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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

#1 generous

What I like about Leo and Saggitarius is their generosity (2015)

 Saggitarius and Leo are in the top 3. The most generous is Taurus.

Among top 20:

1) Taurus - about 4226% 2) Saggitarius -966% 3) Leo - 388%

4) Gemini - 190%  5) Scorpio - 108%  6) Capricorn - 77%, 7) Virgo - 48% 8) Aquarius - 48% 9) Pisces - 5%

There is a formula of generosity: amount sacrificed/current financial state. 

Taurus Charles Feeney (he has Mars in Leo) sacrificed $8 billion and left $2 million -  4200%. Taurus Chou Yun Fat has $714 mln and he lives for 100 dollars a month, the rest is spent for the charity. 

Taurus Mark Zukerberg will give to charity 99% ($76 billion) of all Facebook assets. Dietman Hopp is Taurus, he sacrificed $1 billion, and the current financial state is $6 billion - 16%,  James Simons sacrificed $2,7 billion, and $25 is left - 10%

2) Saggitarus

According to the source, Sheikh Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi is Saggitarius, born on November 30.
Saudi-Arabian philanthropist sacrificed $5,7 billion and his current wealth is $ 590 mln = 966%

3) Leo

George Soros - 211% - 313,2%, donated $18,1 billion or $26 billion (?), current $8,6 or $8,3 billion

Kaizer 35%, Azim Premji 36,9%, Li Ka-shing 5% = 388%

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