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Солнечные знаки (общеизвестные Знаки Зодиака)

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Saturn and Venus 120 for Meghan Markle

At the time of marriage, Meghan Markle had a Saturn trine to Venus aspect. What does this mean? Saturn means strength, usually such marriages under Saturn aspect are longlasting. Even the divorce aspects had no effect, Harry just went to another country for work. Since Saturn made a trine to Venus for Meghan Markle at the time of marriage, this means she got married successfully, at first she felt bad in this marriage (not Harry’s fault), but even so... it was thanks to this marriage that she became much more famous and her status changed. 

Marriage prediction happened

 Marriage prediction happened. 2024 second half - prediction. Marriage proposal took place this year these days. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024 founder Pavel Durov

 Pavel Durov has been arrested by France suspected of fraud. In 2025 he will be acquitted in my opinion. 2026 - will lose money, not very significant. In 2027 he will become powerful. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

#1 in freestyle fighting

The previous article was not detailed. The list of Olympic Gold medals. 

Olympic gold:

Aries: 16, Scorpio: 14, Virgo: 13

 54-58 kg

Aries - 7 Olympic Gold medals.

65.77 kg-70 kg

Virgo - 4 Olympic Gold medals

Virgos: Kalle Antilla, Anderberg, Fadziev (2*OCH)

71.67 kg-78 kg

Pisces - 6 Olympic Gold medals.

73 kg - 86 kg

Aries: 4 Olympic Gold medals.

71.67 kg - 100 kg

Scorpio - 4 Olympic Gold medals

100 kg - 125 kg

Gemini and Scorpio - two Olympic Gold medals.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Adele and Rich Paul marriage prediction

 Adele and Rich Paul will marry in 2024 - said in my prediction 2 years ago. They have been engaged this year, a month ago. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

#1 in greco-roman fighting

Olympic Gold medals.

 Libra - 21, Pisces - 14, Leo - 14, Aquarius - 13, Virgo - 11, Aries - 9, Scorpio - 8, Sagittarus - 7, Gemini - 6, Cancer - 5, Taurus - 5. 

Libra is #1 in greco-roman fighting. The most famous fighter Libra among the kyrgyz is a two-time World champion Zholaman Sharshenbekov. 

There was one more article before with the number of two-time OCHs and it was also Libra. 

 Astrology for self-knowledge : #1 in Greco-Roman fighting/№1 в греко-римской борьбе ( 

The previous one was not fully in details. 

Here we can name all Olympic champions in greco-roman fighting and Libra is #1. 

58-60 kg

#1 Libra - 4 Olympic golds. Eduard Putzep, Konstantin Vurupaev, Janos Varga, An Han-bong.

66.6 kg - 70 kg

#1 Libra - 6 Olympic Golds. 

Emil Vare (2*OCH), Muneji Munemura, Filiberto Aguilera, Stelve Guenot, Filiberto Azcuy.

72-77 kg

#1 Libra - 4 Olympic Gold medals. 

Filiberto Azcuy, Manuchar Kvirkvelia, Roman Vlasov (2*OCH).


#1 Libra 

#1 is Aquarius - 4 Olympic Gold medals. 

David Chakvetadze, Carl Westegren - Libras.

82.5 kg - 97 kg

#1 Libra - 5 Olympic Golds 

Carl Westegren, Georgi Rayka, Andjei Vronski (2*OCH), Artur Alesanian. 

93-130 kg

#1 is Leo

Mijain Lopez - 5 times Olympic Gold winner. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

New rule - Lord's year is the loss year

 Two main favorites for the Olympic Gold this year lost. Both are born in the rabbit's year, 2024 is a year of a Dragon. Dragon is the Lord of a Rabbit. It's very rare that a sportsman can win in his Lord year. Dina Averina's Lord year brought her silver, she and Linoi Ashram both deserved Olympic gold in my opinion and both made mistakes. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Marriage prediction

Audio: 2024 marriage, Today I received a message that the marriage is soon, already appointed.