love to meet new people and proudly introduce you to them.


Gemini - intellectuals and scholars. Flexible and inquisitive, always open to everything new.


Men are afraid of smart girls because they don't want anyone to question their own intelligence. Here is a Gemini woman, just one of those who, being smart and quick-witted, will extol her man and put him higher. She knows how to hide her intellect under the mask of a curious student who listens with delight to what he tells her. Gemini in general, both women and men, are able to communicate in such a way that next to them you feel higher and more significant. Therefore, the Gemini get along well with the Lions. Gemini just profane what Leo does. They tell everyone about how cool Leo is, what he achieved, what he did, etc. As a result, Leo walks like a king - pleased. The Gemini receives from him generously all the material goodies.


The task of Gemini is to learn new things and pass them on to others, to be aware of all events, to know everything first. Therefore, the profession of a journalist or work in the media would suit them the most. Geminis have many qualities of a journalist - they are flexible and can get along with almost everyone. They immediately find an approach to each person, try to get to know each other better. They know how to make concessions, they easily enter into trust. If you don’t learn something new in a day, consider the day wasted.


Whoever has information has power - the Twins will tell you from their bell tower.


There are many information businessmen among Gemini. This is because Gemini has a need to learn something new and pass it on to others. Their information is really practical and useful, people are willing to pay for it.


Air Gemini, Libra and Aquarius love to interact with information. Gemini's task is to take and transmit information. No matter how true the information is, you need to learn something interesting and tell someone. It can be bright news, interesting information, controversial points for discussion so that there are more opinions. You may be advised to read a book. They give contacts of good doctors, programmers, tutors, psychologists, dentists, businessmen. Name the addresses of famous places in the city. They show you how to get to the library.

Libras are more selective. The information received from Gemini is considered by Libra from all sides, pluses and minuses are analyzed. Gemini sets the topic for debate, Libra expresses their opinion and argues. Gemini introduces Libra to everyone from their environment, Libra analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of everyone, looks at appearance and good manners, does not communicate with rude people.

Aquarius is not satisfied just like that. He needs fundamentally new information! He gets excited when he sees or invents something original and new. This is not just curious information, this is unique knowledge or a brilliant discovery. Everything banal is boring and uninteresting. He himself speaks in paradoxes, speaks in an unusual form. Gives a speech or writes in an improv style. This is when you don’t know what to say or write next, but at the same time you think it over and as a result other people quote you, Gemini journalists come to you to interview, to find out how you do it. And you just advise: "Be natural and simple, gentlemen. Be yourself and do not listen to others. Take your right to invent something new on your own"


It was necessary to tell about a person in a closed bandage. So, one psychic said something like this:

"You are a dual nature. You show one face in front of people, another at home. The zodiac sign is most likely Gemini"

Killed!.... She really is a Gemini (June 3, 1976)

Skulkina then says:

"Yes, I'm a Gemini! See (points to clothes), black and white! The fight between good and evil."

Calling a person a friend after the first superficial meetings is a common occurrence among Aquarius and Gemini. Gemini can describe a stranger by looking at a photo.

- How can you do that, you don't know them?

It is later revealed that Gemini was right.


In Gemini, I like their inability to be offended for a long time. They immediately forget quarrels and go to reconciliation.


Why do I like Gemini?

1) For their desire to develop and constantly learn something new.

2) For the desire to receive new information and willingly pass it on to others.

3) For their ability to directly communicate and establish contact with people.

4) For the ability to admire and appreciate the work of others

5) Because we (Libra) have a lot in common with them

6) For mutual understanding and pleasant communication

7) And finally, for the fact that they taught me a lot, without knowing it themselves.


The Gemini has such powerful erudition that the rest of them feel awkward around them. They think quickly and grasp everything on the fly, and it seems to them that others have the same flexible mind. My physics teacher was very smart and thought that the students were smart, that they understood everything she was talking about. But the students found it difficult to follow her train of thought. The same can be said about Gemini teachers, they expect lightning-fast reactions from students so that they grasp the essence of the issue and can immediately give an answer without hesitation.

Then the teachers had to say: "Why are you so (stupid) passive?" - .


Gemini, you are good, sometimes even so wonderful that it is impossible to believe. When you suddenly change and you are not recognized, it becomes simply uncomfortable. It looks like you have been replaced. And so your good side - well, envy is very good!


They are either too good, just like angels: they allow everything, forgive everyone, then they are so bad that it seems that there is no one worse than them in the world. Either ice or fire. Today one mood, tomorrow - another. The fight between good and evil inside. And so, in general, a philanthropic sign. Flexible, sociable, inquisitive, forever young and carefree.



As far as I remember, I always showed my terrible part of my personality only to Gemini. They tolerated me for who I am, then they still managed to understand and accept. As if they were saying: "It's okay, Cholpon, everything is fine, you still don't know my dark side. I can do worse!"


Let's go to the dance / to the cinema / to the meeting I will introduce you with interesting people. (c) business twins. 


Eternal student, always asks a lot of questions, wants to know more and more. Wants to impress with intelligence and awareness.



The air is chattering. It's a plus and a minus at the same time. Minus in blabbing secrets. Edward Snowden Gemini betrayed the secret of the American government and was forced to flee the country. From one hand, it was because Snowden wanted freedom for people. Libra Mayer decided to share the details of his personal life and Jessica Simpson, like a true water 💦  who likes secrecy, did not accept it. A great journalist would come out of thin air. They don't even need to be trained as a journalist. Possession of a word, the ability to find truthful information and present it well. On the negative side, these are gossip, verbal skirmishes, scandalous news, raising a fuss. 


Marilyn Monroe was woven from the air and without earth signs. She always complained that Hollywood burned out the soul, that it was a cage. Other stars didn't complain, but Marilyn Monroe did. It is difficult to live without land on Earth.


One girl hearing “I admire the profession of a journalist,” was indignant: “How so? Being an architect is a tough job, architects are to be admired!”

She was a Gemini, number 1 architect in the ranking I made - Gemini. It's hard mental work.


In terms of the frivolity of Gemini, it was relationships that were meant. They are not very obligatory people, but they are quite serious in their work. So, for example, Gemini is the number 1 architect according to the ranking I made. Trump is a builder in the first place and then a frivolous showman.


Wentworth Miller is an air Gemini and therefore he is as liberal as possible in terms of relationships. Wentworth accepted himself as he was and declared to the world that he was gay.


Sebastian Lenormand - the first skydiver in history, the author of the name "parachute"

Gemini by zodiac sign, an air sign in the air.

Gary Connery is fifth in the top 10 best skydivers in history. Also Gemini


There is a trait of Gemini “evil tongue”. With Trump, this was a publicly discussed shortcoming. Trump loved to tweet on criticism, and even his supporters called the room where he was tweeting as the devil's office.


5 of the top 10 female tennis players in history Gemini. The current number 1 is Eva Schwentek.

The best ever Steffi Graf. The top ten also includes Justine Henin, Lindsay Davenport, Doris Hart. In the top of man's tennis #1 together with Leo. Rafa Nadal, Novac Djokovic, Bjorn Borg.


8 of the top 10 tennis players in history are aerial. Gemini and Libra.


Gemini is not a greedy sign. 4th place in the ranking of generous. Gaddafi was not greedy, with him electricity cost a penny, education and medicine were free, gasoline was cheap and the salary was $1,000 on average. The same about Sadaam Hussein, Taurus, the most generous sign.


Gemini has a tendency to lie. Rosie Ruiz cheated during the race by riding part of the distance on the subway. Rosie came close to the finish line first, but her results were quickly annulled after 8 days and the victory was given to another. Bobsled Nadezhda Sergeeva and biathlete Ustugov were deprived of Olympic gold because of doping. 


There wasn't a single air sign that required publication without a name, and you ask me why I like air the most.


Air is not a strong element, but the air has power in politics, these are the favorites of the public. Politics requires a subtle approach and humanness. This is the only element where there are no animals (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini), and this mini-discovery is mine. In other elements, there are animals in all signs except Virgo. Maiden Lee Kuan Yew was very correct, of course, air would not imprison his friends, but in general, this was done for order in the country. Here he gave up his animal needs for the sake of the well-being of Singapore. Strong in politics are all air signs and Virgo. Air is the power of the people. Abraham Lincoln (signed a decree on the liberation of blacks, died at the hands of a representative of his own people), Ronald Reagan (the best president according to some magazines, Trump's favorite president), Aquarius Franklin Roosevelt was elected 4 times, Yeltsin (gave freedom to the countries of the USSR), Trump (one of the best, gave freedom to the United States from the British / deep state), Xi Jinping (merits are more modest compared to other presidents), Mahatma Gandhi (public figure, liberator of India), who died from a bullet of a representative of his own people), Putin (raised the economy of the country, boldly went against the deep state), Luis da Silva (reduced poverty by 2 times in Brazil in a short time, lost his finger while working at a factory)

Among the current presidents of the largest countries, airmen are in the lead: Trump Gemini, Putin Libra, Xi Jinping Gemini, Indian President Ram Nath Kovind Libra. Indonesia - Joko Widodo Gemini. Among the kings and queens, many Taurus were found: Queen Elizabeth, King William Alexander of the Netherlands, King of Sweden, King of Cambodia (they don't make decisions) Rulers of countries by zodiac signs: Aquarius: 15 Capricorn: 13 Gemini: 16 Libra: 12 Virgo: 7 Aries: 8 Leo: 5 Taurus: 11 (mostly queens and kings that don't make decisions) Sagittarians: 7 Cancer: 6 Pisces: 11 Scorpios: 11 Air: 43, earth 31 (mostly kings and queens that don't decide), fire 20, water 28


Prime ministers of monarchies who serve as president: Prime Minister of the Netherlands Aquarius, Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson Gemini, Prime Minister of Sweden Aquarius, Prime Minister of Bahrain Libra, Prime Minister of Norway and India Modi (President of India performs representative functions) Virgo, Bhutan and Australia Taurus, Prime Minister of Belgium Scorpio, Premier of Kuwait Pisces Libra: 11, Sagittarius 11 Scorpio 10, Gemini 10, Virgo 10 Aquarius 9, Cancer 9 Pisces 8 Leo 7, Aries 7 Capricorn 5, Taurus 5 Air - 30, water - 27, fire - 25, earth - 19

Air presidents and prime ministers of the greatest and most influential countries.


Maxim Galkin is a typical representative of the element of air, as he is far from conservative views on relationships. Gemini is very far from traditional attitudes and breaks stereotypes. They live as they want and no one tells them. Galkin married old age singer Alla Pugacheva contrary to common sense and the conservative views of society, and they still live happily. 


Geminis are very good at teaching. Gemini, an accountant, helped me with these electronic tax returns. Gemini themselves are smart and quick to think, nimble and make good contact.


Air signs always stand for humanness. Gemini blogger donated a car to a Kyrgyz taxi driver. It was an experiment "Who would agree to give him a free ride and the taxi driver agreed for which he received a gift."


The main weak point of Gemini is authority or prestige. To gain authority, they can mislead people by throwing dust in their eyes. One woman, an author of books on relationships, advised girls to buy flowers and tell the guy that it was a classmate who gave it. Let him think about how his woman is popular among men. The author turned out to be a Gemini. Another example: a girl is standing by a huge bouquet of flowers, which she rented. It turned out that she works as a middle manager in a logistics company, still very young and insolvent. 


Angelina Jolie, during the divorce, demanded sole custody of the children, as she was dissatisfied with the methods of upbringing and her husband's outbursts of anger. Brad Pitt is a fiery element and therefore often falls into anger and may not be democratic, like Angelina - an air sign, Gemini. Fiery are not strong in raising children, they simply do not have enough patience
About 5 years ago, one Gemini guy bombarded me with messages on fb. He loved Astrology and talked about how Venus is shown in Cancer. He dropped links to various news articles in the media. It happened so that he wrote a lot, off-topic, and I got bored. Every day. He bothered me and I decided to say: "Stop, don't write to me anymore" To which the answer was: "Is there anyone to look after you?" So it was necessary to start with this.
Information awareness is the main weapon of the air. It can be just knowledge, as well as possession of information.
Astrologers correctly said about the United States that this is the country of Gemini. In terms of the fact that freedom of speech and journalism are very developed there. Plus different nationalities. Trump loved to tweet and is now suing big tech for free speech. In the United States, air presidents are popular. They are often on a mission of liberation. Trump freed the United States from the evil Deep State, which held children in underground tunnels (500,000 children) and raped them. The military found dead children too. Glory to Trump. Does anyone else doubt that he will be back soon?
The current presidents of the largest countries in the world: Russia - Libra Putin, Xi Jinping Gemini China, USA - Trump Gemini, Draupardi Murmu Gemini. Ideal - all air signs. Gemini leader.

In the list of the best first 5 poets in the history of Russia, there are 4 air ones: Yesenin Libra, Vysotsky Aquarius, Pushkin Gemini, Lermontov Libra.

Gemini is very far from stereotypes, like Aquarius. Trump married twice not of his nationality. One of Czechoslovak origin, the other of Slovenian. Aquarius Ashton Kutcher married Demi Moore, who is much older than him.
Turkish actor Burak Ozcivit darted between the two Gemini. Ceylan Capa and Fahriye Evcen are both Gemini. Ceylan helped the actor with the business, she was above him in status. Fahriye Evcen, on the contrary, was under the auspices of the director Burak Ozcivit. Still, for a man, true love is the one that allows you to show strength. He himself said that Evcen is his true love.
Number 1 gay - Gemini. David Burtka and Neil Harris are a Gemini couple, Tom Daly and Dustin Black are another Gemini couple. These are very happy couples. Wentworth Miller Gemini, Greg Berlanti, Jonathan Bennett, Kevin McHale Gemini.

Split personality Norma Jean and Marilyn Monroe. Gemini by zodiac sign. Norma Jean is the real Marilyn, before the screen image, who lost herself in the image of a goofy blonde.

Air signs are leaders in the field of science and discovery, but much weaker in remembering facts and therefore far from the first in “What? Where? When?" "The smartest" and "Own game." (Who wants to become a millionaire is an exception, but questions are easier there)
In these knowing facts shows , the most intelligent Taurus, Scorpio and Sagittarius. They are the best at remembering facts and also at medical discoveries (smallpox vaccine, cure for tuberculosis, insulin for diabetes, anesthesia, artificial heart)
Almost everywhere except IT air signs are the best in discoveries. I thought medicine might be an exception, but Libra is the leader along with Sagittarius in the field of the most notable surgeons in history, the second Libra and Gemini after Pisces in the field of scientific discoveries in surgery.
Gemini is the number 1 parodist. Djokovic did a parody of Sharapova, Noah Wylie did a parody of Steve Jobs, Maxim Galkin is also a famous parody artist. Second place is Aquarius, third is Cancer.
Author of the script “Twins of Fate” (Jules and Julie) Gemini by zodiac sign👯 Jean Chalopin. A story about a brother and sister who care about each other.
Geminis are good mothers, as they have a delicate nervous system, are not petty in nature, and they understand children. With children, such mothers are as gentle as possible. Angelina Jolly took custody of the children, she complained about Brad Pitt's rude behavior.
Sergey Rebrov Gemini and these people are often frivolous in relationships. For his sake, Ani Lorak could cancel the concert, but for Sergei Rebrov, Ani was just a game.
Alexander Putintsev Gemini and without earthly zodiac signs. He teaches that you don’t need to get attached to money and the more you give, the more you receive - this is the law of conservation of energy. “I’m a big faucet and you can pass a lot of money through me.”
I quit my high-paying job and started giving money to people. Later he became very rich. This can be applied not only to money, but also to knowledge. I gave and received even more knowledge.
The Avatar anime was created by Cancer Michael Dante Dimartino (also the screenwriter) and Bryan Konietzko with Venus in Cancer and Moon in Pisces. Water element. Ang was from the element of air, and fire 🔥 started a war. The creators of the element of water, therefore they saw fire as a hostile element. Katara is a water character: she loves to cook, is close to her mother and has a melancholy character. Air saves from the aggression of fire. In life the air is democratic and humane.
It was during the month of Gemini that I discovered the similarity between Gemini Fahriye Evcen and Adriana Lima. 
Mathematician Perelman refused the bonus and money. Gemini and therefore smart, plus not attached to material things. He violated the agreements, was non-committal. 


Ekaterina Gordeeva: “I had no one to talk to about what was happening to me, except for the other half of my personality - after all, I am a Gemini. Neither with my sister, who was four years younger, nor with my mother, since I was often not at home. And with Anya Kondrashova too, we weren’t that close. I didn’t have a close friend with whom I could chat, gossip, or consult. So I had to keep my doubts to myself."

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