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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

How to get along with Saturn?

Russian version of 2016 

To achieve success, you need to do one thing - build a relationship with Saturn! Of course, one can hope for the patronage of kinder planets - Jupiter for example. Good planets give a temporary benefit that can be thoughtlessly and thoughtlessly lost in the case of an undeveloped Saturn. Saturn loves those who take responsibility for their own destiny. This means that no matter what you do, you are responsible for the result and you will be to blame in case of mistakes. Why are subordinates often smarter than their superiors? It's just that the boss took on more responsibility, he is not afraid, he set tasks and undertook to fulfill them, and in case of poor results, he agrees to incur more severe punishments. Why are bosses all strict? Has life made them so cruel? No, it's just that such people plan their actions in advance and do everything to achieve exactly the result that they need. They do not spare themselves or others, they are tough, callous and self-confident people who will not be broken by any difficulties. Saturn is a strict planet, the higher you climb, the more demanding it is. It can exalt a person to unprecedented heights, and then, due to one ill-conceived oversight and careless attitude to business, throw him down into the abyss! First, it comes in the form of a warning that a person has chosen the wrong path or made the wrong decision, and then in case of ignoring the punishment comes in a more severe form. And here all the problems of low-developed Saturn are obvious - a person becomes stubborn and refuses to change anything, he insists on his own scenario of the development of events, does not listen to anyone. Then, over time, this results in even bigger problems that are already becoming irreversible. That is why people are afraid to climb high, because it is a responsibility, not only for themselves, but now also for others.

Saturn is the planet of fear, here fear is an ally, it reminds you that by a hasty, frivolous and irresponsible attitude to solving problems, you can do stupid things that will be deposited in the subconscious in the form of complexes. And they will have to be worked out through even more humble work. He says: "Stop, it's still early, do this first!"

That is, success is really achieved by work and gradual step-by-step action. Saturn condemns to suffering those who resist to pass his tests and want everything at once, without doing anything. Those who put off solving problems and do everything at the last moment also suffer because of laziness, which, by the way, according to authoritative psychologists, is a fear stretched out in time. Indeed, there is no laziness, there is a fear (Saturn) to make a mistake, to do something wrong and experience suffering, the fear of disgrace and losing faith in oneself, hence the postponement (Saturn is a symbol of time). Of course, laziness still comes from the fact that a person is not interested in performing the tasks that are assigned to him.

Here we come to motivation. Saturn is the planet of motivation. Saturn motivates through the desire for recognition, complexes and a sense of duty. To constantly do a job you hate for a while, you need to know that there will be some kind of reward for it or it should be a stepping stone on the way to higher goals. Studying at school did not bring much pleasure, I was not free and was under constant pressure from exams and endless homework. There was perfectionism and a definite goal, the desire to prove to myself that I can set a goal and achieve it, that's what motivated me. And Saturn motivates through complexes. For example, I have Saturn in my 3rd house (study), elementary school taught me that I was backward, I was expelled because of a 3 in a reading and comprehension exam (it's just that the school is pretty tough in every way). By the 3rd grade, I almost resigned myself to the state of things, I went to school like hard labor - here again I will not understand and make mistakes, they will punish me and I had such a feeling of guilt before my parents! Yes, Saturn sows guilt and fear of punishment, but thanks to him for that! Without him, I wouldn't have had the motivation to prove myself otherwise! That if I want, I can study well. Then it turned out that I began to work hard, I already thought in an adult way, it turns out. I started to sit on my own and catch up with the material, as the teachers explained it incomprehensibly. By the 7th grade, I had already begun to study well and was even considered one of the best, but I still misunderstood mathematics. Somehow, after the 8th grade, I got angry and sat at home all summer holidays, not raising my head to understand mathematics. I started in the 5th grade to fill in the gaps. I sat down and began to carefully read the book, started a thick notebook and began to take notes: she explained everything to me in an understandable language, drew graphs, and solved problems. Then I looked at the answers and every time I got pleasure from the fact that I myself could solve the problem correctly! By the 9th grade, a new mathematics teacher came, her name is Lyudmila Eduardovna. 

She saw my notes and how well I knew the subject. As a result, my only grade "5" came out for a quarter. Since then, I have had only 5s in mathematics. Before that, the teachers didn’t like me, everyone just scolded and demanded, but Lyudmila Eduardovna was the only one who knew how to explain well! She saw my zeal and diligence, she often said: "Cholpon and I only understand each other." After that, I fell in love with math. She was the person who managed to appreciate me! Thanks to her, I became more confident. So interesting and accessible no one explained mathematics at that time! And most importantly, the teacher was very objective, no grades on sympathy, only on the case. When she left in the 11th grade, we had the most strict math teacher. I was so afraid of her ... but as it turned out, I had a good base by that time from Lyudmila Eduardovna. The first test and "I only put Cholpon two fives!"

In general, what conclusions did I draw ... Firstly, you can understand anything, there is no such subject that would be difficult to understand. It all depends on how accessible the material is presented. If there is 80% of the water and there is no specifics, plus the information is written abstrusely and incomprehensibly, then this book is simply useless. In general, the ability to explain is a talent and work that many teachers avoid. The school was a real test for me, but at the same time it gave me an invaluable base and taught me how to achieve goals. Secondly, I learned to extract knowledge on my own! This skill helped me in Astrology. Why to sit through boring lectures when you can go on your own journey and experience the endless pleasure of your mini-discoveries? Saturn is different for each house/sign. For me, it manifested itself in the field of study (3rd house) and in Astrology (Aquarius), then I will tell about the second sphere))

Saturn is a passionate planet, she loves obstacles on the way to the goal, so that a person appreciates success more. I have Saturn in Aquarius... in a sign that symbolizes Astrology. I had and have to constantly overcome obstacles on the way to freely and without restrictions to engage in Astrology. I reach all the truths on my own through communication and solving human problems, even if I have to sit at night in long reflections. Astrology is an underestimated science, the real benefits of which people do not even know. Its psychological side is significantly underestimated. Many people told me that no one will come to you for the psychological part, that people need accurate predictions. This is what left the complex of incomprehension by people and the desire to convey the beauty of Astrology and how it can be applied in practice. Predictions go without saying, but first I would like people to see its value as a tool for self-discovery. "I read an article about Libra and canceled a session with a psychologist" - that's what they write. If only when reading the Solar signs a person can already explain the motives of his actions and partially understand himself, then imagine what level of reading yourself and people can be achieved when studying other factors, such as the Moon, Venus, Mars, Ascendant / Descendant, Saturn in the signs of the zodiac, but there are also houses ... ? Of course, I have no intention of making everyone astrologers, but enough useful content can be given to change their attitude towards science itself. This science has its own ingenious system, which not everyone is ready to accept, but I will do my best to be understood. That is, it is not enough to know yourself, you also need to be able to convey it all, and in such a way that it is not boring or banal.

Saturn creates high demands on itself, the fear of distorting the incoming information, the fear of not expressing it that way and being misunderstood. This fear creates high demands on myself, this is the main motivation for me - to contact the egregore as freely as possible directly and receive meaningful information, with the help of which it would be possible to quickly and easily give answers to any questions of concern. Saturn in Aquarius creates a high level of responsibility and yes, I feel every time the fear of being blamed or ridiculed in case of blunders. I am serious about the matter and will not allow people to neglect science purely because of the limitations of their consciousness. More than anything, I am hurt by attempts to humiliate Astrology and sling mud at it, I feel as if they are doing the same to me personally. From here I separated from society, became even more lonely than I was, so that from time to time I would not experience pain from a feeling of incomprehension and futile attempts to prove the opposite. It’s also bad when they write with the intention of finding out about themselves, but inside they have a feeling of skepticism and a desire to test me. That is, it turns out they are deceiving me, supposedly showing interest in Astrology. It's just that for me Astrology is more than just a tool for practical use. Saturn is the planet of self-realization, and it also brings happiness in the process of moving towards the goal, no matter what difficulties are pursued. I just don't show all my emotions. When everything accumulates inside and the flow is difficult

Once, in a Career Planning class, they showed a video of an interview where they hired one of two candidates for the position of a marketing manager. The director asked them several questions and in the end chose none. Many voiced different reasons, I did not immediately realize at that time. Now I realize that both candidates were simply in the role of followers, they sat calmly with a facial expression "just to get rid of it" and, as it were, they put the boss higher, they were afraid of him. After all, this is a marketing position, you need to have leadership qualities and conduct a conversation, trying to show burning and motivation! A marketer and a boss are equal people, they cooperate!

Saturn loves discipline and a systematic approach to everything. So we started learning the language. Do this thoroughly, setting aside time for this every day or at least every other day. Results are not quick, you need to persevere towards the goal, even if now it seems that everything is pointless. And yes, about the meaning ... never devalue your past results, you have passed the stage, rejoice and reward yourself! What you did before led to the current state, the base will serve other purposes. Saturn is a planet of significance, do not belittle it, if there is something to value and respect yourself for, do it with pleasure!

Value your time. Constantly ask yourself the question - is what I am doing now somehow bringing me closer to the goal or am I just wasting my time? If you yourself do not value yourself and your time, people will push you around and take advantage of you, and you, because of the feeling of your own unfulfillment, will be glad to be useful to at least someone who is not worthy of your attention. Selectively treat people from the environment, keep in touch only with those whom you respect. Saturn is a symbol of time. Do not put off important things for some time in the future, do at least something that you consider significant.

Saturn does not like illusions and escapism. To the question "How do you deal with depression?" singer Valeria gave an answer that pleasantly surprised me. She said that she had no time to be depressed because she worked very hard. And depression, according to the singer, comes from Laziness. Well, that is, you whine and complain about helplessness in front of the world, when you just need to act step by step! Departure into the world of illusions and escape from reality come from an unwillingness to solve earthly problems, from fear of not coping, or from a feeling of losing the meaning of what you are doing. Escapism and spirituality (12th house) is the last stage leading to the liberation of the soul, therefore everyone strives for it from a young age, but these people become unhappy, drink too early, or are rejected by society as weak individuals, and all because they did not resolve the issue with the main ruler of the world of rules and conventions - with Saturn. Establish relationships with Saturn, solve your problems and see how you can help others, go your own way and create your own core, and then go into spirituality. Saturn is a symbol of the 10th house, that is, an obligatory stage before the last, 12th. Ignoring this stage will make you an outcast, thrown out of the matrix. You have to fulfill the requirements of the structure you are in until you are ready to create your own.

Everyone in life has a situation when he is left alone at a dead end. This heavy feeling of loneliness and abandonment visited me quite specifically at the end of 2015, when Saturn crossed the Ascendant (1st house). While Saturn was moving through the 12th house, the old structure collapsed, and during the period from the end of 2015 to the end of 2018, while Saturn is moving through the 1st house, a new one is being built. I used to do everything right, my parents were happy with me - I graduated from the university with excellent marks and received a diploma, I wanted to finish my master's program and then something called "my way ..." fell on me, which came as a surprise to me. All my previous goals were not mine, they were imposed by society! Once and... I didn't want to work for the system... "I want to study Astrology!" Previous achievements suddenly instantly depreciated, and I saw a new me only in the future ... It was very difficult for me without support. I always sought my mother's approval, tried to please and please her in everything, and then ... I not only lost her support but began to listen to constant discontent and negative fears. I resisted for a year and bent my line, and then I realized that my self-esteem was on the decline because they told me that I was helpless in society and now I was wasting time doing complete nonsense, but I couldn’t prove the opposite ... I went headlong into her own business and did not want to change anything, and the pressure increased. The paradox is that without solving my problems, I successfully solved other people's problems)) That's when I started to go into my own world, where I was happy ... bulimia began, stress-eating food. I looked terrible and abandoned myself ... and then there was perfectionism, I ate myself because I couldn’t take it and change everything to 180. It was as if inside I blamed my parents all the time for leaving me at the right time! Then a rebellion inside - "I have always been correct, always tried to be good, but here .. once I decided to do everything differently and became a waste of society, stupid, not understanding anything in this world (according to relatives)." Before that, I always counted on myself and, apart from the approval of my mother, saw nothing as an incentive to move forward. Here I had to consciously pull myself together and start looking for the core in myself, and not rely on the approval of loved ones. Transits of Pluto 12 house 90 on the Sun made me an absolutely helpless and vulnerable creature! I have never felt like this before. Abandoned, alone, devoid of self-respect. A great sense of guilt, and self-flagellation turns out to be harmful, it erases the protective shell of a person and increases physical and emotional vulnerability. 12th house - pancake. A friend felt my condition as - "You're like a caged animal, you can't get out," but it didn't happen by chance. When I was at the bottom, Father Saturn (!) came and showed that you don’t need to depend so much on the approval of loved ones, you need to have your own core and not devalue your past results! Through situations and insights, Saturn began to show that you need to be able to defend your interests and take responsibility for your life. That is, what happened to me is the result of my actions, no one is to blame for what happened. Blaming yourself is also harmful, you can only make a critical introspection and move on, and the past core could not be so hard to ignore. This is the result of a long work on Saturn in the 3rd house - I studied diligently, ignoring entertainment, and Saturn in Aquarius is a new structure, Astrology. Inherited to me through a simultaneous feeling of happiness and pain! I feel myself becoming tougher and wiser. Own views on life, own vision of everything, and own astrological insights. I am the mistress of my reality and decide for myself with whom to communicate, whom to help, and whom to ignore. No one can force me to do what I do NOT want. Here's another thing - I have something to love myself for! Saturn teaches you to appreciate yourself and your successes.

Saturn is a core, a skeleton! He governs the teeth and bones. What is the condition of your teeth and nails? Eat sesame seeds every day for two or three months in a row, notice how your nails begin to noticeably harden and your teeth grow stronger! Here, as in life, the main thing is consistency. If you decide to get a result, act with the same constancy, little will change from one time.

There is nothing worse than being in a situation of dependence and hopelessness. Waiting for the one who will save you is pointless, you need to act on your own! The same realization came to Marilyn Monroe, only it is a pity that towards the end of her life. "I'm on my own, doc, did you really believe that I can do it on my own?" she says in her confession to psychotherapist Henry Walter. Recordings of the revelations have been preserved and sent for printing:

“You know, talking about my mother, I suddenly realized why I trust you so much. Many psychoanalysts and mentors worked with me, but now I suddenly realized that no one did the main thing - they didn’t instill in me the confidence that I can do it myself! I stumbled, and they immediately offered me a hand, I forgot the text - they prompted me, I didn’t know how to play, they explained, supervised, instructed, dictated, everyone said that they would help now, but no one, no one said:

"... You see, Doc, I'm a dependent person, I easily get emotionally dependent on those I trust, especially if I'm not confident in my abilities. No one can convince me if I know something or can do it myself, or if I I am sure of something, but there are few such areas, usually you have to rely on the knowledge of others.It is very difficult, because I either do not trust a person from the first minute, or I hang myself on the neck.I understand, I understand now!I am addicted when I do not I am self-confident, and this happens often when I communicate with people who know and can do more than I do, who know how to communicate at ease, are educated, well-read, accomplished professionally. I am very afraid of condemnation, I am afraid that they will point the finger at me and say:

Look, she knows little and knows nothing! If intelligent, educated people treat me with attention and understanding, then I trust them completely and become dependent. But then I need their approval, constant, every minute. Those who give it, not always realizing what they are doing, become my masters, if they refuse such support, I begin to hate them. Is it ridiculous? But it is so! Also, I am addicted to medications. I understand that this is bad, disastrous, and leads to memory loss, especially when combined with drinking, I understand everything! When loneliness rolls in the evening, when the others are with someone, longing because of their uselessness, the hand itself reaches first for a package of sleeping pills, and then for a bottle of champagne or whiskey. Recently, whiskey has become too often a substitute for champagne. Am I getting drunk? Well, let! If no one needs me, then let me not need myself either!

“I am very afraid of loneliness, because as a child I was terribly lonely and have remained so until now. And I was also afraid and afraid that I won’t be able to do anything, I’ll just remain a dyed blonde with good shapes, which is valued only for these forms. I’m afraid that there is nothing more to appreciate me for, that in itself I am worthless and incapable of anything.

“My mentors at first teach me for a long time and seriously how to take each step, and then they despise me for acting only on their prompting. at the same time, they demand independence and reproach for its absence. Where will independence come from in a blindfolded person who is forced to ask at every step whether he puts his foot there? Only if you step, forgetting about caution, even into the abyss. But if I only put my foot to take such a step, cries are heard:

- Stop! You don't know where to go!"

“Constant patronage has created a terrible addiction to constant admonition and praise. If I don’t hear the approval of Paula or Lee, confirmation that I said the phrase without hesitation with the right intonation and made the right gesture, I get lost. Stupid, because at the mere thought that I will do what something is wrong, wrong, I get lost or fake, I immediately stumble, forget the text and fake or stop altogether. Everyone thinks that I am not able to learn even a small text and pronounce it without errors, but this is not so. I just wait for these mistakes, waiting for a stumble, waiting for me to forget. If you are afraid of something or expect it, it will definitely happen. Why did neither Natasha nor Paula ever inspire me that I could do everything myself, without support, that I was a grown woman and quite capable, having rehearsed the scene in advance, no longer look at the mentors during the shooting?

“Doc, you can’t leave and leave me! Then I will completely obey Greenson. He is very good, he even allowed me into his family, Ralph does not consider me dangerous for his children and wife. But I want to myself, and I need you, very needed... Well, why does everyone leave me just when it's hardest for me? Everyone leaves... everything!" (excerpt, M. Monroe. "Marilyn Monroe. Passion, told by herself")

If you are hurt and lonely when people turn away from you and it seems that you are weak and helpless, you should not give up! Such cases are simply obliged to occur in order for a person to find an inner core. These are tests of Saturn, nothing more, and you just need to pull yourself together and pass these tests with dignity. The main thing is less self-pity and more responsibility.

Only a few months ago I myself was in limbo when I couldn’t do it the old way, but I couldn’t do it the new way. It was like I was kicked out of the system. It was difficult to live without a rod. I so wanted people around to say that everything will be fine with me, that I can handle it, that I'm doing great! I so wanted to hear this from my relatives, but it was not there. Then I realized how all my life I depended on the praise and approval of my relatives. In addition to Saturn, the transits of Pluto (12d) revealed the whole truth and my internal conflicts, like old splinters, crawled out in the form of pain. And the 12th house is like that, it leaves a person in a state of helplessness and at the mercy of his own destructive illusions. 

It's good that Pluto destroyed the illusions, and also thanks to Saturn for letting me through the tests myself (!) understand the essence of things. If they told me that I didn’t know how to do something or didn’t do it well, I could get upset and consider myself a complete mediocrity. Now I already know how to stand up for myself. If you mentally consider it worse and put yourself in the position of a victim, people will be constantly unhappy with you. If you give, then only out of love and of your own free will, and not to the detriment of yourself from the state "so as not to seem bad." You need to value yourself and also know your weaknesses, which you will not be afraid to admit to yourself. The main thing is you know yourself, which means that others will not dare to take you away from your true desires. If you have a good relationship with Saturn, it will be difficult for people to impose their will on you and force you to live by someone else's rules. You yourself will know what and how to do it! If you make a mistake, only you can scold yourself.

I imagined for a while how I was thrown into a wide river with a strong current. I swim, I try to resist the current, but no matter how hard I try, it doesn’t work! And then I saw a large stone in the middle of the river, which became my salvation! I held on to him with all my strength so that the current would not carry me further in an incomprehensible direction. And this stone is my core, my support, in other words, it is Saturn. People strive for such crisis states, when you can do introspection and become stronger. They feel that it is at such moments that one can separate the true values ​​from the imposed ones and reach a new level. This time? when you need to say "Stop" to your fears, weaknesses and laziness.

Now I can help others find support in themselves. I realized that people are clearly divided into successful and unsuccessful, and the difference between one and the other is in the level of relations with Saturn! If they are good, this means that the person is the master of his own destiny, he knows what he wants and solves his problems himself, if something cannot, he hires professionals. He is charismatic and leads others by solving their problems. If the relationship with Saturn is bad, this is an unrealized and helpless person, always dependent on other people and on circumstances. He always asks everyone for help, has a low sense of self-worth, lets himself and others down, does not keep promises, is in a listless apathetic state and waits for someone to decide what to do for him.

Is it difficult for you now? What is your relationship with Saturn? Maybe it's time to say that magic word "I myself!" and do everything according to your vision? I have Saturn in Aquarius in the 3rd house - I decide for myself what to write and when to write, whom to advise, who to refuse, how to maintain a page / blog, no one forces me. This is what motivates - when there is something of your own that makes you feel like a creator and a master. It's great to be able to solve your problems on your own, and even better with the help of your knowledge to make the lives of others easier! This is the will of Saturn! The path and the process of creativity itself is happiness! Do you know that Saturn is not only obstacles and depression, but also a feeling of "Lord", the master of your life?!

Saturn is a guide to Eternity, it is a symbol of Eternity, what is created by Saturn is stored forever, there are works and paintings whose life is eternal because they were created by the energy of Saturn. Everything that is short-lived and false is not stored for a long time. Saturn ruthlessly destroys businesses based on deceiving the population. Scammers, scammers, and harming people are simply doomed to suffer.

At the beginning of my second year, when difficult subjects began, I printed out an image of Saturn and pasted it to the first page of my Macroeconomics exercise book. He helped me! Then people told me: "I admire your perseverance and discipline!"

After graduating from the university, she received her first-degree diploma as planned. So, all you need to do is just build a relationship with Saturn! What you should not do is defiantly negative the matrix and the system with its rules. Remember what happened to the actors of the film "The Matrix" after filming? So, follow the rules of your structure, or better yet, create your own and become the masters of your life!

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