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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Moon in Gemini

 “Do not tell anyone that you are an astrologer. They will turn away from you, you will be left without connections”

An elderly astrologer with broad experience told me this. The first and only astrologer I took private lessons from back in 2015. It turns out that Elina Carfi has the Moon in Gemini, hence the desire to point out that communications are at risk due to the poor reputation of science. Connections play an important role in the life of the Moon Gemini.

Of course, I do not quite agree. On the contrary, astrology helps to find these connections. Peers and some friends turned away, even relatives could not approve, and it seemed to me that I was losing them. True, this was only at the beginning of the journey. Now everything is ok, I do not care about the opinion of people. It is not at all surprising to hear something negative about astrology. Those who, having heard about astrology, immediately decide to break the connection with a person, these are not my people. I myself would not break the connection if suddenly my hobbies did not coincide with the hobbies of another person since we were not going to sleep under the same roof. Moreover, knowledge is light, I just give knowledge.

We’ll talk about the topic of knowledge. Lunar Gemini loves to receive knowledge and transmit it. There is a constant need to ask questions, read the news, learn new details. Lunar Gemini people are the best interlocutors, sophisticated communicators with commercial talent. They say that in order to gain the favor of a person during a conversation, confine yourself to conversations in the sphere of his / her interests. The one who listens with interest and delves into the essence leaves a better impression. That's just the communication skills that are best developed in the Moon Gemini. People with Moon Gemini have always been quite sociable with me and really were interested in astrology, they asked questions. They even shared their own knowledge on the topic, which surprised me. I think this is the most contact and charming sign in this regard.

For example, Vladimir Putin was born with the Moon in Gemini, he calls himself a specialist in communication and it is not accidental. After an interview with Putin, American journalist Megan Kelly shared her impressions. Then I clearly remember how Megan Kelly said that Putin, as usual, showed awareness as the main weapon in the dispute.

Among the Lunar Gemini, you can meet public figures, journalists and poets, writers. Editors and translators also are met. The word is given to them easily, they speak eloquently. This is the natural environment for this situation - read, write and chat.

You can note a sense of humor and wit. Example: comedian Jim Carrey.

What kind of girl is needed for the Moon Gemini? Most likely intellectual, nimble and social. The main need is to keep the conversation going.

Either ice or flame. He loves now! - It's about the frequent mood swings of the Moon Gemini. Also nervousness from the constant fuss and rush. After all, it seems that they do not have time to do everything they planned for the day.

Lunar Twins are chatty. If you see how the Solar Pisces turn out to be very talkative, then look at the sign of the moon. Most likely this sign will be in Gemini.

With excellent memory, these people learn fast. The need is to apply knowledge.

Some criticize this position for being easily influenced and the inability to make a quick decision. "Always asks," some comrades who are not very talkative may say this. This does not bother me, but it may turn out to bother others. The flaw is in impermanence. 

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