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Saturday, April 16, 2022

#1 actor

Number 1 is Leo ♌️ as a proof for the astrological characteristic of a sign as theatrical 

Most titled Oscar laureates: first is Leo, second is Taurus

Leo: Walter Brennan (3 times for the supporting actor), Dustin Hoffman (2 times for the best man's role), Sean Penn (2 times for the best man's role), Robert De Niro (2 times: 1 for best man's role, 1 for the supporting actor), Kevin Spacy (2 times: 1 for the man's best role, 1 for the supporting actor), Jayson Robards (2 times supporting actor) = 13 Oscars

Taurus: Daniel Day-Lewis (3 times laureate for the best man's role), Gary Cooper (2 times for the best man's role) Jack Nicholson (3 times: 2 for best man's role, 1 for the supporting actor), Anthony Quinn (2 times for the supporting actor) = 11 Oscars

Aries: Spenser Tracey (2 times man's role), Marlon Brando (2 times man's role), Peter Ustinov (2 times supporting actor), Melvin Douglas (2 times man's supporting actor) = 8 Oscars

Further is Capricorn:

Capricorn: Anthony Hopkins (2 times man's role), Denzel Washington (2 times: 1 best man's role, 1 supporting role actor) = 4 Oscars

The total number of Oscar Laurettes: 1) Aries 2) Leo 3) Capricorn

Aries 23 (13 best man's roles, 10 best supporting roles)

Leo 19 (9 best man's roles, 10 best supporting roles)

Capricorn 18 (12 best man's roles, 6 best supporting roles)

Taurus 16 (13 best man's role, 3 best supporting roles)

The minimum Oscars: Saggitarius 8 (5 best man's roles, 3 supporting actors), Libra 8 (3 best man's role, 5 supporting roles), Gemini 8 (3 best man's role, 5 supporting roles)

Earth and fire dominate

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