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Monday, July 25, 2022

#1 serial killer. Conclusion

40 serial killers Pisces (not including Usama Bin Laden)

Evgeni Chupminski, Shi Yuczun, Shuvalov Pavel, Oleg Chizhov, Michael Harris, Fokin Victor, Sifo Tvala, Tul Ottis, Christopher Wilder, Rassel Williams, Aileen Wuornos, Morris Solomon, Spesivcev, Michail Popkov, Ramires Richards, Dennis Raider, Rembert Robert, Ocampo, Sergei Osipenko, Modzelevski Stanislav, Steven Peter Morin, Tereza Norr, Eduard Lukov, Randi Craft, Crowford, Andre, Antoni Cook, Eric Cook, Eduard Lukov, Daglas Klark, Diogo Alves, Dmitri Balakin, Donald Gaskins, John Gasy, Goer Ladislav, Gridin Dmitri, Joseph Edward Dunkan, Jackson Calvin, Wilbour Jenniki, Draganer. 

Scorpio (38):

Bai Baoshan, Margie Barfield, Barch Yurgen, Oleg Belov, Gannes Belle, Gao Chenyun, David Bullock, Britt Eugene, Gilbert Christine, Kaetano Santos, Joseph Deandzhelo, Geralds Hewbert, Nikolai Zhumagaliev, Zaikin Oleg, Nikolai Kozlenia, Kocks Scott, Adolfo de Jesus, Mary Ann, Alton Coulman, Nathaniel Cook, Kurita Gandzo, Lake Leonard, Li Derrick, John Rodni, Pikton Robert, Alfredo Pito, James Ritchi, Manuel Romansanta, John McCay, Vladimir Mirgorod, Mozeph Seathall, Scott Frederick, Chester Turner, Travis Mori, Fridrich Haarman, Watts Carl, Juan Yun, Williams Hens

The first two places are water signs: Pisces and Scorpio. Earth is second: Virgo and Capricorn 

Top three serial killers: 40 Pisces, 38 Scorpios, 32 Virgos. Leaders among water. Aquatic Pisces are idealistic and they kill to make the world a better place. Elin Wuornos killed male clients who wanted to rape her. Popkov killed walking women who cheated on boyfriends and husbands. He called himself a cleaner. Bin Laden was preparing a terrorist attack out of revenge against the American government for the pain of the Arab people and for the religion of Islam.

Virgos and Capricorns follow Pisces and Scorios. Water and earth are the most dangerous elements, and fire and air are less. Water and earth do not particularly like people, and air-fiery ones are closer to people. Water: the exception is safe Cancer, the dangerous Aries is from fire

The least dangerous element is air. There are no air signs in the top 5 serial killers, there are all the other elements.

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