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Sunday, May 1, 2022

#1 in music

There are many outstanding musicians among Pisces. Rihanna is the richest in the world of music, 2 times richer than Taylor Swift.  Adam Levin, Justin Bieber, Stromae, and Bruce Willis are famous Pisces singers. The most influential singer is Libra Avril Lavigne, because she works more than others. 

Composing is even harder than singing. According to this ranking, in the top 10, I found 3 Pisces and one with Moon in Pisces.

Shopen, Vivaldi, Georg Handel, Schubert has Moon in Pisces.

There are also such famous Pisces as Rimskiy-Korsakov and Rossini 

According to New York Times, there is a top 10 ranking that shows 2 Aquarius and 2 Aries: 
Aquarius: Schubert, Mozart 
Aries: Bach, Barton

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