Moon signs

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Monday, December 6, 2021

Type of women that men like. Moon, Venus in the signs

 Jan, 2018. Find your Venus sign here and Moon sign here. The Russian version is here

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Venus in Aries / Scorpio / Capricorn, Moon in Scorpio, Moon in Aries, Capricorn like strong and courageous women. If real women are caught - weak, in need of attention, care, soft and compliant, this image will cause more disgust than sympathy, since the very image of Venus or the Moon in the map is distorted and infuriates (Venus in Scorpio / Aries is the expulsion of Venus, Moon in Scorpio - fall)

The solution to the problem of weak Venus is to find one that could somehow become support, could lead the husband, and dictate him for his own good. She can be angry, enraged, dictate her conditions - all this will be perceived normally. As compensation, motivate men for success and help a man achieve high results in life. Female leadership is quite acceptable for such men. Still, they like women's passion.

A similar image of a strong woman is given by Venus / Moon in Leo, Sagittarius (fire). Here the emphasis is on respect for the woman and her dignity. The requirement is to be positive and optimistic always. Female egoism is an acceptable thing.

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Moon or Venus in Cancer, Pisces (water) like weak and feminine women. Here, her tears, tantrums, moods, showdown, speculation, and resentment will be perceived as manifestations of real femininity will delight, not anger. In general, these men are the best, understanding female nature. She is a woman, she can be allowed a lot. We need a mother of children, subtly feeling and soft, faithful, weak, caring, and worried. Such men are able to love unconditionally.

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The Moon in Taurus and Venus in Taurus (earth) - like something between the strong and the weak, nothing definite. On the one hand, a woman should be hardworking, laziness annoys, on the other hand, let the work does not prevent her from being feminine and domestic. Such men are very traditional and conservative, women's leadership is a threat to them. Weakness is allowed in spending on physical pleasure, food, shopping, comfort at home, as such a man himself loves earthly joys and spends money on entertainment. Tears and hysterics are not likable and frivolity irritates, these things are considered a manifestation of female weakness. Something between strength and weakness, but more in the direction of strength, since the earth - perseverance, seriousness, workaholism, commitment, reliability, practicality, thrift. In general, in the presence of such men, women feel like women, the Moon in Taurus and Venus in Taurus are strong in position, Venus in Taurus at home, the Moon in Taurus is exalted. He will gladly listen to a woman, try to solve her problems. He does not spare money for gifts and completely financially supports a woman. He understands female mercantilism and does not condemn it. If she does not accept his gifts, he may be offended.

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The Moon in Virgo / Venus in Virgo is a separate group, like modest, selfless women who are ready to serve. No hysterics and demonstrations of weakness, but can criticize and be tedious. A lot is required of her, but she should expect little in return since for a man she is imperfect and unworthy of good. Like Cinderella let her be, then she will deserve male devotion and respect. May she be pure and virgin, innocent, helpful, and faithful. Diligence is appreciated and perceived as usefulness and convenience in everyday life. A female servant. Or he himself is inclined to serve in a relationship, but then the wife should be perfect in his eyes, for example, a Mother Teresa.

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Moon in Libra / Venus in Libra - hmmm, I like only Venus women, not to say purely feminine (because Venus as ruler of Libra is not in the best relationship with the ruler of Cancer, Moon - square 90 between Libra and Cancer)

Tears and hysterics, problem-solving communication in a relationship are poorly perceived, impeccable manners and diplomacy, compliance, distance - are needed. She should not be too upset and worried, nervous, a minimum of emotions and more of reason, this type of guy likes sociable women (air)

Rudeness is prohibited and not accepted, as it violates harmony. Let her create a pleasant and Venusian atmosphere, he likes it when she knows how to please and how to be liked by people, the man’s friends, and his environment. She is better to be demanded in society as a bride and know how to be beautiful, this is especially important. Such a man knows how to admire women and tries to please them, being a gentleman, he knows how to give flowers and care, but only on the condition that she behaves like a lady (democracy - accepting a different point of view, tact, diplomacy, love for oneself and others) Otherwise, he loses interest and looks for a new object that is admirable, she mentally builds a relationship with him without the desire to possess. He likes the image of dedication and the ability to sacrifice her interests for the sake of "we"

The smallest forms of egoism repel. Extremes in behavior too.

In general, the good positions of Venus and the Moon are a big plus for the ability to build relationships.

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The Moon / Venus in Aquarius / Gemini (air) - unlike Libra (also air) is not particularly demanding on external attributes, just being pretty in jeans is enough, here the emphasis is on sociability and democracy so that she can get along with many people. It is advisable to be able to be interesting and extraordinary so that it is not boring. Rebel in behavior is perceived normally, the requirements - to be an intellectual and read a lot. Easy, not requiring much, independent, free, and giving freedom. Without sticking, crying, and jealousy. Here Venus and the Moon in neutral positions for themselves, are not weak and not particularly strong. Friendly Venus / Moon, let her become my friend.

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