Moon signs

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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

How to calculate your balance of elements

I found an online website that calculates correctly the balance of elements. Other sources were not as good as this, because they showed distorted %. 

I also recommend the Russian version 

It is also possible to calculate independently. I suggest this scaling. 

Sun (15), Moon (10), Ascendant (10), Mercury (5), Mars (7), Venus (6), Saturn (3), Jupiter (3) = result:

Fire - , water - , air - , earth -

Example: my younger sister

Sun in Cancer, Moon in Cancer, Asc in Virgo, Mercury in Leo, Venus in Leo, Mars in ScorpioSaturn in Taurus, Jupiter in Taurus

Water =32=54%

Earth =16=27%

Fire = 11 = 19%

Air = 0 = 0%

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