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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Moon in Saggitarius

 People say about this type of people:

"She is so kind! He is so good!"

The degree of openness is strong and disposable. These people are always in high spirits and are ready to share the spiritual joy with others. "The soul sings and there is a holiday there every day" is about people with the Moon in Sagittarius.

In the chart of singer Dima Bilan Moon is in Sagittarius. Perhaps that is why he is open and cheerful, otherwise, the Solar Capricorns are usually cold and dry, closed. It is known that the singer complained that he was not an authority for his sister, that she was not worried about his popularity and that she calmly interrupted him. For the Lunar Sagittarius, the main thing is that their ideals are not to be questioned and the people should be recognized authoritative enough. Sun and Ascendant Sagittarius are usually confident in their authority, the Moon is distinguished by the fact that it is dependent on the influence of other authorities and needs security in terms of its own.

There is a common version among astrologers that Lunar Sagittarius falls in love with students who excel in studying. Yes, because the authority of an excellent student at school is undeniable. I would say that Lunar Sagittarius falls in love with college students because As are easier to get at school than at university. The university is a higher education institution. Moon Sagittarius is in love with the idea of ​​higher education and takes pride in graduating from a prestigious university. Often you can hear the term "intelligence" as a value.

Moon Sagittarius are dreamy people. Dima Bilan sings "We Are Dreamers" in his famous song "Dreamers". Other people with the Moon in Sagittarius are also very dreamy.

These people are also distinguished by a love for travel and abroad. Adventurous formation of the soul, the ability to go abroad at any unexpected time. When I returned from Work and Travel, such a person enthusiastically asked me:

"How do you like the States? What did you like?"

I say: "Roads!"

He later won the Green Card lottery and now lives in the States.

These are passionate people who know how to flirt. I recall the actor Ilya Shakunov, who is "always in love" with his movie partners as recognized in an interview. What is interesting in order not to offend his wife, he said that she, too, is always in love!

Thanks, Lunar Sagittarius, for honesty and sincerity! If a mistress appears, probably you will speak directly.

“ For example, I won’t advertise cigarettes even for $ 100 million. I’ve been saying all my life: “This is bad. It’s impossible.” And then I’ll suddenly say: “Light a cigarette, guys.” With what face should I do it? .. For some reason, few people understand honesty. When I was tired of living a double life and told my wife everything was as it was, the first comments from my friends and acquaintances were: “Fool!" They said that a lot of people existed like this and no one had died yet. Well, let this bunch live like that, but I can’t, says the athlete." (Kostya Tszyu)

Singer Valeria suffers from her honesty. The psychologist told her that it was not necessary to share all thoughts and events in life with her husband.

“Why should my husband talk about all the calls? No need to retell the whole conversation. Less information - fewer problems will come to you ”(psychologist whom the singer went to)

In general, these are idealistic people who see other people as good even if they are not so good.

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