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Saturday, April 9, 2022

#1 in sailing/navigation

 Among the 5 best sailors according to one article, I found 3 Scorpios (water sign)

Christopher Columbus (discovered America)

Fernand Magellan (first trip around the world)

James Cook is the most famous British sailor. 3 trips around the world and exploration of the world ocean. 

Dirk Hurtog (Holland sea traveler, explored the west coast of Australia) Scorpio, Krusenstern (first Russian trip around the world) Scorpio. 
Amerigo Vespucci Pisces, Pizarro y Gonzalez Pisces (conquered Peru), Matthew Flinders Pisces (Explored Australia), Semyon Dezhnev Pisces, Heinrich Pisces, Amundsen Cancer, Miklouho-Maclay Cancer, Drake (Drake Strait) Cancer
The best are Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces that comprise the majority of other signs. Water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces) elements are 50% of all famous sailors.

After water, there are some Libras and Virgos.

Amerigo Vespucci (America was named after him) Pisces

Krusenstern - Scorpio

Micluho-Maclay (southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania, New Guinea) Cancer

Amundsen Rual Cancer (Norway polar explorer)
Pissaro y Gonsalez  (Pisces)
Heinrich - Portuguese sea traveler - Atlantic ocean and the coast of Africa (Pisces)

Dirck Hartogh - Holland sea traveler Scorpio

Matthew Flinders Pisces - British explorer of Australia, he gave the contemporary name to Australia
Francis Drake was second after Magellan who made trip around the world  - Cancer

Dezhnev Pisces - The first who went through Bering strait, sea traveler

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