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Friday, July 10, 2020

Predictions. Feedback. Part2/Отзывы. Предсказания. Часть2

Part 1 of the feedbacks is here

18/06/2019 "У Вас все круто будет в 2020 Чего бы это не касалось" "It's gonna be cool in 2020. Whatever sphere it is"...
Опубликовано Cholpon Kurmanalieva Четверг, 2 июля 2020 г.
 You predicted marriage to me and as a result, after half a year or a little more, I got married and gave birth to a daughter ❤️❤️❤️ it’s certainly cool that you can see such a significant event from the stars and even determine the exact year))))
(Albina Chotonova, marriage year 2017)

Ты предсказала мне замужество и в итоге через пол года или чуть больше я вышла замуж и родила дочь ❤️❤️❤️ это конечно круто, что можно по звёздам увидеть такое значимое событие да ещё и год точно определить))))
(Albina Chotonova, год брака 2017)

I once predicted exactly when a pregnant woman would give birth to a baby. She was given a Cesarean term for one date, and I said a few days earlier. That was 4 years ago, in November 2016. I was asked to say the exact day 3 weeks before delivery. On the day that I indicated as date of birth, the woman went on ultrasound. She was told that the fetus was suffocating and it was necessary to do a cesarean today. That's what they told me after childbirth. About their surprise.

Я как-то предсказала точно, когда беременная женщина родит ребенка. Ей поставили срок кесарево на одну дату, а я сказала на несколько дней раньше (на 3 дня кажется). Это было 4 года назад, в ноябре 2016. Меня попросили сказать точный день за 3 недели до родов. В тот день, который я назвала женщина пошла на узи. Ей сказали, что плод задыхается и надо сегодня делать кесарево. Вот об этом мне рассказали после родов. О своем удивлении.

I said in the summer of 2019 that buying a house would be very likely in the near future. This question was uncertainly asked because they really wanted and did not really believe. I saw their doubts and began to doubt myself. However, in 2020 they finally bought the house.

Я говорила летом 2019, что покупка дома будет с большой вероятностью в ближайшее время. Неуверенно задавали вопрос этот, так как очень хотели и не очень верили. Я видела их сомнения и сама сомневаться начала.

На изображении может находиться: текст «здравствуйте чолпон! ура!!!!! мы купили дом большое вам спасибо желаю вам успехов! вы большой молодец»

In autumn 2015 I made a prediction that a guy would marry his girlfriend at the and of 2016-beginning 2017 period. I  wrote: January/February 2017. He did not plan, but now in 2020, I find out he registered his marriage officially in February, 2017.


Ruslan Kasein was amazed at how accurately I described his past. I wrote his 2017 and 2018 were great in terms of life and status improvement. Something cool had happened. "Just superb! Everything is true!" - his words. 2023 - his next period of success.

Hea Su - fb friend from Kazakhstan wrote to me in June 2018 asking to make predictions. I wrote that all the best changes were going to happen in 2020. There would be marriage and career growth. She really found a good job, married a guy and gave birth to a son in 2020!

Казахстанка Hea Su пользователь фейсбука писала в июне 2018 и действительно 2020 - отличный год! Хорошая работа, покупка квартиры и брак с рождением сына.

Baidoolot Talant Uulu, thank you for letting me share I was right about your marriage date prediction! I want men to be equally interested in astrology as women. Men, write me more!
In 2018 March, I predicted he would marry at the end of 2019-beginning 2020 period. December 2019 was his date of marriage. My network consists of great people!

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My fb friend Amantur was predicted a career promotion a year before it happened.

"2018 went well! As you predicted 😊 There was a promotion that I have long been striving for. " Does anyone have any career questions? What is your current situation?

"2018 прошёл хорошо! Как ты и предсказала 😊
Было повышение, к которому я долго стремился."
У кого есть вопросы по карьере? Какая ситуация у Вас сейчас?

На изображении может находиться: небо и на улице

This girl was only 18 years old. On May 22 2020 I predicted her marriage in 2020. She married in 2020 and called me to say about that..
На изображении может находиться: текст

"I specifically downloaded the Facebook messenger for you, although I don’t visit fb at all. I have so many contacts that yours is lost. I re-read the correspondence on fb messenger, I would say 75 percent matches everything you say. There are inaccuracies, but many coincide. Therefore, I downloaded the fb messenger to write to you and now deleted it again "
I made a prediction that 2018 would be successful and was right. I t was very successful.

"Я специально ради Вас скачал фейсбук мессенджер, хотя я вообще не захожу в фб.
У меня столько вотсап контактов, что Ваш затерялся. Вот переписку перечитал в фб, я бы сказал процентов на 75 совпадает все что Вы говорите. Бывают неточности, но много совпадает. Поэтому вот скачал мессенджер фб чтоб написать Вам и сейчас удалил снова"
Я делала прогноз, что 2018 год будет успешным и была права.

This middle-aged man confirmed that in 2019 he had job difficulties and lost everything. This is the analysis of past events. I know he lost his high position job he had worked for a lot of years and made huge contributions there.

2 weeks ago I consulted a girl and predicted her health problems. 2 days after my forecast she fell ill with pneumonia. Youth is power. She will cope and everything will be ok.

2 недели назад консультировалась девушка. Через 2 дня после моего прогноза заболела пневмонией. Молодость - сила. Справится и снова все будет ок.

На изображении может находиться: текст «алтынай TK вот здоровье не будет радовать 12:30 особенно если есть хронические заболевания 12:31 Ho будут ресурсы и технологии чтоб вылечить 12:32 поправить 12:32»

On July 24 I wrote that Atambaev would have horrible 2020 and 2021. He would have serious problems with law or health. He would feel the weakness for sure. It happened that 1 month after my prediction the government arrested him by attacking his home. In 2020, just recently, he was sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment. Now, he also has serious health issues - a heavy form of pneumonia.
На изображении может находиться: 1 человек, текст
Looking at the past I often see events I would have never known without Astrology. F.e, a girl I do know had repair works in her house.

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In 2017 I wrote a fb friend she would find a job right after graduation in 2018. She really found a job in July 2018. I also predicted a marriage. Sometimes, the word "marriage" might be just a great romantic relationship. The last one was exactly true. She started a relationship with a guy.

AUCA alumni Fb name Asel I know from fb only married in 2019 as I said.
На изображении может находиться: текст «я вам правильно предсказала брак оказывается в записи в 2019 летом забыла про вашу карту дааа вы все правильно сказали и тогда еще говорили»
This prediction was made by me in September 2020. I wrote a girl I had never even seen before by her request.
- The marriage will be either in 2020 or 2021, in the nearest 2 years.
In 2020, April I wrote to her to find out how things were going. She replied that she had married a month ago.

My fb friend gave me feedback that in 2018 she had a promotion and salary improvement as I predicted.

I saw good events in the life of parents and supposed she helped them. It was true. She helped her parents by giving them a sum of money.

In 2019 I asked my subscribers here in the blog who do not trust to try the Astrological system. I suggested looking at past events.  Only one woman wrote. She confirmed my words that in 2018 she had betrayal, cheating of her husband with another woman.

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I do accurate predictions for my relatives. I predicted in 2019 that there would be a repair work, purchase of the house, and childbirth in 2020. This thing happened - my cousin paid off fully for the apartment and became the owner, he also had a repair work in 2020 and his wife got pregnant in 2019 and gave birth in 2020.

На изображении может находиться: текст «в 2020 возможен переезд или покупка жилья 17:23 ремонт 17:23 возможно также рождение ребе... 17:2»

I predicted health difficulties in 2020 to my grandmother in 2019. I was afraid. The scary thing actually happened. She had an inflammation of eyes and lost the sight of one eye completely.
I predicted health problems to my mother in 2017 by the end of 2017. She had several flues a row, plus she had pneumonia in 2018 as a result of weakened health. I suppose sometimes there can be a mistake of several months. Also, I predicted my mother she would have a new job or career improvements in 2019. She had worked as a part-time staff at AUCA Continuing Education Center for 7 years, in 2019 she became full-time staff at TSI college. English language teaching position.

Aiperi, a friend of my peer groupmate in 2017 asked me to predict her a marriage date. I supposed 2018 or 2019. But if she had married in 2018, she would have a child in 2019 as I supposed. She married in 2018 and had a child in 2019.

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