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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Analysis of the election victories of US presidents/Анализ побед президентов США на выборах

 I chose several US presidents and made an analysis of what was happening in their predictive chart. 

I made a conclusion that for the first presidency term there should be a converging aspect of 60 or 120 degrees, sometimes conjunct. The second term election sometimes included the diverging aspect of Saturn. Saturn is the exception to the rule since Saturn often gives the event after the peak.

Barack Obama was elected in November 2008 and officially became president in January 2009. Obama had Mars conjunct to Neptune (19 min till the full conjunct 0) 

Reelection: Sun made almost 60 to Mercury

George Bush was elected on Jupiter 119 degrees 38 minutes to Pluto in Nov 2000. It became 119 deg 48 min in Jan 2000. 
Reelection: Neptun-Mecrury conjunct 10 min.

Bill Clinton had two of the good aspects:
Sun conjunct to Venus (2 minutes to 0)
Uranus 60'11 Mars - converging to 60'0
Reelection: Solar Arc Moon (the ruler of the 10th house) crosses the 10th house, Saturn makes 120'46 to Moon (Saturn is the exception. Events happen in the diverging aspect)

Ronald Reagan had Mars 119'47 to Jupiter (in the 10 house) in Nov 1980 that became exact in January 1981. He also had Sun 60'04 Pluto that became exact 60 in Dec 1980.  Mars made 60'13 to Moon (also converging), Venus (the ruler of 10th house)conjunct 33 min to Moon. 
A lot of good converging aspects! He was among the best US presidents! 
Reelection: Saturn 119'21 min to Jupiter (diverging)

George Gerbert Bush had only one term. We can explain this. On election day he did not have any of the aspects. He did not have bad ones, but good ones too. Usually, the president should have at least one of the converging aspects 60 or 120 (conjunct too). 

John Kennedy had nothing too. It means he will not be president for long too. After 2,5 years of his presidency, in 1963, he died. In 1963 Neptune made 89'57 to Venus - ruler of Asc (90 square), Mars conjunct 48' to Pluto. 

Franklin Roosevelt had Saturn 119'54 to Mercury (the ruler of the 10th house). Saturn in the converging aspect gives long power. 
Reelection: Sun 60 exact to Venus
3rd reelection: empty
4th reelection: Neptune 59'40 to Jupiter (the same as Trump's now)

Trump had Pluto-Uranus 119'29 (Uranus is in the 10th house) 
Reelection: Neptune 59'34 to Jupiter, Moon 60 exact Pluto. In Jan 2021 Neptune makes 59'45 to Jupiter. Trump stays for the second term.
Biden had Mars 120'15 to Neptune (diverging!) Now he has 120'20. It means Joe Biden is not going to win the election. For the first presidency, a person should have a converging aspect. Yes, Mars trined to Neptune several days before the election day. It means he had the support of rich sponsors and his campaign was good. It's not enough to be elected. 

George Washington, the first president of the US, was elected when Uranus (the ruler of the 10th house) made conjunction with Mercury (in the 10th house). During the reelection, he had a lot of positive green lines which means he was 60 and this was a real success. 

Andrew Jackson is the 4th president of the US, was elected at the age of 60 under a lot of green aspects (120 and 60 degrees) like above.
Reelection: Jupiter 60'21 Uranus, Saturn 59'42, Neptune 120'40 Saturn (converging)

One of the few best presidents of the US. Abraham Lincoln is an Aquarius (Sun and Asc in Aquarius). National hero, the one who abolished slavery in the United States. Aquarius is a sign of democracy, freedom.
Election date 1860: Jupiter 60'03 Pluto
Death 1865: Pluto 179'53 Uranus (the ruler of Asc)

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