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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Feedback. Part 3. Predictions/Предсказания. Отзывы. Часть 3

Fb user Aigerim. In 2020 I predicted 2021 as negative: losses in money, drama in personal life and deceit. Feedback: Everything happened! I spent the earned money and turned minus. In personal life deceit, dissapointment, drama. 

Date of prediction: 2019 (the marriage will possibly be in 2019 and 2021)

A man (Dastan) got married twice. In 2019 (divorced) and in 2021. Женился два раза. В 2019 (развелся) и в 2021. 

Date of prediction: 2018 (married in 2019)

Date of prediction: August 2017 (the marriage will be in autumn 2019). Married in October 2019

Date of prediction: June 2016.  Married in 2021 (fb friend Andrea Svejcarova) 

The prediction was made in 2017 (if the marriage does not happen at the end of 2018-beginning 2019, then it will be in 2020). The marriage in 2019 happened in the fall. Anonymous friend. Almost is also correct. Since at the time of the forecast, the man did not have a girlfriend. 

Прогноз был сделан в 2017. Брак в 2019 случился осенью. Анонимный друг. Почти - это тоже правильно. Так как на момент прогноза у человека не было девушки.

I saw the coming marriage of Ariana Grande (prediction date: August 2020)
I wrote end of 2021, several months mistake (Actual marriage was in May 2021)
In 2018, they seemed to say "got engaged", but quickly broke up with her boyfriend. In 2022 she will get married. At the end of 2021 (November-December), there may even already be a marriage. During this period, in general.

From the second attempt (marriage in 2021, the previous date did not work)

Date of prediction: October 2020 (Future of Kyrgyz political leaders. Continuation). Tilek Toktogaziev ... the next 3 years are unfavorable for him. Especially in 2023. Fall. I read articles about the possibility of Tilek Toktogaziev's appointment as prime minister. This is just talking (Tilek Toktogaziev became the minister of agriculture, but in 3 months he resigned)

February 2021 (New governmental faces - what will be). Tashiev - The Head of State National Committee for National Security. Something wrong is going to happen in 2021. Very unsuccessful year for this politician (There was a tragedy in Batken, more than 30 people were killed among the ordinary population. After both Kyrgyz and Tajik sides agreed on stopping the shooting, the shooting started again and new people were killed. Tashiev was accused and criticized. He also had health issues)

Date of prediction: 2019 (Winning of the Green Card lottery in 2021)
Saikal Shailobekova from fb: "Good day, I would like to share the news. In 2019 I addressed you and you told me that 2021 would be an excellent year for me, that there is a possibility of winning the green card, and it's a miracle, imagine I won the green card! I'm glad, thank you"

Date of prediction: October 2020 (The future of the Kyrgyz political leaders) 

Babanov will be politically dead during the next several years. 2021-2022 are just awful in the life of this politician. He even might get imprisoned. (Babanov was arrested in May 2020 for corruption when he was Prime-minister in the past, several weeks ago Babanov was temporarily released due to health problems)

A man works in the police. The audio says "You predicted me problems at work or possible job loss by 2021, I lost the job, because the government changed and new managers came"

Once I wrote a man that a year was bad, he said:
- I married. Nothing bad happened
We know what happened with him. It's a public person and this marriage was fatal. His wife left him with small children.

Я как-то писала мужчине, что у него в тот год было плохо что-то. Он ответил:
- Я женился в этот год. Ничего плохого не было
Мы все знаем его, это публичная личность. В его жизни этот брак оказался роковым и жена бросила его с детьми. Мужчина вынужден был развестись.

Miraida told 11 month ago: I'm shocked at what you told me in May. I was disappointed by a man that meant a lot to me.

Olga Gruner:
Cholpon, as you know, I have been following your work since 2015, and since that time I have been contacting you for advice. Over time, I reread your predictions and wondered how accurate your predictions turned out to be. Most of all, I was struck by the prediction that I would become a new person in the second half of 2017, "there will be a little death." More precisely, I could not describe the positive but painful transformation that happened to me. I forgot about the forecast at that time, but looking back I see that the stars converged

Чолпон, как Вы знаете я слежу за Вашей работой с 2015, с этого же времени обращаюсь к Вам за консультациями. По прошествии времени перечитывала Ваши прогнозы и удивлялась, насколько точными оказывались ваши предсказания. Больше всего поразило предсказание о том, что стану новым человеком во второй половине 2017, "произойдет маленькая смерть". Более точно я бы не смогла описать ту положительную, но болезненную трансформацию, которая произошла со мной. О прогнозе я на тот момент забыла, но оглядываясь назад вижу, что звезды сошлись

Прогноз на 2017:
Я сожалею, но 2018-й год очень переломный в карьере
и больше негатива идет, чем позитива
к середине ближе 2018, а может и раньше идет смена работы, увольнение
Privet Cholpon. Nadeyus u tebya vse horosho. Ti mne delala prognoz v 2018 godu, screenshot naverhu. Tak vot, v 2018 ti govorila chto bolshe negativa, chem pozitiva, i kak ti sprognozirovala, k seredine v Iyulye 2018 ya ushla s raboti (Khursheda Jonmamadova)
Hu Cholpon. Hope you are doing well. You made predictions in 2018, the screenshot is above. So, in 2018 you told there would be more of negative hthan positive, and as you told by July 2018 I left the job (Khursheda Jonmamadova))

Спасибо огромнейшее за ваши прогнозы, как вы ранее предупреждали , что в начале 2020 будут отношения, но не будет брака. Так и получилось, через очень короткое время брак распался.
Young woman: Thank you very much for your predictions, as you previously warned that in early 2020 there would be a relationship, but no marriage. And so it happened, after a very short time, the marriage was destroyed.

2018: By the end of 2020 you may bravely get married, cool period! Alina married in September 2020

Date of prediction: Oct, 2017.
Marriage date: second half of 2019-first 2020, next period - second half of 2020-beginning 2021. Ideally, serious relationships will happen in the first period, and marriage will happen in the second period at the age of 24. (Actual marriage date: end of October 2020)

In 2018 I got married and in 2019 I gave birth to a daughter. August 2017 - date of prediction.

Predicted drama for 2020, in love - destruction and envy. A guy had a dramatic moment in love since he was caught having sex in the resort, captured by cameras and exposed to the public. All of us still feel sorry for Tilek. 

Делала прогноз девушке. Она - художник. В 2018 ее муж приобрел для нее студию-офис специально для Art, где она смогла бы рисовать и не только. Все расходы взял на себя. Это из статуса фб я узнала. Она активно ведет фб.
"В целом, хочется сказать про 2018-й год - плодотворный и насыщенный год в плане событий.
Возможно кто-то (возможно супруг) подарит что-то крупное – машину итп. Здесь идет максимально благоприятное время для притяжения чужих ресурсов – денег, людей, внимания и прочих благ.
С работой все отлично, не сказать, что легко, но если попотеть, то признание обеспечено. Это очень хороший год в карьерном росте, для Вас, как для фрилансера, это год благоприятный для самопродвижения, самопиара, можно показать результаты своей работы. В целом, очень положительный год для обретения особого статуса в социуме, правильнее сказать «авторитета», и обретения признания. В отношениях все хорошо, идет выход отношений на новый уровень.

I made a prediction for the girl. She is an artist. In 2018, her husband bought her a studio-office specifically for Art, where she could paint and more. All expenses were covered. I learned this from the status of the fb. She actively leads her fb. 2017: “In general, I would like to say about 2018 - a fruitful and eventful year. Perhaps someone (perhaps a spouse) will give something big - a car, etc. Here is the most favorable time for attracting other people's resources - money, people, attention and other benefits. Everything is fine with work, not to say that it is easy, but if you sweat, then recognition is guaranteed. This is a very good year in career growth, for you, as a freelancer, this is a year favorable for self-promotion, self-promotion, you can show the results of your work. In general, a very positive year for gaining a special status in society, it would be more correct to say "authority", and gaining recognition. Everything is good in the relationship, the relationship is going to a new level.

One year ago:


I determined the list of parties that will win the Elections this year (2020, October). Mekenim Kyrgystan, Kyrgyzstan, Birimdik, BirBol, Butun Kyrgyzstan. What about Ata-Meken? Guys, the opposition party Butun Kyrgyzstan has a big chance for winning. I saw this in the chart of Adahan Madumarov. He has crazy chances. 

Adahan Madumarov, the leader of party Butun Kyrgyzstan won the Elections for Supreme Council (consisting of 120 deputies). It was unpredictable, because Ata-Meken was always the winner among the oppositon parties and in 2020 it lost. As for the other parties, they were governmental and it was predictable they would win. 

Fb friend Feruza married in 2018 as was predicted.

Hey! The other day I read reviews and realized that I didn't really write you feedback 🙈 I decided to write) I myself am interested in populist astrology, or what to call it, when you find similarities in the description of the signs of the zodiac and the character of a person 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I was skeptical about astrologers and it was interesting how to tell more accurately about a person if he himself might not know everything. Back in 2016 I turned to you for the sake of interest 👀 and was very surprised 😱 that without knowing me, you described me in such detail that it became a little scary and creepy 😅 You talked about those features that sat somewhere deep inside me and I stubbornly tried to hide them from the rest🙈. But the description of me, as it turned out, was half the battle) you started talking about the future. Here I am even more skeptical, since everyone makes their own destiny. We were talking about work then and you said that until the end of 2016 and early 2017 I would not find a job. No matter how hard I had been looking for a job since the spring of 2016, I could not find a normal job or a part-time job. And only at the beginning of 2017 I found a job with a career, where I worked for more than 3 years. To say that I was very surprised is to say nothing 🙈 Also, from time to time we corresponded with you, and you asked about the imminent marriage, although at that time my boyfriend and I discussed this only the other day and did not even announce it to our parents. I don't know how you do it 🤷🏻‍♀️ but you are very good at it😊

Привет! На днях читала отзывы и поняла, что толком не писала тебе фидбек 🙈
Воот, решила написать)
Я сама по себе интересуюсь популистской астрологией или как это назвать, когда находишь схожести в описании знаков зодиака и характера человека 🤷🏻‍♀️ но к астрологам относилась скептически и было интересно, как можно ещё точнее рассказать о человеке, если сам он про себя может не все знать. В далеком 2016 году обратилась к тебе ради интереса 👀 и была очень удивлена 😱 что не зная меня, ты настолько детально меня описала, что стало немного страшновато и жутковато 😅 Ты говорила про те черты, которые заседали где-то глубоко внутри меня и я упорно пыталась спрятать их от остальных🙈.
Но описание меня, как оказалось, было полдела) ты начала говорить про будущее. Тут я ещё более скептична, так как каждый создает свою судьбу. Ну послушала ради интереса предсказание и не особо предала значение. Мы тогда разговаривали про работу и ты сказала, что до конца 2016-начала 2017 года не найду работу с карьерой. Как бы я упорно не искала работу с весны 2016 года, не могла найти нормальную работу или подработку. И только в начале 2017 г нашла норм работу с карьерой, где проработала больше 3х лет. Сказать, что была очень удивлена, это ничего не сказать 🙈
Также, периодически мы с тобой переписывались, и ты спрашивала про скорое замужество, хотя на тот момент мы с парнем только на днях обсудили это и не объявляли даже родителям. Не знаю, как ты это делаешь 🤷🏻‍♀️ но у тебя очень здорово получается😊

(February, 2021: Hi, Cholpon! I just want to declare about your predictions for the twins. I'm Deniz, found the job in December as you predicted this. Then, Nargiz got a job in February where I worked.)

Job loss predicted in 2019 for 2020

I look above what you wrote: the promotion - yes! Money - the salary was increased (Fb friend Bermet Nurbekova)

I would like to say that as you predicted it happened in 2019 - career and moving

As you wrote, summer-fall the moving happened, the purchase of the apartment. You wrote that in 2021 there would be a moving again and to a new apartment. In March the present is likely to be gifted and true, the brother donated the part of land by the end of February.
Predicted in the very beginning of 2018 that by the end of 2018 the brother of a person would get married. In March 2018 he says the brother was going to marry.

You told me correctly: I defended my diploma for an A and will get it in September. I'm more than glad for the work you have done.

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