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Friday, April 29, 2022

#1 suffered woman

Why water and fire are difficult to get along with. Cheryl Cole appreciated Ashley Cole very highly and even took his last name. Cancers in personal relationships sacrifice. It turns out Sagittarius Ashley did not appreciate this and began to cheat. After the breakup, it was too late to say that he couldn’t live without her. Fiery ones are not strong in the manifestation of feelings; moreover, they cannot appreciate the feelings of another. Conquest and courtship - yes, but maintenance suffers. In ordinary everyday relationships, fiery ones infuriate with their uncompromising and explosive nature. In order to compensate for moral damage, the fire must provide well and not be greedy, and this is within the power of fire. If you don't know how to love, then know how to share.

Another example is an almost mirror situation. Frida Kahlo Cancer always loved Sagittarius Diego Rivera, and he enjoyed causing suffering to the artist with his constant betrayals. Cheryl Cole immediately filed for divorce, but Frida suffered.

Jessica Simpson lost $12 mln to Nick Lachey just because of the marriage seal on her passport

Selena Gomez's heart was broken by Justin Bieber's unexpected marriage to Hailey Baldwin. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber had been together for many years.

Janna Friske suffered from her bf Shepelev as her friend Olga Orlova confessed. "I have a black belt in patience" - Janna Friske said

Cancer Elza Pataki suffered from her husband's infidelity. Hemsworth is Leo and like any other fire sign is prone to cheating in love. Ben Affleck is Leo and he also cheated on Jennifer Garner

Prince Charles said "I don't love" to Princess Diana's "I do" and he did not love her indeed.

All of them are Cancers

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