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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

#1 in sports

In sports, you can also determine who is the best and worst from the opposite. Virgo is the best almost everywhere: mountain skiing, snowboarding, luge, freestyle wrestling, boxing, one of the best in football, one of the best in wrestling, one of the running races, in judo, Cancer in weightlifting, swimming, water polo, in one of the judo weight categories, third in rowing in kayaks and canoes, the first in ski jumping, the second in boxing. Aquarians in basketball, diving, one of the leaders in sailing, second in skiing, first in downhill skiing, biathlon, after Pisces in surfing, second in swimming and water polo. Pisces are the best in surfing, one of the best in sailing, the best in rowing in kayaks and canoes, second in mountain skiing, third in skiing, first in American football, conquerors of mountain peaks, and in speed skating. Scorpios in rowing and second in rowing in kayaks and canoes, that is, Scorpio is the sign of rowing, one of the best in football, in some swim distances. Libra is in Greek-Roman wrestling, the best in sports gymnastics, in one of the races in swimming, and the third in weightlifting. Twins in women's and men's tennis, best in parachuting, second in mountain climbing, second in swimming, in one of the types of skiing (10 km ski pursuit)

Aries in cycling, women's running, football, second in rowing and speed skating. Capricorn in hockey, skiing, almost first in sports gymnastics and second in women's running. Taurus in figure skating, ballet and rhythmic gymnastics, second in freestyle wrestling, Leo second in luge, second in weightlifting, one of the best in men's tennis and first in running. Sagittarius - running among women and in one of the races among men. Worst Sagittarius. 

Best: Virgo

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